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megamog75 Enchanter
Joined: 20 Nov 2002 Posts: 627 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2002 8:51 pm
Realms of Dispair auto eat 4.1 (Darmir eat rev) |
#CLASS {eat}
#TRIGGER {you are thirsty} {#t- eatfood;#t+ eatcon;#var eatordrink eatdrink;#var concount "";#var conitem "";#var drinkcount "";#var drinkitem "";#var examcount "";#var examitem "";#ad eatuse 1;inv}
#TRIGGER {you are hungry} {#t- eatdrink;#t+ eatcon;#var eatordrink eatfood;#var concount "";#var conitem "";#var foodcount "";#var fooditem "";#var examcount "";#var examitem "";#ad eatuse 1;inv}
#CLASS {eat|eatcon}
#TRIGGER {^%s({@keyitemcon})$} {#var concount %ismember("%1",@keyitemcon);exam %item(@keywordcon,@concount)}
#TRIGGER {^(*) contains~:$} {#var examcount %ismember(%lower("%1"),@keyitemcon);#var examitem %item(@keywordcon,@examcount);#t+ @eatordrink}
#TRIGGER {^$} {#if @concount="" {#echo you have no containers!!;#t- eatcon}}
#CLASS {eat|eatdrink}
#TRIGGER {^%s({@keyitemdrink})$} {#var drinkcount %ismember("%1",@keyitemdrink);#var drinkitem %item(@keyworddrink,@drinkcount)}
#TRIGGER {^$} {#if @drinkcount="" {you have nothing to drink in this container!} {get @drinkitem @examitem;drink @drinkitem;put @drinkitem @examitem;#t- eatcon;#t- eatdrink}}
#CLASS {eat|eatfood}
#TRIGGER {^%s({@keyitemfood})$} {#var foodcount %ismember("%1",@keyitemfood);#var fooditem %item(@keywordfood,@foodcount)}
#TRIGGER {^$} {#if @foodcount="" {you have nothing to eat in this container!} {get @fooditem @examitem;eat @fooditem;#t- eatcon;#t- eatfood}}
#CLASS {eat|eatvars}
#VAR keyitemfood {}
#VAR keywordfood {}
#VAR foodcount {}
#VAR keyitemdrink {}
#VAR keyworddrink {}
#VAR drinkcount {}
#VAR keyitemcon {}
#VAR keywordcon {}
#VAR concount {}
#VAR keyitem {}
#VAR keyword {}
#VAR showuse {}
#VAR conitem {}
#VAR drinkitem {}
#VAR examcount {}
#VAR examitem {}
#VAR eatordrink {eatdrink}
#VAR fooditem {}
#VAR eatuse {12}
#CLASS {eat|programeat}
#ALIAS eathelp {#ECHO ~_;#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#ECHO %ANSI( HIGH, CYAN)THIS IS A LIST OF ALL YOUR COMMANDS.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)ADDCON %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to add more containers to your list of all posible containers.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)ADDFOOD %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to add more foods to your list of all posible foods.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)ADDDRINK %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to add more drinks to your list of all posible drinks.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi( bright, green)SHOWALL %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to see all of your stoered varibels for your eating.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)SHOWFOOD %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to see all of your stoered varibels for your foods.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)SHOWDRINK %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to see all of your stoered varibels for your drinks.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)SHOWCON %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to see all of your stoered varibels for your containers.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)SHOWUSE %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to see all of the times you have used this program.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi( blink, high, red)CAN NOT BE REVERSED!!;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELALL %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete all of your stored variables;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELCONALL %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete all of your stored variables for your containres.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELFOODALL %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete all of your stored variables for your foods.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELDRINKALL %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete all of your stored variables for your drinks.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELCON %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete one of your stored variables for your containers.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELFOOD %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete one of your stored variables for your foods.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELDRINK %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete one of your stored variables for your drinks.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi(bold,high,blue)The trigs are tuned off at first so you can add your CONtainers FOODs and DRINKs;#echo %ansi(bold,high,blue)Type EATHELP to see this again.}
#ALIAS eathelp {#ECHO ~_;#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#ECHO %ANSI( HIGH, CYAN)THIS IS A LIST OF ALL YOUR COMMANDS.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)ADDCON %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to add more containers to your list of all posible containers.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)ADDFOOD %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to add more foods to your list of all posible foods.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)ADDDRINK %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to add more drinks to your list of all posible drinks.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi( bright, green)SHOWALL %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to see all of your stoered varibels for your eating.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)SHOWFOOD %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to see all of your stoered varibels for your foods.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)SHOWDRINK %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to see all of your stoered varibels for your drinks.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)SHOWCON %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to see all of your stoered varibels for your containers.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)SHOWUSE %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to see all of the times you have used this program.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi( blink, high, red)CAN NOT BE REVERSED!!;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELALL %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete all of your stored variables;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELCONALL %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete all of your stored variables for your containres.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELFOODALL %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete all of your stored variables for your foods.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELDRINKALL %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete all of your stored variables for your drinks.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELCON %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete one of your stored variables for your containers.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELFOOD %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete one of your stored variables for your foods.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)DELDRINK %ansi( bright, red)Will allow you to delete one of your stored variables for your drinks.;#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi(bold,high,blue)The trigs are tuned off at first so you can add your CONtainers FOODs and DRINKs;#echo %ansi(bold,high,blue)Type EATHELP to see this again.}
#ALIAS addcon {#prom keyitem "Enter the name of the container here,not the keyword.";#addi keyitemcon @keyitem;#prom keyword "Enter the keyword of the container here.";#addi keywordcon @keyword}
#ALIAS addfood {#prom keyitem "Enter the name of the food here,not the keyword.";#addi keyitemfood @keyitem;#prom keyword "Enter the keyword of the food here.";#addi keywordfood @keyword}
#ALIAS adddrink {#prom keyitem "Enter the name of the drink here,not the keyword.";#addi keyitemdrink @keyitem;#prom keyword "Enter the keyword of the drink here.";#addi keyworddrink @keyword}
#ALIAS showall {#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi( high, white)THIS IS ALL OF YOUR KEY ITEMS~:;#echo %ansi( high, red)CONTAINERS~:;#forall @keyitemcon {#echo %ansi( high, cyan)%i};#echo %ansi( high, red)FOODS~:;#forall @keyitemfood {#echo %ansi( high, cyan)%i};#echo %ansi( high, red)DRINKS~:;#forall @keyitemdrink {#echo %ansi( high, cyan)%i};#echo %ansi(bright,green)*********************************************************************************}
#ALIAS showcon {#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi( high, red)CONTAINERS:;#forall @keyitemcon {#echo %ansi( high, cyan)%i};#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************}
#ALIAS showfood {#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi( high, red)FOODS:;#forall @keyitemfood {#echo %ansi( high, cyan)%i};#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************}
#ALIAS showdrink {#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi( high, red)DRINKS:;#forall @keyitemdrink {#echo %ansi( high, cyan)%i};#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************}
#ALIAS showuse {#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************;#echo %ansi( high, red)YOU HAVE USED THIS EAT PROGRAM:;#echo %ansi( high, cyan)%format("&3.0n",@showuse) TIMES;#echo %ansi( bright, green)*********************************************************************************}
#ALIAS delall {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do that?" {#VAR keyitem "";#var keyword "";#var keyitemcon "";#var keyitemfood "";#var keyitemdrink "";#var keywordcon "";#var keywordfood "";#var keyworddrink "";#echo %ansi(high,red)EVERYTHING HAS BEEN DELETED!!!}}
#ALIAS delall {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do that?" {#VAR keyitem "";#var keyword "";#var keyitemcon "";#var keyitemfood "";#var keyitemdrink "";#var keywordcon "";#var keywordfood "";#var keyworddrink "";#echo %ansi(high,red)EVERYTHING HAS BEEN DELETED!!!}}
#ALIAS delconall {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do that?" {#var keyitemcon "";#var keywordcon "";#ECHO %ANSI(HIGH,RED)ALL OF YOUR %ANSI(HIGH,YELLOW)CONTAINERS %ANSI(HIGH,RED)HAVE BEEN DELETED!!!}}
#ALIAS delconall {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do that?" {#var keyitemcon "";#var keywordcon "";#ECHO %ANSI(HIGH,RED)ALL OF YOUR %ANSI(HIGH,YELLOW)CONTAINERS %ANSI(HIGH,RED)HAVE BEEN DELETED!!!}}
#ALIAS delfoodall {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do that?" {#var keyitemfood "";#var keywordfood "";#ECHO %ANSI(HIGH,RED)ALL OF YOUR %ANSI(HIGH,YELLOW)FOOD %ANSI(HIGH,RED)HAS BEEN DELETED!!!}}
#ALIAS deldrinkall {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do that?" {#var keyitemdrink "";#var keyworddrink "";#ECHO %ANSI(HIGH,RED)ALL OF YOUR %ANSI(HIGH,YELLOW)DRINKS %ANSI(HIGH,RED)HAVE BEEN DELETED!!!.}}
#ALIAS deldrinkall {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do that?" {#var keyitemdrink "";#var keyworddrink "";#ECHO %ANSI(HIGH,RED)ALL OF YOUR %ANSI(HIGH,YELLOW)DRINKS %ANSI(HIGH,RED)HAVE BEEN DELETED!!!.}}
#ALIAS delcon {#if (%1 =~ {@keyitemcon}) {#DELNITEM keywordcon %ismember( %1, @keyitemcon);#delitem keyitemcon %1} {#echo NOT ON THE LIST}}
#ALIAS delcon {#if (%1 =~ {@keyitemcon}) {#DELNITEM keywordcon %ismember( %1, @keyitemcon);#delitem keyitemcon %1} {#echo NOT ON THE LIST}}
#ALIAS delfood {#if (%1 =~ {@keyitemfood}) {#DELNITEM keywordfood %ismember( %1, @keyitemfood);#delitem keyitemfood %1} {#echo NOT ON THE LIST}}
#ALIAS delfood {#if (%1 =~ {@keyitemfood}) {#DELNITEM keywordfood %ismember( %1, @keyitemfood);#delitem keyitemfood %1} {#echo NOT ON THE LIST}}
#ALIAS deldrink {#if (%1 =~ {@keyitemdrink}) {#DELNITEM keyworddrink %ismember( %1, @keyitemdrink);#delitem keyitemdrink %1} {#echo NOT ON THE LIST}}
#ALIAS deldrink {#if (%1 =~ {@keyitemdrink}) {#DELNITEM keyworddrink %ismember( %1, @keyitemdrink);#delitem keyitemdrink %1} {#echo NOT ON THE LIST}}
#t- eatfood
#t- eatdrink
#t- eatcon
#echo Type eathelp for help options.
#input eathelp |
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darmir Sorcerer
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 706 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 4:47 pm |
Looks alot like my first autoeat script for any mud , that I wrote back in 1999
You will need carabas's color replacement script also.
#ALIAS unload {#unv havefood;#unv havecontainers} {unload}
#ALIAS checkcontainers {#ADD loopcount 1;#T+ foodcheck;look in %item(@havecontainer,@loopcount);#wa 3000;#T- foodcheck;#IF (%numitems(@havefood)>0) {##; get %item(@havefood,1) %item(@havecontainer,@loopcount); eat %item(@havefood,1) ; stillhungry = 0 ; #abort 1;##} {##; #echo I have no food in %item(@havecontainer,@loopcount);##};#IF ((@stillhungry=1) and (@loopcount<@containercount)) {##; checkcontainers;##} {##; #echo I have nothing at all better get some;##}} {checkcon}
#ALIAS condel {#delitem containertypes {%-1}} {AutoeatAliases}
#ALIAS eathelp {#show { <@bGreen>AutoEat Help};#show {<@bYellow>-------------------------------------------------------------------};#show {<@bGreen>This script is to reduce the mundane eating crap!};#show {<@bGreen>foodadd <@bYellow>------------------------ <@bRed>add food to the food list (variable)};#show {<@bGreen>fooddel <@bYellow>------------------------ <@bRed>delete food from the food list (variable)};#show {<@bGreen>conadd <@bYellow>------------------------ <@bRed>add container to the container list (variable)};#show {<@bGreen>condel <@bYellow>------------------------ <@bRed>delete container from the container list (variable)};#show {<@bGreen>eatshow <@bYellow>----------------------- <@bRed>shows the list of food and container you have in your lists (variables)}} {AutoeatAliases}
#ALIAS fooddel {#delitem foodtypes {%-1}} {AutoeatAliases}
#ALIAS foodadd {#additem foodtypes {%-1}} {AutoeatAliases}
#ALIAS conadd {#additem containertypes {%-1}} {AutoeatAliases}
#ALIAS eatshow {#show %crlf<@dGreen>Food List;#show <@dGreen>-------------------;#loop 1,%numitems(@foodtypes) #show <@dGreen>%i~. <@dRed>%item(@foodtypes,%i);#show %crlf<@dGreen>Container's List;#show <@dGreen>-------------------;#loop 1,%numitems(@containertypes) #show <@dGreen>%i~. <@dRed>%item(@containertypes,%i)} {AutoeatAliases}
#VAR foodtypes {waybread|cookie|filet|clams|meat} {waybread|cookie|filet|clams|meat} {food}
#VAR containertypes {backpack|bag|jar} {backpack|bag|jar} {multcontainer}
#VAR havefood {waybread|waybread|cookie|filet|clams|meat}
#VAR havecontainer {backpack|bag|jar}
#TRIGGER {({@foodtypes})} {#IF %ismember(%1,{@foodtypes}) {##; #VAR havefood %addItem(%1, @havefood) ;##}} {foodcheck} 517
#TRIGGER {({@containertypes})} {#IF %ismember(%1,{@containertypes}) {##; #VAR havecontainer %addItem(%1, @havecontainer);##}} {containercheck} 517
#TRIGGER {^You are hungry.} {#unv havefood;#unv havecontainer;#unv loopcount;#unv containercount;#unv stillhungry;#T+ containercheck;#T+ foodcheck;inventory;#wa 3000;#T- containercheck;#T- foodcheck;#IF (%numitems(@havefood)>0) {##; eat %item(@havefood,1); #ab 1;##} {##; #show {<@bCyan>I have no food on me};##}; #IF (%numitems(@havecontainer)>0) {##; #var stillhungry 1; #var loopcount 0; #var containercount %numitems(@havecontainer); checkcontainers; ##} {##; #show {<@bCyan>I have no containers need go buy one, duh!}; ##}} {autoeat} 517
#BUTTON 1 {AutoEat On} {#T- autoeat;#T- containercheck;#T- foodcheck} {AutoEat Off} {#T+ autoeat;#T+ containercheck;#T+ foodcheck} {} {1} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {1} {1} {} {} {} {} {AutoEatButton} {} {}
"A gentle answer turns way wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger"
Proverbs 15:1 |
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megamog75 Enchanter
Joined: 20 Nov 2002 Posts: 627 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 7:28 pm |
From all those who see this script and like it I would like to give thanks to the person who created it,Darmir. Without people like him the rest of us would be lost.
After a talk with Darmir I revised my eairlier post to this new one.
megamog75 |
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megamog75 Enchanter
Joined: 20 Nov 2002 Posts: 627 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:35 pm |
Made for Realms of Dispair (SMAUG)
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