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Joined: 25 Jul 2003
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 12:33 pm   

Database frustration
Ok here is what I am frustrated with, and its mostly becuase I am not used to working with databases so it may be very simple and I am just not getting it.

I have two databases in zmud that I need to pull information from, one for creatures and one for spells.

the creature database has the fields.
Name, LSpell(spell for beyond rank3),SSpell(spell for rank 3 or below),skinnable(which is a boolean),searchable(boolean), tier

Spell Database has the fields
Spellname,type (Combat, Defense, utility, or modifier),Range(L, S, N/A), damagetype(Fire, Water, earth, air, void, pierce, slash, blunt), Spellcomponents

Now what I need to do is this

When I become engaged I need it to do a search on creature DB, and I can get this to work by using find, now what I run into a problem is I need to return the values in those fields and place them in the variables

Name1, Sspell, Lspell, skin1, search1, tier1

Then I need to using sspell, and Lspell to do another find on the spell database and replace the values in Sspell1 and Lspell1 after the find so that the components are in them instead of the spellname I did the search on so that the script can actually cast those spells.

If your wondering why I am doing this its becuase in any giving hunting tiere there are a minimum of 2 and maximum of 5 hunting grounds each hunting ground has a minimum of 3 maximum of 6 creatures, no spell reaches all 6 ranks so you have to use 2 spells if you wish to hit them at any rank, also each creature has a damage type that does greater damage, from elemental to physical. Now I have all this information written down but after hunting throug 15 tiers my notebook has grown to epic proportions becuase also included is information on skinning parts where they are useable for enchanting or dyes or for making fabrics for weaving, if the creature is even searchable some creatures are ethreal and are unsearchable, or they are undead and decay rapidly when destroyed. also whether they carry venom in there body for making poisons etc. or if there blood is good for making magic ink. I am trying to put it all into various databases for easier access, my notebook has kind of gotten out of control.

So at a maximum the above is going to happen 6 times in a hunting area, once for each creature, and then the information will stay in the variables until the hunting script is turned off. This way I do not have to set it up for each hunting ground.

So if you will please take it easy on me on this one I figure if I can get this to work the others will be pretty easy because most of them are just viewing information, there is only one other database after this one where i actually have to pull information into a script and thats the skinning one.

Thank you.

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Joined: 25 Jul 2003
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 12:52 pm   
Gah sorry did not realize I left a few things out. I did search for forum on Find and thats how I managed to get it to work last night, I also did a search on %dbget but that did not help me figure out the above problem. Sorry I should have posted that above, but I am at work and was writing it up as I got 5 free minutes here and there.

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