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Joined: 19 Jan 2001
Posts: 117
Location: Norway

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 10:56 pm   

Trigger to turn triggers off.
Is there a command that does the same thing as the "Triggers are on/off" symbol in the bottom right corner of the zmud window?

I'd like to make a trigger that disables all triggers while doing certain things - like fighting and spells. The trigger should look something like this:

#trigger {^(fight-prompt)} {#triggersOFF;#ALARM +10 {#triggersON}}

i.e. whenever I get a fighting prompt, the triggers will be turned off 10 seconds into the future. If the fight isn't over in 10 seconds - a new figtingpromt will turn triggers off for another 10 secs etc. until I stop fighting. This way my usual triggers to eat and drink when hungry/ thirsty woun't ruin my bashes/ spells.

Can it be done?

Thx :)

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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 11:17 pm   
Sure can. You want the #IGNORE command. It's a toggle, so issuing the first time stops firing of all triggers until you issue the command again. However, you should know that alarms are triggers too.

I suggest using a variable instead to decide if a particular trigger will do its actions or not. Example:
#TRIGGER {^(fight-prompt)} {#VAR fighting 1}
#TRIGGER {^(normal-prompt)} {#VAR fighting 0}
#TRIGGER {You are hungry.} {#IF (!@fighting) {get bread sack;eat bread}}

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Joined: 08 Feb 2001
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 11:50 pm   
I tend to lean towards the use of Classes to control which triggers are active and which not. If you don't want a particular set of triggers to activate during combat, just disable the class that contains them. This way you could still have a few triggers that are active such as the alarm triggers and such that you use to turn the rest of the triggers on and off.

Look into the #T+ and #T- commands.


Wil Hunt
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