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shibbidy joe

Joined: 02 Nov 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 11:36 pm   

Gemstone III Posture etc. display [updated]
[Fixed the problem with bleeders and stuns not dissapearing.]
This is a modification of Kilthan's script. This one's got the bleeding and stunned sections combined into one as the wizard does, and invisibility was added. Only partially tested (didn't want to get bloody and stunned), so please let me know about any bugs. Email for the images used.

#CLASS {PostureEtc}
#VAR pos {K }
#VAR cpos {K }
#TRIGGER {P} {pos = %gsl( P);#IF @pos=@cpos {#abort 1};#if (%pos( J, @pos)>0) {#call %btnimage( invis, "GemstoneIIIImagesinvis.bmp")} {#if (%pos( D, @pos)>0) {#call %btnimage( invis, "GemstoneIIIImagesinvis.bmp")} {#call %btnimage( invis, "GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp")}};#if (%pos( O, @pos)>0) {#additem bleederStunned {bleeder}} {#delitem bleederStunned {bleeder}};#if (%pos( W, @pos)>0) {#delitem bleederStunned {bleeder}};#if (%pos( I, @pos)>0) {#additem bleederStunned {stunned}} {#delitem bleederStunned {stunned}};#if (%ismember( bleeder, @bleederStunned)) { #if (%ismember( stunned, @bleederStunned)) { #call %btnimage( bleederStunned, "GemstoneIIIImagesbleederStunned.bmp")} {#call %btnimage( bleederStunned, "GemstoneIIIImagesbleeder.bmp")}} {#if (%ismember( stunned, @bleederStunned)) {#call %btnimage( bleederStunned, "GemstoneIIIImagesstunned.bmp")} {#call %btnimage( bleederStunned, "GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp")}};#if (%pos( N, @pos)>0) {#call %btnimage( hidden, "GemstoneIIIImageshidden.bmp")} {#call %btnimage( hidden, "GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp")};#if (%pos( P, @pos)>0) {#call %btnimage( joined, "GemstoneIIIImagesjoin.bmp")} {#call %btnimage( joined, "GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp")};#if (%pos( M, @pos)>0) {#call %btnimage( unconscious, "GemstoneIIIImagesunc.bmp")} {#call %btnimage( unconscious, "GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp")};#if (%pos( C, @pos)>0) {#call %btnimage( webbed, "GemstoneIIIImagesweb.bmp")} {#call %btnimage( webbed, "GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp")};#if (%pos( B, @pos)>0) {#call %btnimage( dead, "GemstoneIIIImagesdead.bmp")} {#call %btnimage( dead, "GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp")};#if (%pos( G, @pos)>0) {#call %btnimage( position, "GemstoneIIIImageslie.bmp")} {#call %btnimage( position, "GemstoneIIIImagesstand.bmp")};#if (%pos( H, @pos)>0) {#call %btnimage( position, "GemstoneIIIImagessit.bmp")};#if (%pos( GH, @pos)>0) {#call %btnimage( position, "GemstoneIIIImageskneel.bmp")};cpos=@pos} "" {gsl}
#BUTTON 25 {} {} {} {} {} {} {GemstoneIIIImagesstand.bmp} {Size} {28} {31} {Pos} {90} {6} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset|Top} {Position - Standing/Sitting/Lying/Kneeling} {position} {4}
#BUTTON 26 {} {} {} {} {} {} {GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp} {Size} {28} {31} {Pos} {90} {37} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset|Top} {Invisible} {invis} {4}
#BUTTON 27 {} {} {} {} {} {} {GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp} {Size} {28} {31} {Pos} {123} {6} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset|Top} {Bleeding} {bleederStunned} {4}
#BUTTON 28 {} {} {} {} {} {} {GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp} {Size} {28} {31} {Pos} {123} {37} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset|Top} {Hidden} {hidden} {4}
#BUTTON 29 {} {} {} {} {} {} {GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp} {Size} {28} {31} {Pos} {156} {6} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset|Top} {Unconscious} {unconscious} {4}
#BUTTON 30 {} {} {} {} {} {} {GemstoneIIIImagesblank.bmp} {Size} {28} {31} {Pos} {156} {37} {} {} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset|Top} {Dead} {dead} {4}
#BUTTON 31 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {66} {1} {Pos} {87} {1} {127} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {seporatorHigh} {4}
#BUTTON 32 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {66} {1} {Pos} {86} {1} {15} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {separatorShad} {4}

[Note: Stregone has generously offered to host the images at]
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 4:42 am   
the only problem i have with it is when i just copy and pasted it it covered up the health/mana/spirit meters


AIM: shalimarwildcat
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shibbidy joe

Joined: 02 Nov 2002
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Location: Tuvalu

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 5:22 am   
Yeah. It uses absolute positioning instead of relative. Just move it if you need to.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 6:54 am   
and for those of us who dont know how? i tried to click and drag


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 11:46 am   
Ya forgot the www :P the correct addy is

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:26 am   
also missing are the multitude of stances that a warrior can get with 'wtrick sperf' stances can be set at every 5%


AIM: shalimarwildcat
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shibbidy joe

Joined: 02 Nov 2002
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Location: Tuvalu

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 1:08 am   
Yeah. I realized I was missing some the warrior stances. But... instead of forcing people into downloading a bunch more pictures, I just make it round down, and the number is still a valid indication of stance. So... It'll show you in offensive if you're actually 5% more defendad than offensive. I can program in the other stances if there's enough desire.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 2:02 am   
I'm having a problem with this (and the rest of the cool GS3 things you made). The images were working the other day, but now they don't show up at all. I know they are in the right spot, and I haven't touched the code.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 2:48 am   
Okay, looks like zmud just needed a swift kick to the behind (a restart ) Nevermind!

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 10:36 pm   
How exactly do you move these around to keep them from being stacked?


AIM: shalimarwildcat
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 10:40 pm   
It worked fine for me. Nothing was stacked.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 11:30 pm   
it looks fine now that i got rid of the ones that came with and replaced them with joes, however i noticed that the stun and bleeding portions dont reset when you become unstunned or healed


AIM: shalimarwildcat
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shibbidy joe

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Location: Tuvalu

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 11:38 pm   
Ok. I'll work on fixing 'em.

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shibbidy joe

Joined: 02 Nov 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 11:50 pm   
Should be fixed. Let me know if you have any problems.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 7:45 pm   
isnt this where the group picture goes, i notice its not showing


AIM: shalimarwildcat
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shibbidy joe

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 9:35 pm   
Isn't what where the group pictures goes?
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:13 pm   
the icon on the display that tells you if your in a group


AIM: shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 12 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:32 am   
I had pulled a few images out of the wizard using printscreen and there is one little thing about them that I found others might be intrested in. The upper left hand pixel is used as the transparent color in ZMud, this makes the compass and a lot of the other pictures that have the marbled background look pretty ugly (especially if you decide to color your background).

Fixes: You can set the upper left pixel to some unused color (dependant on the picture) or you can color the background all the same color (I.E. no marbled look). Personally I colorred the marbled part all the same and turned my buttons dark blue... gives it a cool look.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:37 am   
I've been running a tracker to watch the variables go by and have noticed some undefined elements of %gsl(P), i often have "T" and "K" in it, what do these values represent?
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Joined: 14 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 1:10 pm   
Originally posted by shalimar

I've been running a tracker to watch the variables go by and have noticed some undefined elements of %gsl(P), i often have "T" and "K" in it, what do these values represent?

From a list posted here:

K|silenced (perhaps not? seems to sometimes be present when not silenced.)
T|character is male (not always present)

Pretty vague...Looks like some research is in order [:o)]
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