moox Novice
Joined: 17 Aug 2001 Posts: 35 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2002 1:13 am
Makes my computer cry... |
Series of screen shots showing what the UI looks like when I open zMapper.
1 - Fresh open of zMapper(notice your webpage showing through in the upper-left)
2 - Partial mouse over of some menu items
3 - Full mouse over of menu, partial of sidebar
4 - Full menu, full sidebar plus zugg image in upper-right
5 - Minimize and bring it back -- all is well.
Win 2000. Lemme know if you need more info. |
Talahaski Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 656 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2002 2:36 am |
Yah Moox,
That is the screen refresh problem that I have been having. I reported it in the last version also, but Zugg is having some trouble reproducing it.
I'm still getting this error and I do have the most recent vidio drivers. I wonder if there may be something in common between your system and mine.
BTW, the screen will fix itself if you open another application and switch to the other application then back to zmapper.
Processor PIII 1000
Memory 265MB
Windows XP
Zmud Version 6.33
Zmapper Version 1.10 |
moox Novice
Joined: 17 Aug 2001 Posts: 35 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2002 3:07 am |
P3 400 (hush, this is the sucky computer)
256 RAM
Video: nVIDIA GeForce 2 GTS 32meg
Win 2000
zMUD 6.34
zMapper 1.10a
latest (aug 7) vid drivers... |
AzCowboy Adept
Joined: 09 Nov 2000 Posts: 222 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2002 7:00 am |
Hmmm... I also have problems with refreshes... also an nVidia video card... Anyone start to see a pattern?
I also occassionaly have problems in other programs, especially moving stuff from one monitor to the other (dual monitor setup) It's always the main (nVidia) that seems to have the most problems. |
Kaoslupae Novice
Joined: 12 Oct 2000 Posts: 30 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2002 1:31 pm |
heh, I was about to post this very problem myself.
AMD 400 K6-2 3D
192 RAM
voodoo3 16meg
Zmapper v.1.10a
Kaos Lupae |
moox Novice
Joined: 17 Aug 2001 Posts: 35 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2002 2:21 pm |
well, Kaoslupae had to go ruin our nVIDIA fun... bad Kaoslupae! BAD! :-P

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2002 10:57 pm |
Yeah, and now I can't blame it on WinXP either . I'm running Windows 2000 here with a Voodoo card and I've never gotten any problem. I have a Geforce 4 card on my WinXP system that also doesn't give any problem.
Unfortunately, the toolbar component is a 3rd party component and I'm not sure how much I can change it, but I'll try to check their support site and see if anybody else is reporting problems with them.
I know that one thing that used to cause problems like this was the Microsoft COMCTRL32.DLL file. There were a couple of updates to Internet Explorer that changed this file and screwed up the toolbar component that all of this code is based upon. But that's been a long time ago and it seems like anyone with a reasonably uptodate WinXP or Win2000 system would have this problem either.
Talahaski Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 656 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2002 7:19 pm |
Zugg, I'm not sure if this helps, but I did a search for that file and I actually found 4 different versions of that DLL on my computer in different directories.
comctl32.dll version 5.82.2600.0 from c:/windows/system32
comctl32.dll version 4.71.1712.3 in a specific application folder
comctl32.dll version 5.82.2600.0 from C:WINDOWSsystem32dllcache
comctl32.dll version 6.0.2600.0 from C:WINDOWSWinSxSx86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.0.0_x-ww_1382d70a
What version do you have installed, I could try placing a copy of your version in the zmapper directory if you think that may help.
Processor PIII 1000
Memory 265MB
Windows XP
Zmud Version 6.34
Zmapper Version 1.10 |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 6:22 pm |
No, that's ok. Your system is using version 5.82.2600.0. You can tell from what is in the dllcache directory. It's possible that running the application that has the older version in it's directory will run the older version, but I think Windows looks in /system and /system32 first. Never heard of the last directory, but Windows shouldn't be looking there for anything.
The version I have in my /system32 and /dllcache is v 5.81.2920.0. So, it's just a bit older, but still not a problem. Your file sounds fine actually.
Have you ever tried turning your video accelleration down? I think I suggested this in one of the emails but never heard back from you. Go to My Computer, right-click and select Properties. Go to the Performance tab. Click the Video button. Drag the video accelleration to the minimum. Then reboot windows.
If this causes the problem to go away, then it's definitely a video driver problem. If the problem persists, then it's something else.
Talahaski Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 656 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 9:08 pm |
Turning the acceleration all the way down did not help. I also tried a number of other things and finally found something where it does work.
The following were tried and the screen was still messed up:
1. changing windows themes
2. changing color from 32 bit to 16 bit
3. changing resolutions to different resolutions. For all resultions I got the screen problem except when run in 640X480.
4. I tried changing the run properties (compatibilities) on the zmapper.exe file. Disable visual themes - still got the error
Run in 256 color - still got the error
run in 640X480 - this option worked.
So, for some reason I do not get the problem when running in 640X480, but this screen size is very annoying to work with.
Processor PIII 1000
Memory 265MB
Windows XP
Zmud Version 6.34
Zmapper Version 1.10 |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 8:04 pm |
I'd like to figure out what is causing this problem. Could you download and run the AC Explorer Pro program from the zuggsoft.com web site? See if the menus in that program also have the same problem. If so, go into the Edit/Options menu for that program and try changing the menu style between Normal and XP and see if that makes any difference. AC Explorer is the only program I have right now that lets you change the menu style and maybe the style being used in zMUD is a problem.
Please let me know. Thanks.
Talahaski Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 656 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 1:03 am |
AC Explorer works in both normal and XP style.
Processor PIII 1000
Memory 265MB
Windows XP
Zmud Version 6.34
Zmapper Version 1.10 |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 8:06 pm |
OK, this is *really* wierd then. You are saying that AC Explorer Pro v3.33 works, but neither zMapper nor zMUD map window work? This would be very odd since they all use the same 3rd party menu and toolbar components. Make sure you tested the AC Explorer 3.33 version and not the old free 2.22 version (it used standard menu components).
moox Novice
Joined: 17 Aug 2001 Posts: 35 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 8:44 pm |
zMapper doesnt work.
zMud mapper windows does.
AC Explorer won't run now because my time is up :P But it did work before.
Doesn't look like you can even get the same set of results from people having this issue.  |
Talahaski Enchanter
Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 656 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 1:53 am |
Moox, try doing the following. Open Zmud, shrink the size of the zmud application window to fix into a corner of your screen. Open a map, if the map does not open maximined, then maximize it. Close map and reopen map. This should open it maximized. When I do this, the screen does not refresh properly in zmud.
The following were tested
Results:Screen and menu bars appear correctly.
Results:menu bars do not get refreshed correctly
ZMUD - latest beta
Results All windows refresh correctly except the map. The main application window, the settings window and the database window show up correctly. If I uninstall zmapper, the map window still does not refresh correctly.
By the way, there is a bug here, if you uninstall zmapper within zmud's plugin window, then try to re-install the zmapper plugin manually, zmud does not recognize zmapper.exe as a valid plugin. If you close out your session and reopen the session, it will recognize zmapper again.
I went back to an old backup, zmud version 6.16 and opened the old map file there. This map window appears correctly also.
I'm not sure if there is much else I can do to help you Zugg. Let me know if you have any questions I can answer that may help.
Processor PIII 1000
Memory 265MB
Windows XP
Zmud Version 6.34
Zmapper Version 1.10 |
moox Novice
Joined: 17 Aug 2001 Posts: 35 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 2:13 am |
Look like it's a problem with maximized windows then.
I followed Talahaski's suggestion and the toolbar does not display properly in a maximized window. |