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Joined: 29 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 4:10 am   

Realms of Despair
Ok. I would like to know how to trigger a response when someone gives me gold on Realms of despair telnet:// The thing is that i only want it to occur when the yellow color accompanies (%w) gives you 500,000 coins.
I attempted trying the trigger on color but could not succeed. And I was unsure about how to use the ansi trigger function. So far my code basicly lookse like this. {^(%w) gives you 500,000 coins.} {#var whogive %1;thank %1;#addi helpers %1} from there it uses whogive in other ways and such but i just want the trigger to work when the trigger is yellow since emotes are grey in this mud. This reduces the checks that i would have to do to make sure they really gave me any gold. Please help. and thanks for reading this.

Ubsythne, Master of Nothing
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 2:59 pm   
You're really better off checking your gold level instead of just the color. True, most players can't, but there *are* a few of us who can fake color. If that capability ever gets handed to all players, you'll be back to checking your gold level the more reliable way anyway.

Why not put your gold amount in your prompt and when someone gives you coins, check to see that the last value of gold from your prompt + what they gave you = the new value of gold from your prompt?

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:12 am   
Do both. If the spoofing by colour is very low, use it to not worry
about the cheap charletans.

Ton Diening
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:18 pm   
If you have a bot or if someone just gives you 500000 coin then you could make the trigger only fire at the promt but if your talking exp and looting please tell me which mob because I live at realms of dispair and would love to know

I havr a trigger for the (%W) gives you coins and it has never failed me.

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