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Joined: 12 Feb 2003
Posts: 23

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:52 am   

Gemstone III Quickbuttons
You know those sword, shield and backpack buttons in the FE Wizard? well as unpowerful as they are i still use them... that and I like my ZMud looking like my FE Wizard.

One note I'de like to make is that I position all my buttons to my own personal feel and I think everyone should be able to move them around (I noticed someone in a GS form asking how to move them out from behind other buttons). Right click on a button and go to its "Position/Size" tab. you can then switch panels (Top/Left/Bottom/Right) and move it to any position you want on that panel. anyway, heres the Quickbuttons:

#CLASS {Gemstone}
#VAR weapon {falchion} {falchion}
#VAR shield {shield} {shield}
#VAR container {cloak} {cloak}
#VAR sheath {sheath} {sheath}
#BUTTON getWeapon {} {get my @weapon from my @sheath} {} {} {} {} {GemStoneIIIgetWeapon.bmp} {Size} {30} {30} {Pos} {0} {1110} {16} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON getShield {} {remove my @shield} {} {} {} {} {GemStoneIIIgetShield.bmp} {Size} {30} {30} {Pos} {0} {1140} {16} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON backpack {} {stow right} {} {} {} {} {GemStoneIIIbackpack.bmp} {Size} {30} {30} {Pos} {0} {1170} {16} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON putWeapon {} {Put my @weapon in my @sheath} {} {} {} {} {GemStoneIIIputWeapon.bmp} {Size} {30} {30} {Pos} {0} {1200} {16} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON wearShield {} {Wear my @shield} {} {} {} {} {GemStoneIIIwearShield.bmp} {Size} {30} {30} {Pos} {0} {1230} {16} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}

Couple of side notes, Your going to want to change the variables to your character (change falchion/shield/cloak/sheath to whatever you want). I also changed the action of the "Look in container" button to "Stow Right"... it just seemed more useful to me (also makes the container variable obselete.. just make sure you set your stow in game), but if you want to change it back just change where it says "Stow Right" to "Look in my @container"

Thank you Stregone for hosting the images (see next post)
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Joined: 07 Aug 2001
Posts: 53
Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:20 am

There ya go :)
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