megamog75 Enchanter
Joined: 20 Nov 2002 Posts: 627 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 5:20 am
Spelling word Checker for ANYONE any language v2.0 |
WAS Temporarily disabled due to bug in 7.0ver
It has now been fixed.
The UnOficcial Spelling word Checker!!!!
I have changed this version completly from the last one.
Streamlined it and condensed it.
Made it more versitile by giving you choices like other spell checkers do.
Hope you like it, email me with any bugs.
OK so it's not a true spelling checker but its close.
1)Must get your own word list!!!!!
2)Word list must be in TXT form and be saved in Zmud as "spck" txt document. spck.txt
3)know how to cut and past :)
1)select all between the lines
3)past to comand line
4)press enter
5)goto settings and save
#CLASS {SpellCheck}
#ALIAS sc {SCnline="";#var SCline %replace("%-1"," ","|");#file 1 "SpCk.txt";#gag;#loop 1,%numitems(@SCline) {#var SCword %item(@SCline,%repeatnum);#var SCkword %grep(1,^@SCword$);#if @SCkword="" {#yesno {"This word is not in Your dictionary," %upper(@scword). %crlf%upper("Pressing cancel will add a blank spot.")} {Ignore:SCIgnore} {Add:SCAdd} {Find:SCFind} {Type:SCType} {Help:SCYNhelp}} {#var SCnline %additem(@SCword,@SCnline)}};#close 1;#gag;#show %replace(@SCnline,"|"," ")}
#ALIAS SCIgnore {#var SCnline %additem(@SCword,@SCnline)}
#ALIAS SCAdd {#WRI 1 {@SCword};#var SCnline %additem(@SCword,@SCnline)}
#ALIAS SCFind {SClistemp="";SClist="";SCnword="";#if %len(@SCword)<4 {#var SClist %grep(1,^%left(@SCword,2))%grep(1,%right(@SCword,1)$);#loop 1,%numitems(@SClist) {#if %len(%item(@SClist,%repeatnum))<5 {#var SClistemp %additem(%item(@SClist,%repeatnum),@SClistemp)}};#forall %pick('p:Select a word for this~: @SCword',o:1,@SClistemp) {#var SCnword %repeatnum}} {#var SCword %insert("|",@SCword,%abs(%len(@SCword)/2+1));#var SClist %grep(1,^%item(@SCword,1))%grep(1,%item(@SCword,2)$);#forall %pick('p:Select a word for this~: @SCword',o:1,@SClist) {#var SCnword %repeatnum}};#var SCnline %additem(@SCnword,@SCnline)}
#ALIAS SCType {SCnword="";#prompt SCnword {" Type in a word to replace~:" %upper(@SCword) %crlf "This new word will not be SpellChecked"};#var SCnline %additem(@SCnword,@SCnline)}
#ALIAS SCYNhelp {#pick {p:"This word is not in Your dictionary," %upper(@scword). %crlf%upper("Pressing cancel will add a blank spot.")} {o:1} {Ignore = Will IGNORE the word and add it to the finished line:SCIgnore|Add = Will ADD the word to your dictionary and add it to the finished line:SCAdd|Find = Will FIND some words close to the spelling and bring back the results for you to choose:SCFind|Type = Will allow you to TYPE in a new word to replace the misspelled word:SCType}}
#VAR SCword {}
#VAR SClist {}
#VAR SCnline {}
#VAR SCline {}
#VAR SCkword {}
#VAR SClistemp {}
#VAR SCnword {}
Remember if you have a problem just write me..
megamog75 |
megamog75 Enchanter
Joined: 20 Nov 2002 Posts: 627 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 3:16 am Spelling word Checker for ANYONE any language v2.0 |
This is the <font color="blue"><b>new</b></font id="blue"> link for the word list in <b>English</b>
New Address as of 2-4-5
This link is for a txt document, Just right click and save to your folder that has the zmud.exe program.
Just open the page and "save as" spck.txt |
Last edited by megamog75 on Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:18 pm; edited 1 time in total |
seamer Magician
Joined: 26 Feb 2001 Posts: 358 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 5:04 am |
I get a 404 error with that link[xx(]
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