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Joined: 06 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 3:07 pm   


Does anyone know how to import a WinTin 95 script onto ZMud?
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 6:59 pm   
I think that you can't just import it. Instead you would need to manually convert it. If yuo don't know how to do this, try posting the WinTin script here to see if someone is able to convert it.

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Joined: 06 Mar 2002
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 7:05 pm   
If anyone can convert this for me it would be great. Thanx!!!!

`alias {.} {ooc}
`alias {/} {!}
`alias {1} {c 'rift' x1;enter portal;kt}
`alias {11} {c 'beacon' x1}
`alias {2} {c 'rift' x2;enter portal;kt}
`alias {22} {c 'beacon' x2}
`alias {3} {c 'rift' x3;enter portal;kt}
`alias {33} {c 'beacon' x3}
`alias {4} {c 'rift' x4;enter portal;kt}
`alias {44} {c 'beacon' x4}
`alias {5} {c 'rift' x5;enter portal;kt}
`alias {55} {c 'beacon' x5}
`alias {} {c \'enchant armor\' }
`alias {
} {c 'enchant weap' }
`alias {aa} {c 'acid blast' }
`alias {aaa} {c 'flam'}
`alias {aby} {`ses 2 4000}
`alias {ad} {c 'energy'$trag}
`alias {aff} {autofoloff}
`alias {ani} {`ses 4 6666}
`alias {as} {c 'curse'$trag}
`alias {assa} {`var assassin %1;$channel Assassinating alias' set for (%1).}
`alias {att} {`var attack %0;$channel Using my -=%0=- skill.}
`alias {autofoloff} {`var autofollowing -1;`al aff autofolon}
`alias {autofolon} {`var autofollowing 0;`al aff autofoloff}
`alias {bamf} {. ---*--->>H A I L B A M F<<---*---}
`alias {bas} {bash}
`alias {cb} {c 'cure blind' }
`alias {cc} {.r "Ren'Mazou" "Ara'zul"}
`alias {cd} {c 'cure disease' }
`alias {cg} {close gate}
`alias {chan} {`var channel %1}
`alias {cp} {c 'cure poison' }
`alias {cr} {clan recall}
`alias {dd} {c 'wrath'$trag}
`alias {de} {drag $trag east}
`alias {dh} {c 'detect hidden'}
`alias {di} {c 'detect invis'}
`alias {disp} {c 'dispel ma'}
`alias {dm} {c 'detect magic'}
`alias {dn} {drag $trag north}
`alias {do} {drag $trag down}
`alias {ds} {drag $trag south}
`alias {dtd} {drag $target down;$attack $target}
`alias {dte} {drag $target east;$attack $target}
`alias {dtn} {drag $target north;$attack $target}
`alias {dts} {drag $target south;$attack $target}
`alias {dtu} {drag $target up;$attack $target}
`alias {dtw} {drag $target west;$attack $target}
`alias {du} {drag $trag up}
`alias {dw} {drag $trag west}
`alias {ee} {dirt $assassin}
`alias {eg} {enter gate}
`alias {f} {goto}
`alias {ff} {lp $trag}
`alias {fou} {`ses 3 7000}
`alias {gg} {c 'gate'$trag}
`alias {go} {`wri leg.wri}
`alias {gold} {3s15w6nesdwssd;get all;c gate boar}
`alias {gr} {group}
`alias {hand} {flamehand;chaoshand;frosthand;palm;iron;viper}
`alias {hardskip} {`gag parries;`gag parry;`gag blocks your attack;`gag with your shield;`gag dodge}
`alias {hc} {heal crit}
`alias {hh} {`ses 3 9000}
`alias {ii} {c 'frost breath' }
`alias {ina} {`ses 0 9000}
`alias {ins} {`ses 1 9999}
`alias {jgs} {`ses 1 5000}
`alias {jgs1} {`ses 2 5000}
`alias {kk} {murder chemosh}
`alias {kt} {kill $target}
`alias {leg} {`ses 6 8000}
`alias {leg1} {`ses 5 8000}
`alias {lf} {c 'light feet' }
`alias {ll} {trip $trag}
`alias {lo} {c 'locate obj' }
`alias {lp} {c 'locate per' }
`alias {lu} {`session lu 8000}
`alias {lu2} {`session lu2 8001}
`alias {luip} {`ses 1 8001}
`alias {luu} {`ses 1 8000}
`alias {md} {push $trag down;down}
`alias {me} {push $trag east;east}
`alias {mm} {push chemosh}
`alias {mmm} {$attack $target;$attack $target;$attack $target;$attack $target;$attack $target;$attack $target;$attack $target;$attack $target;$attack $target;say}
`alias {mn} {push $trag north;north}
`alias {ms} {push $trag south;south}
`alias {mu} {push $trag up;up}
`alias {mud} {`ses 1 3103}
`alias {muu} {5sdwdn8dwsswwsssssswn8w4s}
`alias {mw} {push $trag west;west}
`alias {na} {c 'negate align' }
`alias {ncu} {board 1;note catchup;note;note catchup;note;note catchup;note;note catchup;note;note catchup;note;note catchup;note;note catchup;note;note catchup;note;note catchup;board 1;save}
`alias {nightelf} {sn2s2e3sw2s2wneu3e2swnw}
`alias {nightelfout} {e3n4e2ne3nwsw2e2ses2e}
`alias {nn} {c 'blind'$trag}
`alias {nnn} {c 'energy'$trag}
`alias {noassa} {$channel $assassin Is No Longer My Assassination Target.;`var assassin .nobody.}
`alias {notar} {$channel -=$target Is No Longer My Target For Corpsing=-.;`var target dfajdsa}
`alias {notarg} {$channel $trag is no longer a target.;`var trag .nobody.}
`alias {od} {open down}
`alias {oe} {open east}
`alias {on} {open north}
`alias {oo} {strangle $assassin}
`alias {os} {open south}
`alias {ou} {open up}
`alias {ow} {open west}
`alias {p} {c 'lifetap' }
`alias {pas} {wear darkseed}
`alias {pg} {c 'protection good' }
`alias {pk} {pkp points}
`alias {pp} {artery $assassin}
`alias {ppp} {2sds4e2nenw3n2wdn}
`alias {ptd} {push $target down;d;$attack $target}
`alias {pte} {push $target east;e;$attack $target}
`alias {ptn} {push $target north;n;$attack $target}
`alias {pts} {push $target south;s;$attack $target}
`alias {ptu} {push $target up;u;$attack $target}
`alias {ptw} {push $target west;w;$attack $target}
`alias {q} {c 'dispel magic'$trag}
`alias {qc} {quest complete}
`alias {qff} {quest fail}
`alias {qg} {quest giveup}
`alias {qi} {quest info}
`alias {ql} {quest list}
`alias {qp} {quest points}
`alias {qq} {assassinate $assassin}
`alias {qqq} {c 'curse'$trag}
`alias {qr} {quest request}
`alias {qt} {quest time}
`alias {qww} {trip strat}
`alias {r} {rest}
`alias {rb} {repent bless}
`alias {rc} {c 'remove cur' }
`alias {re} {reply}
`alias {rog} {`ses 5 3033}
`alias {rr} {c 'gate'$assassin}
`alias {scd} {scan down}
`alias {sce} {scan east}
`alias {scn} {scan north}
`alias {scs} {scan south}
`alias {scu} {scan up}
`alias {scw} {scan west}
`alias {shi} {c 'iceshield';c 'shockshield';c 'fireshield';c 'airshield';c 'soundshield';c 'vibrate'}
`alias {si} {scrim info}
`alias {sig} {3s8w3n4en3euuu}
`alias {sl} {sleep}
`alias {sp} {spells}
`alias {ss} {c 'forsake'$trag}
`alias {targ} {`var target %1;$channel -=Now Targetting ($1) the Walking Corpse=-.}
`alias {tha} {`ses 1 8686}
`alias {trag} {`var trag %1;$channel My primary kill alias' are set to kill (%1).}
`alias {tt} {rem soul;wear soul;rem mask;wear mask;rem greaves;wear greaves;rem spark;wear spark;rem plate;wear plate;rem shield;wear shield}
`alias {unhardskip} {`ungag parries;`ungag parry;`ungag blocks your attack;`ungag with your shield;`ungag dodge}
`alias {vv} {.r "Ralimuth" "Aluren"}
`alias {wa} {wake}
`alias {weap} {`var weapon %0}
`alias {ww} {trip $assassin}
`alias {yy} {title is playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3.}
`alias {z} {c ‘locate person’$target}
`alias {zz} {c ‘silence’$target}
`alias {zzz} {c ‘blind’$target}
`action {$target leaves down.} {`if {$autofollowing = 0} {d}} {0}
`action {$target leaves east.} {`if {$autofollowing = 0} {e}} {0}
`action {$target leaves north.} {`if {$autofollowing = 0} {n}} {0}
`action {$target leaves south.} {`if {$autofollowing = 0} {s}} {0}
`action {$target leaves up.} {`if {$autofollowing = 0} {u}} {0}
`action {$target leaves west.} {`if {$autofollowing = 0} {w}} {0}
`action {%1 follows you} {group $1} {0}
`action {(Glowing) Smoking, embedding} {get frag} {0}
`action {I am giving you %1 quest points, and %2 gold.} {$channel Quest Points: $1, Gold: $2} {0}
`action {You may now quest again.} {$channel Hey You! Yeah, You! Go Get A Fucking Quest RIGHT NOW!!!} {0}
`action {You raise a level!! You gain %1 hit } {$channel I just gained $1 hit points.} {0}
`action {^$target has arrived from above.} {$attack $target} {0}
`action {^$target has arrived.} {$attack $target} {0}
`action {^$target is DEAD!!} {$channel -1 $target.;notar} {0}
`action {^$trag is DEAD!!} {$channel $trag Has Been Eliminated.;notarg} {0}
`action {^%1 tells the group 'flee} {flee;flee;flee} {0}
`action {^%1 tells the group 'hand} {c 'hand'} {0}
`action {^%1 tells the group 'heal} {heal crit} {0}
`action {^%1 tells the group 'rb} {rb} {0}
`action {^%1 tells the group 'recall} {c word;north} {0}
`action {^%1 tells the group 'sleep} {sleep res} {0}
`action {^%1 tells the group 'spellup} {wake;heal sanc;heal haste;heal insp} {0}
`action {^%1 tells the group 'wake} {wake} {0}
`action {^You hand %1} {$channel Quest Point Reward Doubled!!!!!} {0}
`action {^You have become better at %1} {$channel Better at $1!} {0}
`action {^You have been KILLED!!} {notarg;notar} {0}
`action {^You learn from your mistakes, and your %1 skill} {$channel Better at $1!} {0}
`action {disappear into the void} {who;wo} {0}
`action {$target is here, fighting %0.} {$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target is here.} {$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, nearby to the down.} {d;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, nearby to the east.} {e;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, nearby to the north.} {n;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, nearby to the south.} {s;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, nearby to the up.} {u;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, nearby to the west.} {w;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, not far down.} {d;d;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, not far east.} {e;e;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, not far north.} {n;n;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, not far south.} {s;s;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, not far up.} {u;u;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, not far west.} {w;w;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, off in the distance down.} {d;d;d;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, off in the distance east.} {e;e;e;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, off in the distance north.} {n;n;n;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, off in the distance south.} {s;s;s;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, off in the distance up.} {u;u;u;$attack $target} {5}
`action {$target, off in the distance west.} {w;w;w;$attack $target} {5}
`action {%0 DISARMS you and sends your weapon flying!} {wear $weapon} {5}
`action {(PK) $target %0} {$channel $target is at: %0} {5}
`action {PANIC!} {flee} {5}
`action {You try and flee the fight but } {fl} {5}
`substitute {The white aura around your body fades.} {-**THE WHITE AURA AROUND YOUR BODY FADES!**-}
`substitute {You feel yourself slow down.} {-**YOU FEEL YOURSELF SLOW DOWN!**-}
`variable {assassin} {.nobody.}
`variable {attack} {c wrath}
`variable {autofollowing} {0}
`variable {channel} {gt}
`variable {target} {dfajdsa}
`variable {trag} {.nobody.}
`variable {weapon} {age}
`highlight {red} {$assassin}
`highlight {red} {$target}
`highlight {red} {$trag}
`highlight {cyan} {-**THE WHITE AURA AROUND YOUR BODY FADES!**-}
`highlight {green} {-**YOU FEEL YOURSELF SLOW DOWN!**-}
`highlight {b blue} {^%1 tells the group '}
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
Posts: 793
Location: Swindon, England

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 9:40 am   
just try changing all the ' to #, $ to @ and try importing?

(Alternatively, change these special characters in zMUD :)

Lady C.
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Joined: 06 Mar 2002
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 10:07 am   
Thanx Lady C.! That worked great!
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
Posts: 793
Location: Swindon, England

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 1:14 pm   
Another satisfied customer :)))

Lady C.
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