rwfrk Wanderer
Joined: 26 Feb 2002 Posts: 81 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 10:35 pm
Equipment Database-Ark of the Covenant |
Ok..I've worked out capturing everything heres what i have
-Export to follow-
#ALIAS csayidweapon {say Name:@oname Wear bits:@wearbits Extra bits:@extrabits Weight:@weight Level:@level Cost: @cost WeaponType:@weapontype DamageDice:@damagedice Avg:@damageaverage DamageNoun:@damagenoun WeaponFlags:@weaponsflags Affects:Damroll:@damageaffect lvl @damageaflevel Hitroll @hitaffect lvl @Hitaffectlevel}
#ALIAS CReset {#VAR hitroll {} {_nodef};#VAR levelspell {} {_nodef};#VAR saves {} {_nodef};#VAR cost {} {_nodef};#VAR affectsdam {} {_nodef};#VAR affectshit {} {_nodef};#VAR damroll {} {_nodef};#VAR type {} {_nodef};#VAR weaponsflags {} {_nodef};#VAR oname {} {_nodef};#VAR wearbits {} {_nodef};#VAR extrabits {} {_nodef};#VAR weight {} {_nodef};#VAR level {} {_nodef};#VAR damagedice {} {_nodef};#VAR damageaverage {} {_nodef};#VAR damagenoun {} {_nodef};#VAR weapontype {} {_nodef};#VAR damageaflevel {} {_nodef};#VAR damageaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR hitaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR hitaffectlevel {} {_nodef};#VAR dexaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR dexlevel {} {_nodef};#VAR constitutionaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR constitutionaffectlevel {} {_nodef};#VAR spellsof {} {_nodef};#VAR saveslevel {} {_nodef};#VAR armorbash {} {_nodef};#VAR armormagic {} {_nodef};#VAR armorslash {} {_nodef};#VAR armorpierce {} {_nodef};#VAR hpaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR hpaffectlevel {} {_nodef};#VAR manaaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR manalevel {} {_nodef};#VAR haste {} {_nodef};#VAR sanctuaryaffect {1};#VAR detectmagicaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR detectevilaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR detectgoodaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR detectinvisaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR detecthiddenaffect {} {_nodef};#VAR iswand {} {_nodef};#VAR spellwands {} {_nodef};#VAR extradescriptionkeyword {} {_nodef};#VAR blind {} {_nodef};#VAR infrared {} {_nodef};#VAR curse {} {_nodef};#VAR afraid {} {_nodef};#VAR poison {} {_nodef};#VAR protectevil {} {_nodef};#VAR protectgood {} {_nodef};#VAR sneak {} {_nodef};#VAR hide {} {_nodef};#VAR sleep {} {_nodef};#VAR flying {} {_nodef};#VAR charm {} {_nodef};#VAR passdoor {} {_nodef};#VAR calm {} {_nodef};#VAR plague {} {_nodef};#VAR weaken {} {_nodef};#VAR darkvision {} {_nodef};#VAR berserk {} {_nodef};#VAR swim {} {_nodef};#VAR regeneration {} {_nodef};#VAR slow {} {_nodef};#VAR weightmultipl {} {_nodef};#VAR iscontainer {} {_nodef};#VAR capacity {} {_nodef};#VAR maxweight {} {_nodef};#VAR flags {} {_nodef};#VAR lvlspells {} {_nodef};#VAR spells {} {_nodef};#VAR isedible {} {_nodef}}
#VAR hitroll {}
#VAR levelspell {50}
#VAR saves {}
#VAR cost {0}
#VAR affectsdam {}
#VAR affectshit {}
#VAR damroll {}
#VAR type {}
#VAR weaponsflags {}
#VAR oname {a Tic Tac}
#VAR wearbits {take hold}
#VAR extrabits {glow hum}
#VAR weight {0}
#VAR level {50}
#VAR damagedice {}
#VAR damageaverage {}
#VAR damagenoun {}
#VAR weapontype {}
#VAR damageaflevel {}
#VAR damageaffect {}
#VAR hitaffect {}
#VAR hitaffectlevel {}
#VAR dexaffect {}
#VAR dexlevel {}
#VAR constitutionaffect {}
#VAR constitutionaffectlevel {}
#VAR spellsof {'sanctuary' 'bless' 'haste' 'reserved'}
#VAR saveslevel {}
#VAR armorbash {}
#VAR armormagic {}
#VAR armorslash {}
#VAR armorpierce {}
#VAR hpaffect {}
#VAR hpaffectlevel {}
#VAR manaaffect {}
#VAR manalevel {}
#VAR haste {}
#VAR sanctuaryaffect {1}
#VAR detectmagicaffect {}
#VAR detectevilaffect {}
#VAR detectgoodaffect {}
#VAR detectinvisaffect {}
#VAR detecthiddenaffect {}
#VAR iswand {}
#VAR spellwands {}
#VAR extradescriptionkeyword {}
#VAR blind {}
#VAR infrared {}
#VAR curse {}
#VAR afraid {}
#VAR poison {}
#VAR protectevil {}
#VAR protectgood {}
#VAR sneak {}
#VAR hide {}
#VAR sleep {}
#VAR flying {}
#VAR charm {}
#VAR passdoor {}
#VAR calm {}
#VAR plague {}
#VAR weaken {}
#VAR darkvision {}
#VAR berserk {}
#VAR swim {}
#VAR regeneration {}
#VAR slow {}
#VAR weightmultipl {}
#VAR iscontainer {}
#VAR capacity {}
#VAR maxweight {}
#VAR flags {}
#VAR lvlspells {}
#VAR spells {}
#VAR isedible {}
#TRIGGER {Name: (*)} {oname={%1}}
#TRIGGER {Level (%d) spells of: (*).} {levelspell={%1};spellsof={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Wear bits: (*)} {wearbits={%1}}
#TRIGGER {Extra bits: (*)} {extrabits={%1}}
#TRIGGER {Weight: (*)} {weight={%1}}
#TRIGGER {Level: (%d) Cost: (%d)} {level={%1};cost={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Weapon type is (*)} {weapontype={%1}}
#TRIGGER {Damage is (*) ~(average (*)~)} {damagedice={%1};damageaverage={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Damage noun is (%w).$} {damagenoun={%1}}
#TRIGGER {Affects damage roll by (%d), level (%d)} {damageaffect={%1};damageaflevel={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Affects hit roll by (%d), level (%d).} {hitaffect={%1};hitaffectlevel={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Weapons flags: (*)} {weaponsflags={%1}}
#TRIGGER {Affects dexterity by (*), level (*).} {dexaffect={%1};dexaflevel={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Affects saves by (%x), level (%d).} {saves={%1};saveslevel={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Affects constitution by (*), level (*).} {constitutionaffect={%1};constitutionaffectlevel={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Armor class is (*) pierce, (*) bash, (*) slash, and (*) vs. magic } {armorpeirce={%1};armorbash={%2};armorslash={%3};armormagic={%4}}
#TRIGGER {Affects hp by (*), level (*).} {hpaffect={%1};hpaffectlevel={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Affects mana by (*), level (*).} {manaaffect={%1};manalevel={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Affects strength by (*), level (*).} {strengthaffect={%1};strengthaffectlevel={%2}}
#TRIGGER {Adds detect_magic affect.} {detectmagicaffect={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds detect_evil affect.} {detectevilaffect={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds detect_good affect.} {detectgoodaffect={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds detect_hidden affect.} {detecthiddenaffect={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds detect_invis affect. } {detectinvisaffect={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds sanctuary affect.} {sanctuaryaffect={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds haste affect. } {haste={1}}
#TRIGGER {Has (*)~((*)~) charges of level (*) '(*)'.} {iswand={1};maxchargeswand={%1};levelwandcharges={%3};spellwands={%4}}
#TRIGGER {Extra description keywords: '*'} {extradescriptionkeywords={%1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds faerie_fire affect.} {faerie_fire={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds infrared affect.} {infrared={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds curse affect.} {curse={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds afraid affect.} {afraid={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds poison affect.} {poison={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds protect_evil affect.} {protectevil={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds protect_good affect.} {protectgood={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds sneak affect.} {sneak={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds hide affect.} {hide={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds sleep affect.} {sleep={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds charm affect.} {charm={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds flying affect.} {flying={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds pass_door affect.} {passdoor={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds calm affect.} {calm={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds plague affect.} {plague={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds weaken affect.} {weaken={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds dark_vision affect.} {darkvision={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds affect berserk.} {berserk={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds swim affect.} {swim={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds regeneration affect.} {regeneration={1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds slow affect.} {slow={1}}
#TRIGGER {Capacity: (*)~# Maximum weight: (*)~# flags: (*)} {iscontainer={1};capacity={%1};maxweight={%2};flags={%3}}
#TRIGGER {Weight multiplier: (*)~%} {weightmultipl={%1}}
#TRIGGER {Level (*) spells of: '(*)'.} {lvlspells={%1};spells={%2};isedible={1}}
--I would like to know how I can convert this information into database entrys---
(Basicly..i figured out how to capture the whole thing..but i'm having problems figureing out how to add stuff to the db..) Also I'd like fields where i can add special notes which cant be automatically inserted-Area/Mob/VNum(for imm use)..and If Container-Key :)...Thanks in advance for helping a newbie like me debug this insane project
-Zmud 6.16
-W95 P150 40mb ram 1.5gb hd
-Sage of Erets |
Troubadour GURU
Joined: 14 Oct 2000 Posts: 556 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 12:54 am |
When working with equipment databases, it's recommended you store the captured information to a database variable, also called a record varible. There two reasons for this: (1) Less variables to reset, create, or store in memory. (2) The #NEW command, which puts data into the database, is designed to work with record variables.
You assign information to a record variable three ways. In each example 'Item' is the record variable name, 'Name' is the key, and 'Orcbane' is the 'value'.
1. #ADDKEY Item Name Orcbane
2. #VARIABLE Item %addkey(Item, Name, Orcbane)
3. Item.Name = "Orcbane"
Adding other key-value pairs to the same variable could result in Item
being equal to {Name=Orcbane|Level=99|Damage=5}.
If Name, Level, and Damage are the names of fields in your Equipment database, then the command: #NEW All @Item would store "Orcbane" to Name, 99 to Level, and 5 to Damage in the database.
So what you need to do is rewrite this to employ one record variable, @Item, and fill it with keys and values. The keys must have the exact same name as your database fields.
(Win 98, Pentium III, 550 MHz) |
rwfrk Wanderer
Joined: 26 Feb 2002 Posts: 81 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 6:57 pm |
Script Rewritten as follows
#ALIAS cidadd {#NEW All @Item}
#ALIAS creset {#var @item {} {_nodef}}
#TRIGGER {Name: (*)} {#ADDKEY Item oname {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Level (%d) spells of: (*).} {
#ADDKEY Item levelspell {%1}
#ADDKEY Item spellsof {%2}
#TRIGGER {Wear bits: (*)} {#ADDKEY Item wearbits {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Extra bits: (*)} {#ADDKEY Item extrabits {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Weight: (*)} {#ADDKEY Item weight {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Level: (%d) Cost: (%d)} {
#ADDKEY Item level {%1}
#ADDKEY Item cost {%2}
#TRIGGER {Weapon type is (*)} {#ADDKEY Item weapontype {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Damage is (*) ~(average (*)~)} {
#ADDKEY Item damagedice {%1}
#ADDKEY Item damageaverage {%2}
#TRIGGER {Damage noun is (%w).$} {#ADDKEY Item damagenoun {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Affects damage roll by (%d), level (%d)} {
#ADDKEY Item damageroll {%1}
#ADDKEY Item damagerolllevel {%2}
#TRIGGER {Affects hit roll by (%d), level (%d).} {
#ADDKEY Item hitaffect {%1}
#ADDKEY Item hitaffectlevel {%2}
#TRIGGER {Weapons flags: (*)} {#ADDKEY Item weaponsflags {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Affects dexterity by (*), level (*).} {
#ADDKEY Item dexaffect {%1}
#ADDKEY Item dexaflevel {%2}
#TRIGGER {Affects saves by (%d), level (%d).} {
#ADDKEY Item saves {%1}
#ADDKEY Item saveslevel {%2}
#TRIGGER {Affects constitution by (*), level (*).} {
#ADDKEY Item Constitution {%1}
#ADDKEY Item ConstitutionLvl {%2}
#TRIGGER {Armor class is (*) pierce, (*) bash, (*) slash, and (*) vs. magic} {
#ADDKEY Item armorpeirce {%1}
#ADDKEY Item armorbash {%2}
#ADDKEY Item armorslash {%3}
#ADDKEY Item armormagic {%4}
#TRIGGER {Affects hp by (*), level (*).} {
#ADDKEY Item hp {%1}
#ADDKEY Item hplevel {%2}
#TRIGGER {Affects mana by (*), level (*).} {
#ADDKEY Item mana {%1}
#ADDKEY Item manalevel {%2}
#TRIGGER {Affects strength by (*), level (*).} {
#ADDKEY Item Strength {%1}
#ADDKEY Item Strengthlevel {%2}
#TRIGGER {Adds detect_magic affect.} {#ADDKEY Item detectmagicaffect 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds detect_evil affect.} {#ADDKEY Item detectevilaffect 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds detect_good affect.} {#ADDKEY Item detectgoodaffect 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds detect_hidden affect.} {#ADDKEY Item detecthiddenaffect 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds detect_invis affect. } {#ADDKEY Item detectinvisaffect 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds sanctuary affect.} {#ADDKEY Item sanctuaryaffect 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds haste affect. } {#ADDKEY Item haste 1}
#TRIGGER {Has (*)~((*)~) charges of level (*) '(*)'.} {
#ADDKEY Item iswand 1
#ADDKEY Item maxchargeswand {%1}
#ADDKEY Item levelwandcharges {%3}
#ADDKEY Item spellwands {%4}
#TRIGGER {Extra description keywords: '*'} {#ADDKEY Item extradescriptionkeywords {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Adds faerie_fire affect.} {#ADDKEY Item faeriefire 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds infrared affect.} {#ADDKEY Item infrared 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds curse affect.} {#ADDKEY Item Curse 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds afraid affect.} {#ADDKEY Item afraid 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds poison affect.} {#ADDKEY Item poison 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds protect_evil affect.} {#ADDKEY Item protectevil 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds protect_good affect.} {#ADDKEY Item protectgood 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds sneak affect.} {#ADDKEY Item sneak 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds hide affect.} {#ADDKEY Item hide 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds sleep affect.} {#ADDKEY Item sleep 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds charm affect.} {#ADDKEY Item charm 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds flying affect.} {#ADDKEY Item flying 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds pass_door affect.} {#ADDKEY Item passdoor 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds calm affect.} {#ADDKEY Item calm 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds plague affect.} {#ADDKEY Item plague 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds weaken affect.} {#ADDKEY Item weaken 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds dark_vision affect.} {#ADDKEY Item darkvision 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds affect berserk.} {#ADDKEY Item berserk 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds swim affect.} {#ADDKEY Item swim 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds regeneration affect.} {#ADDKEY Item regeneration 1}
#TRIGGER {Adds slow affect.} {#ADDKEY Item slow 1}
#TRIGGER {Capacity: (*)~# Maximum weight: (*)~# flags: (*)} {
#ADDKEY Item iscontainer 1
#ADDKEY Item capacity {%1}
#ADDKEY Item maxweight {%2}
#ADDKEY Item flags {%3}
#TRIGGER {Weight multiplier: (*)~%} {#ADDKEY Item weightmultipl {%1}}
#TRIGGER {Affects wisdom by (*).} {#ADDKEY Item wisdom {%1}}
--Keeping this in mind..- Can you help me write an alias or so that does the following
-Searches for an item by 'Oname' ;)..
-Adds text to these fields of a Given item name (fields below)
-Notes-Other Info
-Quotes out a given item ..in suitable form for Saying or otherwise communicating |
rwfrk Wanderer
Joined: 26 Feb 2002 Posts: 81 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 3:29 pm |
While I know this is a different question..its related to the database..and since i'm still waiting for the response to my other questions..i was wondering..whats the easiest way to split the work between people. IE:I get all the items from zone A lored..they do B..etc ;)..we merge the db somehow..but how would this be easily done to avoid duplicate items? -Thanks in advance- 'You've all been very wonderful so far with your help in the past'
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