#TRIGGER {~-~=~-~*~-~=~- Your rolls} {#VAR V_Rolled ""}
#TRIGGER {^Roll number: %d ~= (%d)} {#ADDITEM V_Rolled %1}
#VAR V_MinStats "18|17|17|12|12|1"
#VAR V_Stat {} {}
#TRIGGER {Remember that this command will remove your old stats!} {
#VAR V_reroll 0
#VAR V_RolledOrder @V_Rolled
#LOOP 6 {
#IF {%max( %replace( @V_Rolled, "|", ",")) >= %item( @V_MinStats, %i)} {
#VAR V_Stat %additem( %max( %replace( @V_Rolled, "|", ",")), @V_Stat)
#VAR V_Rolled %delitem( %max( %replace( @V_Rolled, "|", ",")), @V_Rolled)
} {
#VAR V_reroll 1
#IF (@V_Reroll) {reroll} {#ECHO Assign away V_RolledOrder has the stats in order}
I wrote up something similar to Kjata's solution. I check for >= versus
pure = is that matter. I wont garbage can this message just for that reason.
Ton Diening
Providing untested answers that tend to be
more complicated than others. ![](icon_smile_wink.gif)