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Joined: 13 May 2012
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 6:59 am   

Problem with ;-1
I'm a head builder on a mud with well over ten thousand items. In a process of re-balancing this enormous list, I've created an excel sheet that populates via server-side SQL database. I've created a set of self-populating cells that create the following spam from that SQL information. Once copy/pasted and the tabs are removed. it resembles:
oed 41203;c;;1;20;20;1;4;0;-1;q;y
oed 31312;c;;0;30;30;1;4;0;-1;q;y
oed 31313;c;;0;40;40;1;4;0;-1;q;y
oed 6005;c;;0;20;20;1;4;0;-1;q;y

The problem is that it works perfectly until a value of '-1' arises. This causes it to be sent to the mud as ';-1', having failed to parse the ';'. Example:


oed 41203;c;;1;20;20;1;4;0; -1;q;y
oed 41203

Needless to say, this is screwing up the data entry.

I tried using a space, example: '; -1' but it again sent '; -1' instead of parsing the ';'
Also tried [oed 41203;c;;1;20;20;1;4;0;#SEND"-1";q;y], but it literally failed to parse the entire string and failed completely.

What can I do guys? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

P.S. For giggles, I altered the separator character (;) to (^) and tried the above string [oed 41203^c^^1^20^20^1^4^0^-1^q^y
]..... and it worked. I'm kind of picky and would rather not go back and edit the umpteen thousand (;) I've built across a dozen spread sheets.... but will if absolutely necessary. More intrigued than anything right now.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:48 am   
this sounds like the perfect use of #SENDRAW

#SENDRAW {oed 41203;c;;1;20;20;1;4;0;-1;q;y}
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 13 May 2012
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:53 am   
Any command line with # in it seems to inhibit the parsing of the separator character (whether ; or ^). I replaced the above attempt of [oed 41203;c;;1;20;20;1;4;0;#SEND"-1";q;y] with [oed 41203;c;;1;20;20;1;4;0;#SENDRAW "-1";q;y] and [oed 41203;c;;1;20;20;1;4;0;#SENDRAW -1;q;y] And it simply sent the whole line as one, uniformed block. Did I interpret your suggestion wrong?
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:45 am   
I think i misinterpreted it as a complex string where you wanted to send semicolons.
Short of breaking it up and putting each command on a separate line and not use the command separator character at all (in an #ALIAS perhaps), I'm not sure what to tell you.
Try using the {curly brackets} instead of the "quote marks" maybe?
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 13 May 2012
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:05 am   
Laughingly, I just spent the time to switch my separator character from ";" to "^". This has actually solved two problems: first, cmud no longer has problems with the & symbol immediately following a separator, and it now will process "^-1" where it wouldn't process ";-1". Now... the "why" is still bugging me :)

Thanks for the info Shalimar.
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