omaek193 Novice
Joined: 10 Oct 2002 Posts: 30 Location: Italy
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 2:34 pm
Single spell status for the entire group window. |
[zMud 6.62]
I'm trying to create a window in which I control the status of the spell 'aura' for any player of my group.
Typical mud output:
Your group consist of:
Aragorn (leader) HP:100% MN:100% MV:100%
Gimli HP:100% MN:100% MV:100%
Legolas the elf HP:100% MN:100% MV:100%
My trigger:
TRIGGER {^(%w) * HP:(%d)% MN:(%d)% MV:(%d)%} {#ADDITEM GroupMembers %1}
So everytime I store in a stringlist the names of my group members.
Typical mud output (inside parentesys my comments):
Aragorn is surrounded by a white aura. (Aragorn is now affected by aura)
The glowing aura around Gimli starts fading. (Last 2 tick for the aura of Gimli)
The glowing aura around Legolas the elf is faded. (Legolas is no more affected by aura)
My triggers:
#TRIGGER {^(%w) * surrounded by a white aura.$} {#IF (%ismember( %1,@GroupMembers)) {#WIN aura %1 full aura} {#NOOP}}
#TRIGGER {^The glowing aura around (%w) * fading.$} {#IF (%ismember( %1,@GroupMembers)) {#WIN aura %1 last 2 of aura} {#NOOP}}
#TRIGGER {^The glowing aura around (%w) * faded.$} {#IF (%ismember( %1,@GroupMembers)) {#WIN aura %1 aura faded!!!} {#NOOP}}
Please note that all the matter ^(%w) * in triggers is because players may appear as "name" or "name the race", in any case
I use only the name, it's only a trick to match only and always the player name.
I omitted he triggers for my personal aura, they not are useful for my explaination.
Now the problem, at this moment my aura window will appear as a scroll like:
Legolas full aura
Gimli full aura
Legolas last 2 of aura
Gimli last 2 of aura
Aragorn aura faded!!!
Legolas aura faded!!!
Aragorn full aura
Legolas full aura
etc. etc.
I wonder if there's a trick to have a window that presents always one line per group member and the status of the spell for the specific member.
Thank you all in advance. |
Vijilante SubAdmin
Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:14 pm |
Try using the Status Window for this.
omaek193 Novice
Joined: 10 Oct 2002 Posts: 30 Location: Italy
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:28 pm |
Sorry... honestly I don't unterstand your hint.
No problem for me in using the status window, but for which reason?
My problem is that I don't know the number of lines of the window, and I think that linking players-variables to status-of-the-spell-on-single-player-variable(s) will result only a whole mess.
Actually the history-style of my window works good, my only wonder is on a method to collapse messages for every single player. |
LightBulb MASTER
Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 4817 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:58 pm |
#TRIGGER {^(%w) * HP:(%d)~% MN:(%d)~% MV:(%d)~%} {#ADDITEM GroupMembers %1}
#TRIGGER {^({@GroupMembers}) * surrounded by a white aura.$} {#ADDKEY GroupAura %1 {full aura};#ADD STW 1}
#TRIGGER {^The glowing aura around ({@GroupMembers}) * fading.$} {#ADDKEY GroupAura %1 {last 2 of aura};#ADD STW 1}
#TRIGGER {^The glowing aura around ({@GroupMembers}) * faded.$} {#ADDKEY GroupAura %1 {aura faded!!!};#ADD STW 1}
#STW {%expanddb( @GroupAura, %cr)}
NOTE: @STW is simply to ensure that a recognized variable change occurs with each trigger so that the Status Window will update. |
omaek193 Novice
Joined: 10 Oct 2002 Posts: 30 Location: Italy
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:30 pm |
This is absolutely cool.
Works simply perfect.
Go LightBulb Go! |