here is the line that comes in:
Obvious exits:
Guest Quarters Common Sleeping Area Stairs Down
my trigger
#TRIGGER {^Obvious exits:} {#sub {~<color ~#845382~>Obvious exits:~</color~>}}
#COND {^(*)$} {
#var exits %replace( %1, " ", "~</send~> ~<send~>")
exits = %concat( "~<send~>", @exits, "~</send~>")
#sub @exits} {within|param=1}
and the output it produces:
Obvious exits:
<send>Guest Quarters</send> <send>Common Sleeping Area</send> <send>Stairs Down</send>
I'm trying to get each of the exits to be a a link, so i can click&walk. all of the substitution seems to be working correctly, the output line looks just as it should, except for the fact that the <send> and </send>'s are displayed as plain text. I have mxp enabled. Is it because <send> is a secure mxp tag? that shouldn't be because the <a> tag can be substituted in with no problem... any ideas why its not working?