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megamog75 Enchanter
Joined: 20 Nov 2002 Posts: 627 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 7:44 pm
Language (Speak elf or Whatever) Ver 1.5 |
Yep I made another program for all of you to have fun with.
Language Is a program for Speaking other languages, now I don't mean REAL languages but it just looks like it to everyone else who your not talking to, and I mean speaking in your mud with say
Basically it is scrambled text for what ever You have typed.
It has an interface that I thought was cool and it incorporates my OnOff switch witch I posted.
How it works
You type: lan Hello what a fine day may I get 5 flowers please
Looks something like this depending on the language or code:
len agooe bpls l qucg tlf xlf u vgs 5 qoebgdh koglhg
You can set the code manually but not the language unless you want to dive into this thing and see how it works.
Features Ver 1.0
1) OnOff gives you the ability to turn on and off the program
2) Language wich turns on the Interface
The Interface can be activated through the speed menu after you save this to your program, Just right click and chose Language
1) The first Interface you will see will be a green Power button followed by four Three blank button and a button with a left arrows on it
1a) Power Button, when pushed will change the interface to its second face (see below)
1b) The four clear buttons, at first you must push each button at least once, Pushing the button will start it to count up from 1 to 9 and then start over.
1c) Each button is part of the code for scrambling the text
1d) The last button is for calculating the four number in you code after changing them you have to hit this button to calculate it all together
1d) Pushing the individual buttons now automatically calculates the new total
2) The Second Interface is gotten to by pushing the Power button once
2a) The first Button is clear and by pushing it again it will shut off the interface.
2b) The second Button has the word Elf on it, and is just a preset code for it to use to scramble your text up with, by pushing it, the button will scroll through the list of languages and set the code accordingly
Help menu
The help Menu was an idea I got from NAME and I love it, so I pass it on to you
Help menu capabilities:
1) Explanation of help functions with executable words to do what ever you pick from the list
2) Clear Language Variables
3) Adding and Deleting Languages, so you can preset some of you own or erase them
Revisions for Ver 1.5
1) Condensed and removed some repetative programing
2) Added the Power menu to shut it all down and turn it all on
3) Corrected the other placement of menu for cuting and pasting
4) Added Spaces to var=anything, Like Lightbuld suggested so this could be viewed easier
5) Redid the Interface (see above strike outs)
Copy and Past everything between the lines.
#CLASS {Languages}
#CLASS {Languages|InterFace}
#ALIAS HelpLang {#clr;#echo This Program was created for making a new language.;#echo I hope you find these help files helpful.;#MXP <color %colorname('yellow')><send "LangageClear">LangageClear</send></color><color %colorname('blue')> Will RESET All Stored information in the variables for this program.</color>;#MXP <color %colorname('yellow')><send "LangageNew">LangageNew</send></color><color %colorname('blue')> Will ADD a new Language to the files.</color>;#MXP <color %colorname('yellow')><send "LangageOld">LangageOld</send></color><color %colorname('blue')> Will REMOVE a Language from the files, This action is permanent.</color>;#echo The Person you are sending this message to should have this program up and running also it helps if they know the language or code your using;#show -----------------------------------------------------------------;#echo By typing %ansi(high,yellow)lan %ansi(high,blue)and anything else;#echo You will send a message to who ever in a different Language;#echo It's not really a language per say in real life but it's fun to think of it that way.}
#ALIAS LanguageClear {Linguistics = "";LinguisticsA = "";LinguisticsB = "";LinguisticsC = "";Language = "";LanguageCnt = "";LanguageA = "";LanguageB = "";LanguageC = "";LanguageD = "";LanguageHold = "";LanguageDialect = "";LanguageDialectA = "";LanguageDialectB = "";LanguageDialectC = "";LanguageDialectD = "";LanguageDialectE = "25";LanguagePower = "0";LanguageDialectZ = "";LanguagePowerSwitch = "0";ForeignLang = "Elf";LanguageButtonChange = "";LanguageButtonChangeList = "";LanguageButtonChangeCount = "";#echo All Systems Clear!!}
#ALIAS LanguageNew {#prompt LanguageNew "Enter The Name Of The New Language";#prompt LanguageNewValue "Enter The Value For Your New Language, Remember to keep it 25 or less";#if @LanguageNewValue<26 {#addkey Dialects @LanguageNew @LanguageNewValue} {LanguageNew}}
#ALIAS LanguageOld {#prompt LanguageOld "Enter The Name Of The Language You Wish To Remove";#delkey Dialects @LanguageOld}
#BUTTON 1 {} {#if @LanguagePowerSwitch=0 {#t+ LanguagePowerSwitchA;#t+ ForeignLanguage;#t- LanguagePowerSwitch;#t- LDA;#t- LDB;#t- LDC}} {} {} {} {} {CIRCG} {Size} {15} {14} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Top} {} {LanguagePowerSwitch}
#BUTTON 2 {@LanguageDialectA} {#if @LanguageDialectA=9 {LanguageDialectA = 0} {#ADD LanguageDialectA 1};LanguageDialectE=%abs(@LanguageDialectA+@LanguageDialectB+@LanguageDialectC+@LanguageDialectD)} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {23} {14} {Pos} {1} {15} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {LDA}
#BUTTON 3 {@LanguageDialectB} {#if @LanguageDialectB=9 {LanguageDialectB = 0} {#ADD LanguageDialectB 1};LanguageDialectE=%abs(@LanguageDialectA+@LanguageDialectB+@LanguageDialectC+@LanguageDialectD)} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {23} {14} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {LDB}
#BUTTON 4 {@LanguageDialectC} {#if @LanguageDialectC=9 {LanguageDialectC = 0} {#ADD LanguageDialectC 1};LanguageDialectE=%abs(@LanguageDialectA+@LanguageDialectB+@LanguageDialectC+@LanguageDialectD)} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {23} {14} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {LDC}
#BUTTON 5 {} {#t- LanguagePowerSwitchA;#t- ForeignLanguage;LanguagePowerSwitch = 1;#MENU Language {#t+ LanguagePowerSwitch;#t+ LDA;#T+ LDB;#t+ LDC;LanguagePowerSwitch=0;#unmenu Language;#gag}} {} {} {} {} {CIRC} {Size} {19} {14} {Pos} {1} {1} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {LanguagePowerSwitchA}
#BUTTON 6 {@ForeignLang} {LanguageButtonChange = %replace(%expanddb(@Dialects,"|"),"=","|");LanguageButtonChangeList = %numitems(@LanguageButtonChange);LanguageButtonChangeCount = %ismember(@ForeignLang,@LanguageButtonChange);#if %abs(@LanguageButtonChangeCount+2)>@LanguageButtonChangeList {LanguageButtonChangeCount = 1;ForeignLang = %item(@LanguageButtonChange,@LanguageButtonChangeCount);LanguageDialectE = %item(@LanguageButtonChange,%abs(@LanguageButtonChangeCount+1))} {LanguageButtonChangeCount = %abs(@LanguageButtonChangeCount+2);ForeignLang = %item(@LanguageButtonChange,@LanguageButtonChangeCount);LanguageDialectE=%item(@LanguageButtonChange,%abs(@LanguageButtonChangeCount+1))}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {68} {14} {Pos} {1} {15} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {ForeignLanguage}
#CLASS {Languages|Engine}
#ALIAS LanguageDialect {#prompt LanguageDialect "Enter Your code, Remember to make it under 25";#if @LanguageDialect<26 {LanguageDialectZ=@LanguageDialect;#loop %len(@LanguageDialectZ),2 {LanguageDialectZ=%insert("|",@LanguageDialectZ,%i)};LanguageDialectA = %item(@LanguageDialectZ,1);LanguageDialectB = %item(@LanguageDialectZ,2);LanguageDialectC = %item(@LanguageDialectZ,3);LanguageDialectD = %item(@LanguageDialectZ,4);LanguageDialectE = %abs(@LanguageDialectA+@LanguageDialectB+@LanguageDialectC+@LanguageDialectD)} {LanguageDialect}}
#ALIAS LanguagePower {#if @LanguagePower = 0 {LanguagePower = 1;#t- lan} {LanguagePower = 0;#t+ lan}}
#ALIAS lan {Language = "";LanguageA = "";LanguageB = "";LanguageC = "";LanguageD = "";LanguageCnt = "";LanguageHold = "";#if @LanguageDialectE>0 {#noop} {LanGuageDialect};Language="%-1";Language = %lower(@Language);LanguageCnt = %len(@Language);#loop @LanguageCnt,2 {#var Language %insert("|",@Language,%i)};#loop 1,@LanguageCnt {#if %item(@Language,%i)=" " {#var LanguageA %additem(%item(@Language,%i),@LanguageA)} {#if %isnumber(%item(@Language,%i)) {#var LanguageHold %additem(%item(@Language,%i),@LanguageHold);#var LanguageA %additem(".",@LanguageA)} {#var LanguageA %additem(%ismember(%item(@Language,%i),@LanguageAlpha),@LanguageA)}}};#forall @LanguageA {#if %i=. {#var LanguageB %additem(".",@LanguageB)} {#if %i=" " {#var LanguageB %additem(" ",@LanguageB)} {#var LanguageB %additem(%abs(@LanguageDialectE+%i),@LanguageB)}}};#forall @LanguageB {#if %i=. {#var LanguageC %additem(".",@LanguageC)} {#if %i=" " {#var LanguageC %additem(" ",@LanguageC)} {#if %i>26 {#var LanguageC %additem(%abs(%i-26),@LanguageC)} {#var LanguageC %additem(%i,@LanguageC)}}}};#forall @LanguageC {#if %i=. {#var LanguageD %additem(%item(@LanguageHold,1),@LanguageD,%i);#var LanguageHold %delnitem(@LanguageHold,1)} {#if %i=" " {#var LanguageD %additem(" ",@LanguageD)} {#var LanguageD %additem(%item(@LanguageAlpha,%i),@LanguageD)}}};LanguageD = %replace(@LanguageD,"|","");#say @LanguageD;#send @LanguageD}
#VAR Linguistics {}
#VAR LinguisticsA {}
#VAR LinguisticsB {}
#VAR LinguisticsC {}
#VAR Language {}
#VAR LanguageCnt {}
#VAR LanguageAlpha {a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z|.|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z|.}
#VAR LanguageA {}
#VAR LanguageB {}
#VAR LanguageC {}
#VAR LanguageD {}
#VAR LanguageNum {A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I}
#VAR LanguageHold {}
#VAR LanguageDialect {}
#VAR LanguageDialectA {}
#VAR LanguageDialectB {}
#VAR LanguageDialectC {}
#VAR LanguageDialectD {}
#VAR LanguageDialectE {25}
#VAR LanguagePower {0}
#VAR LanguageDialectZ {}
#VAR LanguagePowerSwitch {1}
#VAR ForeignLang {Elf}
#VAR Dialects {Dragon5Wizard10Halfelf15Orge20Lizardmen25Elf3}
#VAR LanguageNew {}
#VAR LanguageNewValue {}
#VAR LanguageOld {}
#VAR LanguageButtonChange {}
#VAR LanguageButtonChangeList {}
#VAR LanguageButtonChangeCount {}
#VAR LangOnOff {0}
#TRIGGER {^Len (*)} {Language = "";LanguageA = "";LanguageB = "";LanguageC = "";LanguageD = "";LanguageCnt = "";LanguageHold = "";Linguistics = "";LinguisticsA = "";LinguisticsB = "";LinguisticsC = "";#if @LanguageDialectE>0 {#noop} {LanGuageDialect};Language = {%1};LanguageCnt = %len(@Language);#loop @LanguageCnt,2 {#var Language %insert("|",@Language,%i)};#loop 1,@LanguageCnt {#if %item(@Language,%i)=" " {#var LanguageA %additem(%item(@Language,%i),@LanguageA,%i)} {#if %isnumber(%item(@Language,%i)) {#var LanguageHold %additem(%item(@Language,%i),@LanguageHold);#var LanguageA %additem(".",@LanguageA)} {#var LanguageA %additem(%ismember(%item(@Language,%i),@LanguageAlpha),@LanguageA)}}};#forall @LanguageA {LinguisticsA=%i;LinguisticsB = @LanguageDialectE;#math LinguisticsC @LinguisticsA-@LinguisticsB;#if %i=. {#var Linguistics %additem(%item(@LanguageHold,1),@Linguistics,%i);#var LanguageHold %delnitem(@LanguageHold,1)} {#if %i=" " {#var Linguistics %additem(" ",@Linguistics,%i)} {#if @LinguisticsC<0 {#var Linguistics %additem(%item(@LanguageAlpha,%abs(%i+26-@LanguageDialectE)),@Linguistics,%i)} {#var Linguistics %additem(%item(@LanguageAlpha,%abs(%i-@LanguageDialectE)),@Linguistics,%i)}}}};#sub %replace(@Linguistics,"|","")}
#MENU {Language OnOff} {#if @LangOnOff=0 {#t+ Languages;LangOnOff = 1;#MENU Language {#t+ LanguagePowerSwitch;#t+ LDA;#T+ LDB;#t+ LDC;LanguagePowerSwitch = 0;#unmenu Language;#gag}} {#t- Languages;#unmenu Language;LangOnOff = 0}} ""
#T- LanguagePowerSwitch
#T- LanguagePowerSwitchA
#T- Translate
#VAR LangOnOff {0}
#MENU {Language OnOff} {#if @LangOnOff=0 {#t+ Languages;LangOnOff=1} {#t- Languages;LangOnOff=0}} ""
#MENU {Language} {#t+ LanguagePowerSwitch;#t+ LDA;#T+ LDB;#t+ LDC;LanguagePowerSwitch=0;#unmenu Language;#gag} ""
Good luck and if you find any bugs let me know here or email me
Check back periodically for any update. |
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LightBulb MASTER
Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 4817 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 6:15 am |
If you'd really like to reduce the screen width to something reasonable just add some spaces to your variable setup line.
#ALIAS LangageClear {Linguistics = "";LinguisticsA = "";LinguisticsB = "";LinguisticsC = "";Language = "";LanguageCnt = "";LanguageA = "";LanguageB = "";LanguageC = "";LanguageD = "";LanguageHold = "";LanguageDialect = "";LanguageDialectA = "";LanguageDialectB = "";LanguageDialectC = "";LanguageDialectD = "";LanguageDialectE = "25";LanguagePower = "0";LanguageDialectZ = "";LanguagePowerSwitch = "0";ForeignLang = "Elf";LanguageButtonChange = "";LanguageButtonChangeList = "";LanguageButtonChangeCount = "";#echo All Systems Clear!!}
You might need similar changes to some other lines, but this looks like the longest one. |
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megamog75 Enchanter
Joined: 20 Nov 2002 Posts: 627 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:30 pm |
Thanks Lightbulb, I think I will save this file with Pretty Print and that should take care of it for me.
I should have the update in place momentaraly |
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rezo247 Newbie
Joined: 06 Nov 2009 Posts: 4
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:27 pm Update? |
Did this ever get updated?
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