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Joined: 15 Oct 2001
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 9:04 am   

When is the next version of zExplorer coming out?
When is the next version of zExplorer coming out. I would love to see tracking added. It was one of the best selling features of AC Explorer.

Rev. Coyote
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 9:06 pm   
If covered this in more detail in other posts on this forum, so you might want to read those. As they state, I'm still in the middle of getting the Public Version of zMUD released, and am getting very close to this. Then I will be spending a week or so marketing zMUD before I start work on new versions of zMapper and zExplorer. I'll release new versions that use the new map database engine from zMUD and encorporate the latest improvements from eLicense without adding any new features (just bug fixes) in an attempt to get new versions of zMapper and zExplorer out quickly that are more stable.

After those initial releases, then I will be working on the server code for zExplorer which will allow anyone to host their own map servers, and I'll be adding support and maps for some other games to zExplorer.

Adding tracking and terrain path finding will come after that. And obviously the tracking features will be very game specific. Games such as AC1 will be easy. Tracking support in other games will depend upon the difficulty of obtaining your ingame location.

Obviously, there is much work that needs to be done before the tracking feature will be available in zExplorer, so there is no way for me to give a specific date. All I can do is assure you that once the public version of zMUD is released, the rest of the year will be devoted to improvements in zMapper and zExplorer.

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Joined: 15 Oct 2001
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 7:22 am   
Sounds good. I can understand working on one project at a time as well. Save from curling up in the fetal postion in the corner and playing with your lower lip. Just a bit spoiled with the fetures that I was used to in AC Explorer Pro. Which I found to be the most useful program for AC1.

Rev. Coyote
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Joined: 07 Nov 2001
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Location: Australia

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:32 pm   
I just played a bit of AC2 with zExplorer - the lack of real-time tracking which I've become so used to and now take for granted in AC1 with ACX made the whole experience horrible! lol! That and the lack of terrain based route generation which was generating routes over cliffs and across chasms "as the crow flies"


I could only take so much of it before I went back to my AC1 safety blanket

Boy I can't wait for zExplorer to support real-time tracking, terrain based routing, and the new ACSpedia database where the data is better than 75% accurate!
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