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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 11:22 pm   

I have completed enough work on the zMapper database to be certain that this product will work as planned. So, I am now accepting pre-orders for the zMapper product.

We've never done pre-orders before at Zugg Software. The reason we are offering a pre-order deal for zMapper is because we were not able to set up eLicense to give a discount to existing zMUD users. The database issues involved in handling all existing zMUD registration codes was too complex and expensive. So, instead of giving zMUD and AC Explorer users a discount on zMapper, I've simply created a Pre-order price code for the product.

So, for a limited time, you can pre-order zMapper for only $10. The registration code that you receive from this pre-order will be valid for all future versions of zMapper, just like a normal registration code. The pre-order price will only be available until the first zMapper beta version is released. The beta version of zMapper will cost either $15 or $20 (not decided yet). The final price of the public version of zMapper will be $25.

The normal 30-day refund policy will also be extended so that the 30-day period starts when zMapper is actually shipped, and not when you pre-order the product.

To Pre-order zMapper, go to the zMapper PreOrder page

For details on what zMapper is and what features it will have, go to the zMapper Project page. We are also in the process of setting up a Discussion Forum for zMapper, so keep an eye out for that. Once the zMapper Forum is up and running, please post zMapper comments, suggestions, etc to that Forum.

The zMapper Project report has been updated with a new Time Frame. Basically, the beta version of zMUD using the new zMapper database format is expected in April, and the first beta of the zMapper program itself is expected in May.

I apologize for not being able to set up a deal for existing zMUD and AC Explorer users. Hopefully this pre-order deal will take care of those long time customers who visit this site often enough to take advantage of this limited time deal.

For customers who might be new to Zugg Software and might be worried about pre-ordering a product that doesn't exist, all I can suggest is that you look at the past track-record for Zugg Software. zMUD users have been getting free updates and new versions of over 6 years now. AC Explorer users have gotten over a dozen new versions and updates over the past year that it has been available. Zugg Software prides itself on quality software, quality customer support, and high value for your money. zMapper will be developed and updated with these same values and traditions.

Thanks for your support! And I can say, having played with partial builds of zMapper, that you are going to have a lot of fun with this new product! I've been able to create some amazing zMUD maps and will post screen-shots when it's closer to release date.

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Joined: 13 Feb 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 9:19 am   
whoa, mapper in zmud never worked so you're making it a separate thing and charging for it? so much for "Upgrades are always FREE, FOREVER!" we didn't even get a working version to begin with, and now we have to pay again for something that was supposedly part of our purchase! is this a marketing coup and a tucows milking, or what?
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 12:23 pm   
The mapper on zMUD works for a whole lot of zMUD customers and I'm pretty sure that you are not the only user of zMUD. Just because it doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean that it just doesn't work. If life were that way, then nothing in this world works. Remember that all MUDs are not created equal and the mapper can only do the best it can in trying to accomodate to all these differences while still maintaining an easy to use interface. There is bound to be some problems with it, but that is what the help file and the forums are there for.

Also, I wish that people would inform themselves a little bit better before going off making assumptions. I say this because I can't see any way that someone that read the zMapper Project page won't see that this is a different product and not the mapper that is in zMUD:


zMapper is a new product for customizing the maps used in both zMUD and AC Explorer.

Even if that is not too clear, in the forums it has been said many times (and very clearly) that zMapper is a separate product that will let you do a whole lot of different stuff from the mapper in zMUD. Hey, you can even use it to create real-life maps. This is why you have to pay for it because it is a different product.

Oh my god! They are making us pay for this? This can't be! And look what the evil Zugg did! He is charging a whole lot less for zMapper to those who order it now!

Finally, this was also explained clearly previously but, not only is zMapper a separate product, but the mapper in zMUD will not be taken away. What's more, it will benefit from the stuff that's being implemented in zMapper. Most notably, the database the mapper in zMUD uses will get it's format changed to use a standard database format. This opens up many possibilities.

Anyway, I hope this has been informative. In the future, try to inform yourself a little bit better before going ranting about the injustices and atrocities done to you.

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Joined: 27 Jun 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 6:47 am   
But... But... But... inane ranting is so much easier!!!

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Joined: 11 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2002 5:18 pm   
Just a few questions:

1) This may seem no brainer, but just for clarification. Will there be an evalutation copy of zMapper?

2) If there is an evaltuation copy will this overwrite our current FREE version of zMapper and causing us to have to register?

3) Is there an increased "user friendly" interface?

4) Is the mapper is "smarter" and able to detect more of the area around the player such as doors and entering portals?

5) Are we going to have to wait for the beta of zMapper or can we get a small preview or list of a few new features that are included?

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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 7:26 pm   
1) Yes, zMapper will have the same 30-day evaluation setup that zMUD has.

2) "Free version of zMapper"?? What free version? There isn't any free version of zMapper. If you are talking about the $10 pre-order version, the registration code you get from pre-ordering is a full reg code that will work just like any other reg code. You won't have to register again if you have the pre-order reg code.

3) Increased user interface compared to what? zMUD? zMapper is a standalone map creation and editing program. As such, it will have it's own interface set up to make creation and editing easy. Of course the interface will be different than zMUD, because zMUD is for playing MUDs, and zMapper is for editing maps. Parts of the interface might look similar to the mapper window in zMUD, but it's not sharing any code or anything like that.

4) No. The AI for auto-creating maps is part of zMUD, not zMapper. zMapper is a generic mapping program for any game or any other purpose you might want a map for. zMapper doesn't have any special knowledge of MUDs. The special knowledge of your MUD is stored within zMUD (the auto-mapper configuration) and that will continue to work the same way it always has. However, because the zMapper database format for maps is more flexible than the current zMUD map format, some things like custom exits in rooms will be easier to do in zMUD and will work better. So, over time, the new database format will benefit zMUD users and new functions will still be added to the zMUD mapper.

5) You'll have to wait for the beta. The list of features is already given on the zMapper project page. I'll probably be adding some screenshots towards the end of April, but there won't be any sort of "preview" version...just the first functional beta version.

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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
Posts: 107

PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2002 10:03 pm   
Well,actually,i have read that someone thought zmud auto mapper didnt work... it does,and perfectly...
It has been REALLY usefull to me,although it started to go slow because of the size of my map... but it had solution even for that!! =D (zones) I think zmud mapper is a GREAT application,and if u cant use it,its perhaphs because u dont know how to configure it...(it took me a lot to configure it,but if u get to that... :D)

Well,that was just an oppinion,and sorry about my english,i cant speak it very well... :P
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Joined: 13 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 12:56 pm   
I am curious about some of the exact capabilities of the zmapper program.

I understand that it is a stand alone product seperate from Zmud but if I remember correctly it was stated that it will be able to be "intergrated" into zmud, sort of like a plug-in type thing.

Also are there any plans to make it work with zmud in the future since it appears that this will likely become another product that has a huge following. I know I speak for alot of people when I say I would love to use my shiny new zmapper maps to speedwalk in my mud...

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Joined: 16 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2002 7:25 am   
So, what's the ETA on this bad boy?

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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 6:36 am   
Take a look at the zMapper project link at the top of this thread for summary of zMapper features. If you have specific questions about zMapper features or how it integrates with zMUD, please post to the zMapper discussion forum.

Yes, zMapper will be a plugin for zMUD. This will allow you to view your enhanced maps within zMUD and will add commands and functions to zMUD to allow you to interact with the enhanced maps. But all of this will come in stages. The first challenge is to just maintain the existing zMUD mapper functionality using the new zMapper database format. This alone is requiring the rewrite of about 40,000 lines of code in zMUD, which is quite a job. So, like all Zugg Software products, you'll see more and more features added to new versions over time.

As far as ETA, I don't announce specific release dates. I release something when it is ready. What I've already said in other forums is that the version of zMUD using the new database will be available in April (looking more like the middle of next week), and the first beta version of zMapper in late May.

I'll probably post an announcement in the zMapper forum about 1-2 weeks prior to the first zMapper beta release to warn people when it's coming. Since the pre-order deal will go away then and the price will go from $10 to $20, I will give people as much notice as I can about the date of the release.

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Joined: 18 May 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:33 am   
I'm a little bit confused. I am in the midst of my 30 day trial of zMud (which I fully intend to purchase! - awesome client!). I've looked at the zMapper Project page and these posts, but I am at a loss to figure out exactly what benefits a zMud user would gain (in playing or mapping muds) by using zMapper as a plugin. Is there any functionality that would be afforded mud players by using zMapper as a plugin rather than simply using zMud? Perhaps you could post a zMapper feature list that shows specifically what will NOT be included or available in zMud alone.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 7:22 pm   
I think the zMapper page already describes this, but:

zMapper will allow you to completely customize your MUD map. Instead of just little squares for the rooms, you can add icons to rooms, change their shape, connect them with winding tunnels instead of simple lines, add background images, annotate the map with text, lines, icons, and any other shape, etc. With zMapper running, all of these changes will be visible within zMUD itself. You also be able to export the map in either a graphics format for web posting, or in a completely customizeable text format, allowing builders to use zMapper to build their MUD areas graphically then export the map directly to code templates.

None of the features mentioned above are available in zMUD. In zMUD alone, your maps are simple squares connected by lines, with a limited ability to add text annotations.

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Joined: 08 Nov 2000
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Location: Australia

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2002 4:30 am   
How do i pre-order zmapper?
I live in Australia..... so it wont allow me to order via credit card over the internet...... so signed up for paypal.... and it says that this recipient doesnt accept orders from international accounts.... Is there no way for me to order? im ready, willing yet apparently not able to order.... its a little frustrating, expecially after waiting a week after signing up for paypal soley to be able to purchase a zmapper license... Zugg, is there any way i can order?
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2002 6:45 pm   
Hmm, in my Paypal configuration I have the "Accept International Orders" option set to "Yes". You might want to email PayPal and find out why they aren't accepting your order.

Otherwise, no, right now the only way to order zMapper is with a credit card or PayPal. Other options will probably be added in the future, but not for the special price.

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Joined: 08 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2002 6:50 am   
After reading your reply Zugg, i tried again, and it went thru without a hitch..... whoever said puters were logical :)
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Joined: 23 May 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 9:58 am   
question, My mud is very strange compared to other muds I been to. My map is like nothing I every saw,seen, or will see again.How does this new zmapper tell with room it is if your a @ on a map with something like this.

The Cavern of Malch'hor Ganl

^ ****

Exits: north east south west

This is just one eviroment there. There is one which is all blue (ocean) with all the same name, and a complete blue screen. then there is the mountain area (a yellow M) with forest( a green *) around it?

Ok, I'm about as smart as forest gump!!
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Joined: 23 May 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 10:04 am   
I forgot, there are many more than what I said. to many to name or try and name, for the year I have been playing the mud I'm on only a few area's I have been to. Which is why I love your paths option. A few clicks and I'm recording how to get to what zone.A update on that I will buy.

Ok, I'm about as smart as forest gump!!
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Joined: 26 Jul 2001
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2002 8:20 am   
To consolidate the latest information on this pegged message:

21-Jun-02 MORE Screenshots of zMapper posted!
See how to make hexagonal maps in zMapper! <- Demonlord your question would be solved similarily.

10-Jun-02 Screenshots of zMapper posted!
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