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Joined: 13 Oct 2001
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 3:37 pm   

Fleeing away from mobs.
Ok here is a solution that i want help on. if i flee like west and i want to go back is there any possible solution to that.

You flee west, head over heels.

and i want to go back east to kill my that possible?
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 5:39 pm   
Yes it's possible, provided that east is the correct direction. This might work. The fillers are to avoid a result of 0 from the modular division.

#VAR directionlist{up|north|northeast|east|southeast|filler1|down|south|southwest|west|northwest|filler2}
#TR {You flee (%t), head over heels} {%item(@directionlist,%eval((%ismember(%1,@directionlist)+6)12))}

All scripts untested unless otherwise noted
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Joined: 13 Oct 2001
Posts: 5
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2002 1:26 am   
#VAR directionlist{up|north|northeast|east|southeast|filler1|down|south|southwest|west|northwest|filler2}
#TR {You flee (%t), head over heels} {%item(@directionlist,%eval((%ismember(%1,@directionlist)+6)12))}

what if i just want the up, north, east, down, south, west......does that have to change the number 6? and that "" is that suppose to be "/"? Le met know.....thanks
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
Posts: 4817
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2002 4:43 am   
There are 12 items in the stringlist. Half of that is 6. If you only use 6 directions instead of 10, you'll only need 8 items in the stringlist and half of that is 4.
#VAR directionlist{up|north|east|filler1|down|south|west|filler2}
#TR {You flee (%t), head over heels} {%item(@directionlist,%eval((%ismember(%1,@directionlist)+4)8))}

No, it's supposed to be . / is normal division, which gives a quotient. is modular division which gives a remainder and the algorithm relies on a remainder for its operation.

I'm glad you asked, though. Many people use scripts without any idea how they work and thus have no idea what's wrong when they don't. It's nice to see someone who wants to understand.

All scripts untested unless otherwise noted
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