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Joined: 23 Oct 2019
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:28 am   

MXP Trigger help
Hi there,

I'm currently tinkering around on "Mortal Realms" ( 4321) and was trying to figure out how one can create an MXP trigger..

The raw output / input from the mud is as follows:


25.141 | ---
0.0015 | i  MortalRe >s<CR><LF>
0.4862 | i  MortalRe <<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[1;37;40mThe Castle of Drake.<LF><CR>
0.0001 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[1;35;40mN-<ESC>[0;35;40mThe Castle of Dra <ESC>[1;35;40mE-<ESC>[0;35;40mThe Castle of Dra <ESC>[1;35;40mW-<ESC>[0;35;40mThe Castle of Dra <ESC>[1;35;40mU-<ESC>[0;35;40mToo dark to tell  <LF><CR>
0.0001 | <ESC>[1;35;40mD-<ESC>[0;35;40mToo dark to tell  <LF><CR>
0.0000 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[0K<IAC><GA><ESC>[0K<ESC>7<ESC>[;37;40m<ESC>[1;68HCastle<ESC>[;30;43m<ESC>[1CToo da<ESC>[;37;40m<ESC>[3;61HCastle<ESC>[;37;44m<ESC>[4;71H <ESC>[5;68H      <ESC>[1;32;44m<ESC>[28;27H88<ESC>[1;33;44m<ESC>[32CWUD<ESC>[;33;44m <ESC>[1;37;44m*<ESC>[1;33;44m<ESC>[4C4<ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K
1.5058 | i  MortalRe <<ESC>[0K<ESC>7<ESC>[1;33;44m<ESC>[28;65H <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K
2.4200 | ---
0.0015 | i  MortalRe >d<CR><LF>
0.3405 | i  MortalRe <<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[1;37;40mOn the parade ground<LF><CR>
0.0000 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[1;35;40mE-<ESC>[0;35;40mToo dark to tell  <ESC>[1;35;40mS-<ESC>[0;35;40mToo dark to tell  <LF><CR>
0.0000 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0;35;40mA parade marcher is practicing here.<LF><CR>
0.0000 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[1;36;40mYou feel there is not much to gain visiting this place...<LF><CR>
0.0000 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[0K<IAC><GA><ESC>[0K<ESC>7<ESC>[;37;44m<ESC>[1;4HPm<ESC>[;35;44mA parade mar<ESC>[;37;44m<ESC>[50C      <ESC>[1C      <ESC>[;32;44m<ESC>[2;3HF<ESC>[;37;44mOA<ESC>[;33;44mOakley<ESC>[;37;44m<ESC>[59C <ESC>[2C <ESC>[3;61H       <ESC>[;30;43mOn the<ESC>[1CToo da<ESC>[;37;44m<ESC>[4;67H <ESC>[3C|<ESC>[5;61H      <ESC>[;30;43m<ESC>[1CToo da<ESC>[1;32;44m<ESC>[28;28H6<ESC>[1;33;44m<ESC>[30CES<ESC>[;33;44m   <ESC>[1;37;44m<ESC>[1C*<ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K
1.5059 | i  MortalRe <<ESC>[0K<ESC>7<ESC>[1;33;44m<ESC>[28;65H <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K
2.3433 | ---
0.0030 | i  MortalRe >gohome<CR><LF>
0.4391 | i  MortalRe <<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[1;37;40mThe Castle of Drake.<LF><CR>
0.0001 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[1;35;40mN-<ESC>[0;35;40mToo dark to tell  <ESC>[1;35;40mE-<ESC>[0;35;40mThe Castle of Dra <ESC>[1;35;40mS-<ESC>[0;35;40mThe Castle of Dra <ESC>[1;35;40mW-<ESC>[0;35;40mThe Castle of Dra <LF><CR>
0.0001 | <ESC>[1;35;40mU-<ESC>[0;35;40mThe Castle of Dra <ESC>[1;35;40mD-<ESC>[0;35;40mThe Castle of Dra <LF><CR>
0.0001 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[0;36;40m(SCOUNDREL) Guinness is here. <LF><CR>
0.0001 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[0;36;40m(Stoned) Gloomy is smoking here.<LF><CR>
0.0001 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[K<ESC>7<ESC>[27H<ESC>[0;36;40m(Faithful) Leveling is here.<LF><CR>
0.0001 | <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K<ESC>[0K<IAC><GA><ESC>[0K<ESC>7<ESC>[;37;44m<ESC>[1;4HGu<ESC>[;35;44mGuinness<ESC>[;37;44m    <ESC>[;30;47m<ESC>[50CToo da<ESC>[;37;40m<ESC>[1CCastle<ESC>[;37;44m<ESC>[2;4H24<ESC>[;35;44mGloomy<ESC>[;37;44m<ESC>[59C|<ESC>[2C/<ESC>[;32;44m<ESC>[3;3HF<ESC>[;37;44mLe<ESC>[;35;44mLeveling<ESC>[;37;40m<ESC>[47CCastle<ESC>[;37;44m-<ESC>[;32;45mCastle<ESC>[;37;40m<ESC>[1CCastle<ESC>[;32;44m<ESC>[4;3HF<ESC>[;37;44mOA<ESC>[;33;44mOakley<ESC>[;37;44m<ESC>[55C/<ESC>[;37;40m<ESC>[5;61HCastle<ESC>[1CCastle<ESC>[1;33;44m<ESC>[28;59HNESWUD<ESC>[1;37;44m*<ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K
0.7303 | i  MortalRe <<ESC>[0K<ESC>7<ESC>[1;33;44m<ESC>[28;65H <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K

Now I'm trying to create a trigger (against: "<ESC>[0K<ESC>7<ESC>[1;33;44m<ESC>[28;65H <ESC>8<ESC>[0;36;40m<ESC>[0K").

How would I go about this?[/code]
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Joined: 06 Mar 2014
Posts: 12

PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 8:00 am   
That is the information you have pulled from the debugger and I don't think you can trigger against it directly at least I haven't figgured that out.

Any way under the trigger screen at the bottom there is a drop down to change the trigger type by default it's set to Pattern you probably want to change that to MXP.

This link has a ton of info on MXP

When you create your MXP trigger make the pattern (*) and then for the script text do #WIN MXP #SAY %1
That should pipe everything it captures to a new window named mxp so you can see whats in there.

I haven't done this but it should get you started.
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Joined: 06 Mar 2014
Posts: 12

PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 8:12 am   
[quote="glister"]That is the information you have pulled from the debugger and I don't think you can trigger against it directly at least I haven't figgured that out.

Any way under the trigger screen at the bottom there is a drop down to change the trigger type by default it's set to Pattern you probably want to change that to MXP.

This link has a ton of info on MXP

When you create your MXP trigger make the pattern (*) and then for the script text do #WIN MXP #SAY %1
That should pipe everything it captures to a new window named mxp so you can see whats in there.

I haven't done this but it should get you started.

This link has an example
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