chris123zugg Apprentice
Joined: 23 Aug 2013 Posts: 195
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 11:48 am
Words to numbers building a function or db? |
so this is a seemingly easy one but is beginning to be quite tedius.
There is an item that does a thing, you must look at it to see how many charges are left on the item, the rub is it's spelled out not in a numeric state
One =1, Two = 2, and so on ad infinitum.
Is there a database already in place in cmud i dont know of that has this already done i can use or a function built by someone i also dont know about to do this?
I could use #switch and endlessly input up to 500 of the switches but i cant see myself doing this.:\
anyone with help in this would be amazing, thank you! |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 12:19 pm |
There is no current function built that I know of, but we could build one.
$numStr = "four hundred thousand four hundred twenty four"
$numStr = %replace($numStr, "twenty", 20)
$numStr = %replace($numStr, "four", 4)
$numStr = %replace($numStr, " hundred", "*100")
$numStr = %replace($numStr, " thousand", "*1000")
$numStr = %replace($numStr, " ", "+")
#SAY %eval($numStr)
Just convert it into an equation.
Though the basic order of operations will fail you at numbers greater than one million.
But i think that limitation should be more than enough for this problem. |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
chris123zugg Apprentice
Joined: 23 Aug 2013 Posts: 195
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 12:41 pm |
I see, how then would i change this to work for any spelled out numbers vs what you have there?
this is the capture for the function you built...
are thirty-nine runes invoking the power and strength of magic.
so i'd have to have 2 seperate ones for the single spelling numbers and the hyphenated numbers...
i should have started with this heh, i apologize. |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 1:28 pm |
Nope, %replace ignores word boundaries, so it's just a matter of replacing things in the right order.
For instance, i don't strip out the spaces in my example until after all the cases that require a space.
Convert the hyphen into a plus sign. |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 1:47 pm |
I went through the trouble of making it into a fully fledged function
Code: |
<func name="w2n" id="52692">
<value>#LOCAL $total
$numStr = %replace( $numStr, " thousand", ")*1000|")
$numStr = %replace( $numStr, " million", ")*1000000|")
#FORALL $numStr {
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "ten", 10)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "eleven", 11)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "twelve", 12)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "thirteen", 13)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "fourteen", 14)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "fifteen", 15)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "sixteen", 16)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "seventeen", 17)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "eightteen", 18)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "nineteen", 19)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "twenty", 20)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "thirty", 30)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "forty", 40)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "fifty", 50)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "sixty", 60)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "seventy", 70)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "eighty", 80)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "ninty", 90)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "one", 1)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "two", 2)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "three", 3)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "four", 4)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "five", 5)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "six", 6)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "seven", 7)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "eight", 8)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "nine", 9)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, " hundred", "*100)")
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "-", "+")
#FORALL $segStr {
$equat = %replace( %trim( %j), " ", "+")
#LOOP (%len($equat)-%len(%replace($equat, ")"))) {$equat=%insert("(", $equat, 1)}
$num=%eval( $equat)
#IF (%number( $num)) {$total=($total+$num)} {
#PRINT error converting:
#PRINT $segStr
#PRINT $equat
#RETURN $total</value>
Should work on any number less than a billion now
To use it you would do:
@w2n($numStr) |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 5:21 pm |
#TR {are ([%w -]) runes invoking} {#SUB {are @w2n(%1) runes invoking}}
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 7:23 pm |
I just had to keep going over my own code...
Good luck finding a valid positive integer in string form from actual gameplay that breaks it.
Code: |
<func name="w2n" id="52692">
<value>#LOCAL $total $equat
$numStr = %replace( $numStr, " thousand", ")*1000|")
$numStr = %replace( $numStr, " million", ")*1000000|")
$numStr = %replace( $numStr, " billion", ")*1000000000|")
$numStr = %replace( $numStr, " trillion", ")*1000000000000|")
$numStr = %replace( $numStr, " quadrillion", ")*1000000000000000|")
$numStr = %replace( $numStr, " quintillion", ")*1000000000000000000|")
#FORALL $numStr {
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "ten", 10)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "eleven", 11)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "twelve", 12)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "thirteen", 13)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "fourteen", 14)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "fifteen", 15)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "sixteen", 16)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "seventeen", 17)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "eightteen", 18)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "nineteen", 19)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "twenty", 20)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "thirty", 30)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "forty", 40)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "fifty", 50)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "sixty", 60)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "seventy", 70)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "eighty", 80)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "ninty", 90)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "one", 1)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "two", 2)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "three", 3)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "four", 4)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "five", 5)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "six", 6)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "seven", 7)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "eight", 8)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "nine", 9)
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, " hundred", "*100)")
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, "-", "+")
$segStr = %replace( $segStr, " ", "+")
#LOOP (%len( $segStr)-%len( %replace( $segStr, ")"))) {$segStr=%insert( "(", $segStr, 1)}
#IF (%number( %eval( $segStr))) {
#IF ($equat) {$equat=%concat($equat, "+" $segStr)} {$equat=$segStr}
} {#PRINT Error converting: $segStr}
#IF (%number(%eval($equat))) {#RETURN %eval($equat)} {#PRINT Error with $equat}</value>
After reformatting.... 43 lines to cover up to a sextillion. |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 8:34 pm |
I made it even smaller and turned it into a package in the library, fun little thought experiment.
String to Number
under Utility |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
chris123zugg Apprentice
Joined: 23 Aug 2013 Posts: 195
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:02 pm |
Awesome! thanks shalimar!
now to use this function i simply use the command -> @w2n($numStr)
inside my capture of -> are thirty-nine runes invoking the power and strength of magic.
and it will turn whatever the runes say there are into numerals?
i deleted the old function and copied all of the new one and the capture to use.
it doesnt #say anything :\
I just also saw that you created a variable i could have captured from as well in the original capture/function.
lollll however it completely replaced the text output INLINE with the captured portion :D
I have never once seen that work like this, mind is now blown. how would i then save this output into a variable i can use for other actions?
well apparently it is captureable again, so i can actually manage this portion! |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:41 am |
You can assign the value to another variable just like always.
P.S. #SUB is supposed to substitute the text |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
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