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Joined: 31 Dec 2016
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 1:29 pm   

Prompt issue & Tick solution
CMUD 3.34, Windows 10, 64-bit

I have two topics to solve. One is rather cosmetic, 2nd is serious and without solving it I cannot participate in PvP fights.

1) Tick solution

In the session screen I have a button with this code (as its caption) " @TimeM: [ @DawnH ]---> @TimeH :%tick <----[ @SunsetH ] ". As the result it showing up actual MUD time with the actual Month and Dawn/Sunset time. Base on the actual time I also change colour of the button (green=day/black=night). This is done by this code " #if (@TimeH>=@DawnH AND @TimeH<@SunsetH) {#CALL %btncol(2030,black,green)} {#CALL %btncol(2030,white,black)} ". This code is put at Timer settings feature, Timeout Command line.

My issue is with the %tick value. To be perfect I’m looking for value (60-%tick). If there is no other interim value I could use for that I can of course make my own value (e.g. TimeS) with the code 60-%tick. But in this case how to update it each second? Where to put command, that will on each %tick value update also update TimeS value? Or is there a way how to put that formula (60-%tick) directly into the button caption? If so, with what syntax?

2) Prompt issue

Please check the URls for log files.

On the first link is an example how it looks like to me right now. This only happen when I hit enemy player (in the mud has form e.g. *an Orc* or *Kaligula the Orc*). If I’m in fight with anything else all is ok and everything works properly as should. Btw. in the old zMud client I never had this issue and also it’s not a result of some wrong substitution or trigger (same happened even I turned all of them off).

2nd link is to log, how it should looks like ... correct form

I smell, that problem could be with the wrong CMUD translation of the * character in the PROMPT line. Maybe also solution will be a simple but I will appreciate any help here, because I don't know to what I should focus at.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:13 am   
usually if you are having a variable that needs to be updated you would use an #ALARM

#ALARM "varUpdater" -1 {someVar=60-%tick}
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4718
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 3:00 am   
As to the second issue, if it happens regardless of your triggers being on, then it is likely a game side issue.
Try to condense your problem to a single example you can post here, rather than send people to vague logs on third party sites.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 31 Dec 2016
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:24 pm   
ad 1) #ALARM solution works well. But it looks like have an negative influence on the client speed (response rate). I will test it later if it is significant or i could live with that. Thanks for advice.

ad 2) it has nothing with my trigers. It was same even i turned them off. But also don't see it as a game side issue. With different client (even zMud) this doesnt happened. As you wanted here is fragment of log for comparisson.

wrong one (current state) ...
!. CRsW HP:Fine
*an Orc*
*an Orc* strikes for a gap in your armour!
*an Orc* pierces your left hand and tickles it.

!. CRsW HP:Fine
*an Orc*
*an Orc* pierces your right hand and tickles it.

and how it should looks like ...
![ CW HP:Wounded *Hummong the Bear*:Bad>

*a noble Elf* barely slashes your left arm and tickles it.

![ CW HP:Wounded *Hummong the Bear*:Bad>

You crush *Hummong the Bear*'s left forefoot very hard and shatter it.

![ CW HP:Wounded *Hummong the Bear*:Bad>

or if i transfer to correct form first log fragment ...
!. CRsW HP:Fine *an Orc*:Fine>

*an Orc* strikes for a gap in your armour!
*an Orc* pierces your left hand and tickles it.

!. CRsW HP:Fine *an Orc*:Fine>

*an Orc* pierces your right hand and tickles it.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 5:30 pm   
That is a rather annoying display issue, I can understand the frustration... but i cannot think of what would be causing it.

But i bet you could make a trigger pattern to capture it as a multiline.

Have you considered suppressing your prompt after capturing the data elsewhere and displaying it via other means?

Have you tried turning on the script debugger (under windows) and make sure you don't have more triggers firing on that line than you thought?
Clicking the gun icon in the lower right corner will turn off all triggers, if you want to be extra sure nothing is interfering.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 31 Dec 2016
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:58 pm   
shalimar wrote:
That is a rather annoying display issue, I can understand the frustration... but i cannot think of what would be causing it.

But i bet you could make a trigger pattern to capture it as a multiline.

Have you considered suppressing your prompt after capturing the data elsewhere and displaying it via other means?

Have you tried turning on the script debugger (under windows) and make sure you don't have more triggers firing on that line than you thought?
Clicking the gun icon in the lower right corner will turn off all triggers, if you want to be extra sure nothing is interfering.

Sorry for reaction delay ... i forgot about notice.
Could you provide me with code that would solve it? Or show me way how so i will be able to finish code and test it by my own. Wink
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 6:34 pm   
Show me the triggers you are using, and what the output should look like?
Your URL examples have long since timed out.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 31 Dec 2016
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:49 am   
Unfortunatelly have no fresh logs. I need to collect some of them. But i think you can use those fragments in this post. New logs will not show different thing. As i already mentioned it before, it has nothing with any my triger. And what is also strange is, that if i would use ZMUD for playing, it will translate it into correct form. But because i'm using CMUD i have this output issue. In my opinion it must be something different then ... some kind of CMUD setting.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:59 am   
Some visually correct logs are on this link ...
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Joined: 31 Dec 2016
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:13 am   
And in this log ... "Shit goes down in Nagash (Beradur)" looks like that Beradur have same issue with visualisation like me.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 5:49 am   
If you want help, please put the help you need in this thread, don't make me dig through other websites.
(And if you do send me offsite, send me exactly where you need me, not to the homepage of that site and expect me to figure out where the help you need is located.)
I want to help you, but you are making this very difficult.

I need the actual triggers you are using.
I need the actual text you expect it to fire on.
I need some idea of what you want the trigger to do or how it is currently failing you.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 31 Dec 2016
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:14 am   
On this link you will find requested data ... log fragments from game + my settings.

As was mentioned by me in some previous post to this topic, it has nothing with any my trigger. It occures with triggers turned on and also with triggers turned off.
What is corrupt is prompt line and only when fighting enemy players (detail in log). This happened only when using CMUD . If i would go back to the ZMUD this wouldn't be there (with same settings, triggers, etc).

I hope these information would be helpfull. In case of anything you need just ask. I will try support, collect data, or whatever you want ...
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4718
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:01 am   
Can you just paste it onto this forum?
I am not downloading anything off third-party sites.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 31 Dec 2016
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:05 pm   
----- CUT 1 (example of fight against non player mob) ----

*+~ CRsW Mana:Burning>w
Secret Path
There is some snow on the ground.
Exits: north, =east=, south, =west=.

*+~ CRsW Mana:Burning>e
Camp on the Hills
There is some snow on the ground.
Exits: north, east, [south], west.

*(~ CRsW Mana:Burning>
Camp on the Hills
There is some snow on the ground.
Khuzur the Olog-hai is standing here.
A renegade uruk is here, dirty and ragged.
A renegade uruk is here, dirty and ragged.
A renegade uruk is here, dirty and ragged.
A dirty uruk stands here, the leader of a small pack of renegades.
A dirty uruk stands here, the leader of a small pack of renegades.
A renegade uruk is here, dirty and ragged.
A renegade uruk is here, dirty and ragged.
A renegade uruk is here, dirty and ragged.
Exits: east, west.

*(~ CRsW Mana:Burning>s
A renegade uruk tries to slash you, but your parry is successful.
You swiftly dodge a dirty uruk's attempt to slash you.

No way! You are fighting for your life!
You pierce a renegade uruk's left arm and tickle it.

*(~ CRsW Mana:Burning a renegade uruk:Fine> <<<< HERE is prompt line as should be
No way! You are fighting for your life!
Khuzur the Olog-hai smites your right arm extremely hard.

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Burning a renegade uruk:Fine>flee
You flee head over heels.
You flee east.
Hills outside the Camp
There is some snow on the ground.
Exits: south, west.

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Burning>s
The East Wall of the Strange Building
There is some snow on the ground.
Exits: north, east, south.

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Burning>look
The East Wall of the Strange Building
There is some snow on the ground.
Exits: north, east, south.

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Burning>
258/295 hits, 95/96 mana, and 122/127 moves.

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Burning>sc

You feel stealthy again.

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Burning>
OB: 69%, DB: 71%, PB: 84%, Armour: 10%. Wimpy: 219. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 111,270 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 3. Alert: normal.
Gained: 97 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 0
Affected by:
- panic
- noquit
- bless
- strength
- detect magic
- potion
- tiredness

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Burning>e
The Hills
There is some snow on the ground.
Exits: north, east, west.

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Burning>look
The Hills
There is some snow on the ground.
Exits: north, east, west.

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Burning>
259/295 hits, 95/96 mana, and 124/127 moves.

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Burning>w
The East Wall of the Strange Building
There is some snow on the ground.
Exits: north, east, south.

*(~ CRsW HP:Fine>s
Grassy Plain
There is some snow on the ground.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

--- CUT 2 (same as example 1) ---

!. CSW Mana:Hot>
You remove an elven dagger.
You swiftly draw a black horn shortbow from across your back.

!. CSW Mana:Hot>e
Inside a Dobac Hold
The corpse of a Dunlending warrior is lying here.
The corpse of a Dunlending warrior is lying here.
The corpse of a Dunlending warrior is lying here.
A circular stone well has been built here.
A swarthy Dunlending warrior is here, guarding his village against intruders.
Exits: [north], -east-, (south), -(west)-.

!. CSW Mana:Hot>shoot warrior
shoot warrior
You shoot a Dunlending warrior's body extremely hard and shatter it.
You barely hit a Dunlending warrior's body and shatter it.

!. CSW Mana:Hot a Dunlending warrior:Awful> <<< ANOTHER GOOD EXAMPLE
A Dunlending warrior strongly stabs your right arm and tickles it.
Argh! You cannot concentrate any more...

!. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Hot a Dunlending warrior:Awful>shoot warrior <<< ANOTHER GOOD EXAMPLE
You shoot a Dunlending warrior's right arm very hard and shatter it.
A Dunlending warrior is mortally wounded and will die soon if not aided.

!. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Hot a Dunlending warrior:Dying>shoot warrior
You shoot a Dunlending warrior's left leg extremely hard and shatter it.
You receive your share of experience.
**Yawn** Boring kill, wasn't it?
You hear a Dunlending warrior's death cry as he collapses.
A Dunlending warrior is dead! R.I.P.
get all.key all.corpse
get all.coins all.corpse

--- CUT 3 (involved into fight against enemy player - Orc) ---
----- (MUD syntax is *an Orc* or e.g. *Bambula the Orc*) -----

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
265/295 hits, 11/96 mana, and 124/127 moves.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
backstab bear
Dark Crevice
A big cavebear is padding around here.
Exits: east.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>escape e
You begin to move silently to the back of your victim...

A cavebear makes a strange sound, as you place an elven dagger in its back.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold a cavebear:Hurt> <<<< HERE is prompt line as should be
You seek to escape...
A cavebear strongly hits your right arm and tickles it.

You successfully escaped the fight!
Rift Valley
A mountain mule (muj) is standing here.
A swallow flies high above the ground.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Dark Crevice
A big cavebear is padding around here.
Exits: east.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>backstab bear
You begin to move silently to the back of your victim...

escape e
You swiftly dodge a cavebear's attempt to hit you.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold a cavebear:Hurt> <<<< HERE is prompt line as should be
You seek to escape...

You successfully escaped the fight!
Rift Valley
A mountain mule (muj) is standing here.
A swallow flies high above the ground.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Dark Crevice
A big cavebear is padding around here.
Exits: east.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>backstab bear
You begin to move silently to the back of your victim...

escape e
A cavebear hits your body and tickles it.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold a cavebear:Hurt>
You seek to escape...

You successfully escaped the fight!
Rift Valley
A mountain mule (muj) is standing here.
*an Orc* is standing here. <<<< enemy player No.1 (all is OK so far)
*an Orc* is standing here. <<<< enemy player No.2 (all is OK so far)
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Valley Floor
A rock lizard is here, motionless as it observes you.
Exits: /north\, west.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Rift Valley
A mountain mule (muj) is standing here.
*an Orc* is standing here.
*an Orc* is standing here.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>ride muj
*an Orc* says 'eha'
You pick up a mountain mule (muj)'s reins and start riding him.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
Rift Valley
A large brown snake with black patches is coiled here.
A swallow flies high above the ground.
Exits: south, up.
A swallow panics, and attempts to flee.
A swallow leaves up.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>u
You cannot ride there.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Rift Valley
*an Orc* is standing here.
*an Orc* is standing here.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s

*an Orc* tries to cleave you, but your parry is successful.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold <<<< HERE I get involved into fight, and prompt line for some reason, starts to be divided
*an Orc*
No way! You are fighting for your life!

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold <<<< Same here ... etc.
*an Orc*
:Hurt>escape s
You seek to escape...

You successfully escaped the fight!
Mouth of the Valley
Exits: north, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w <<<< and HERE is prompt line again as should be
Wide, Tranquil Plains
Exits: east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Swiftly Bending Trail
Exits: -north-, east, south, -west-.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Gravelly Field
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>sc
OB: 71%, DB: 70%, PB: 85%, Armour: 10%. Wimpy: 219. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 24,001 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 5. Alert: normal.
Gained: 2206 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 0
Affected by:
- novoid
- noquit
- strength
- bless
- detect magic
- potion
- tiredness

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>TICK IN 5 SECONDS.
Short Sparse Grasslands
A young colt is frolicking playfully.
A young filly is just learning to walk.
A wild mare is watching you warily.
A wild mare is watching you warily.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>look
Short Sparse Grasslands
A young colt is frolicking playfully.
A young filly is just learning to walk.
A wild mare is watching you warily.
A wild mare is watching you warily.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
246/295 hits, 13/96 mana, and 115/127 moves.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Before Some Small Hills
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
*an Orc* has arrived from the north.
*an Orc* has arrived from the north.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>ca

The moon disappears in the west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
cast 'cure light'
You start to concentrate...

*an Orc* tries to cleave you, but your parry is successful.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
No way! You are fighting for your life!
You barely pierce *an Orc*'s right arm and tickle it.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
*an Orc* tries to cleave you, but your parry is successful.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
:Fine>escape e
You seek to escape...

You successfully escaped the fight!
Gentle Rolling Grasslands
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Teeming Grassland
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>n
Gentle Rolling Grasslands
Exits: north, east, south, west.

--- CUT 4 (another "bad" example) ---

You seek to escape...

You successfully escaped the fight!
Thick Vegetation
Exits: north, east, west.

*: CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Warm>n
Sloping Plains below the Mountains
A sturdy trained horse is standing here.
A robin is here, carrying small pieces of wood to its nest.
Exits: east, south.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Warm>dism
You stop riding a mountain mule (muj).

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Warm>look
Sloping Plains below the Mountains
A sturdy trained horse is standing here.
A robin is here, carrying small pieces of wood to its nest.
A mountain mule (muj) is standing here.
Exits: east, south.

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Warm>
281/295 hits, 43/96 mana, and 92/127 moves.

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Warm>bob
cast 'breath of briskness'
You muster all of your concentration...

Enemy: *orc*
An energy begins to flow within your legs as your body becomes lighter.

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Plains beside the Mountain Spurs
A wild bull seems ready to charge you.
A wild bull seems ready to charge you.
Exits: east, south, west.

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Below a Spur of Hills
A Dunlending herdsman in ragged leather stands here, watching over his herd.
A young colt is frolicking playfully.
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
A beautiful and docile horse is standing here.
Exits: /north\, south, west.

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>sneak
You stop sneaking.

*. CW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Grassy Plains
A young colt is frolicking playfully.
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
A beautiful and docile horse is standing here.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

*. CW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Upland Plains
Exits: north, east, south, west.

*. CW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>n
Road to Isengard
Exits: =north=, east, =south=, west.

*+ CW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>n
Road to Isengard
Exits: =north=, -east-, =south=.

*+ CW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Road to Isengard
Exits: =north=, =south=.

*+ CW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
Road to Isengard
Exits: north, =east=, =south=, west.

*+ CW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>sneak
Rocky Plains
A boar cub is playing here, and exploring the wide world.
Exits: north, east, /south\, west.

*. CW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Ok, you'll try to move silently for a while.

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
The rough climb makes you breath harder.

Atop Dol Baran
Exits: \north/, \west/.

*( CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>open stone

*( CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>d
Inside the Hill
Exits: west, (up). - u:beam.

!= CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Smooth Passage
Exits: east, west.

!= CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
A Side Passage
Exits: north, east.

!= CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>n
Exits: south, west.

!= CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Smoothly Worn Tunnel
Exits: north, east, [south], west.

!= CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
A Small Cavern
Exits: east, south. - w:ironbars.

!O CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
backstab *orc*
A Widening Ingress
A small vicious black rat squeaks at you for disturbing it.
Exits: north, (south). - s:cavewall.

!O CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
Backstab whom?

!O CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
An Earthen Hollow
A vicious rat is here, fighting *an Orc*.
*an Orc* is here, fighting a vicious rat.
*an Orc* is standing here.
Exits: (north), south. - n:cavewall.

*O CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
*an Orc* cleaves a vicious rat's right hindleg extremely hard and shatters it.
A vicious rat is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

*O CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>backstab *orc*
You can't backstab a fighting person, too alert!
*an Orc* joins *an Orc*'s fight.
*an Orc* cleaves a vicious rat's left foreleg extremely hard and shatters it.
You hear a vicious rat's death cry as he collapses.
A vicious rat is dead! R.I.P.
get all.key all.corpse
get all.coins all.corpse

*O CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
take all.coins all.corpse

You can't find any coins in any corpse.

*O CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
You can't find any key in any corpse.

*O CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
You can't find any coins in any corpse.

*O CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
Valley below the Mountains
PLANT grows here >> JUNIPER BERRIES <<.
A sharp-eyed hawk is here stalking some prey.
Exits: north, east, south, west. - n:cavewall.
*an Orc* has arrived from the north.
*an Orc* has arrived from the north.

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
*an Orc* leaves east.
*an Orc* leaves east.

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>backstab *orc*
Backstab whom?

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Thick Vegetation
A robin is here, carrying small pieces of wood to its nest.
Exits: north, east, west.

*: CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>n
Sloping Plains below the Mountains
A sturdy trained horse is standing here.
A mountain mule (muj) is standing here.
Exits: east, south.

*. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>ride muj
You pick up a mountain mule (muj)'s reins and start riding him.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Thick Vegetation
Exits: north, east, west.

*: CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>to
track *orc*
You carefully examine the ground around you, looking for tracks...

You see some plain tracks of *an Orc* leading east, done less than 1 hour ago.

*: CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Wild Growth
Exits: north, east, south, west.

You see some plain tracks of *an Orc* leading east, done less than 1 hour ago.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Grassy Plains
A young colt is frolicking playfully.
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
A Dunlending herdsman in ragged leather stands here, watching over his herd.
A young colt is frolicking playfully.
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
A beautiful and docile horse is standing here.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

You see some plain tracks of *an Orc* leading east, done less than 1 hour ago.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Upland Plains
*an Orc* is standing here searching for something.
*an Orc* is standing here.
Exits: north, east, south, west.
Aha, you have found your victim!

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
*an Orc* discovered an ivory scroll.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>backstab *orc*
You begin to move silently to the back of your victim...

You swiftly dodge *an Orc*'s attempt to cleave you.
*an Orc* leaves west.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
You barely pierce *an Orc*'s body and tickle it.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
hit *orc*
You're already fighting!

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
:Fine>examine *orc*
label *orc* la
You see nothing special about him.
*an Orc* has several bruises.
*an Orc* seems to have:
A poorly bound deep wound at the left foot.
*an Orc* is using:
<wielded> a mighty dwarven axe (flawless) [Blue]
<worn as shield> a gilded round shield (flawless)

<worn on head> a fine chain mail coif (flawless)
<worn on arms> a fine pair of chain mail sleeves (flawless)
<worn on body> a fine metal breastplate (flawless)
<worn about body> a forest green cloak (flawless) [Blue]
<worn on hands> a white pair of metal gauntlets (flawless)
<worn on legs> a fine pair of metal greaves (flawless)
<worn on feet> a black pair of padded boots (well-maintained)

<worn on back> a leather backpack

<worn as belt> a plain silken sash
<worn on belt> a smelly bladder
<worn on belt> a stone
<worn on belt> a set of lock picks
<worn on belt> a belt pouch
<worn on belt> a butcher knife (flawless)
*an Orc* has arrived from the west.
You barely pierce *an Orc*'s right arm and tickle it.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
You swiftly dodge *an Orc*'s attempt to cleave you.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
You strike for a weakness in *an Orc* (la)'s armour!
You strongly pierce *an Orc* (la)'s right hand.
Your victim is shocked by your hit!

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
(la):Fine>escape w
*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
You seek to escape...
*an Orc* (la) >>> BASHED <<< you !!!

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
You feel your muscles regain some of their former energy.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*

You RECOVERED from a BASH !!!

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
You flee head over heels.
You flee north.
A Sheltered Dale
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
Exits: south.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Upland Plains
*an Orc* (la) is standing here.
*an Orc* is standing here.
Exits: north, east, south, west.
*an Orc* leaves west.
*an Orc* (la) leaves west.

*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Road to Isengard
Exits: =north=, east, =south=, west.

*+ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Bend in the Road to Isengard
Exits: =north=, ~east~, ~south~, =west=.

And below is CUT 3 fragment transformed into correct form

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
265/295 hits, 11/96 mana, and 124/127 moves.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
backstab bear
Dark Crevice
A big cavebear is padding around here.
Exits: east.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>escape e
You begin to move silently to the back of your victim...

A cavebear makes a strange sound, as you place an elven dagger in its back.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold a cavebear:Hurt> <<<< HERE is prompt line as should be
You seek to escape...
A cavebear strongly hits your right arm and tickles it.

You successfully escaped the fight!
Rift Valley
A mountain mule (muj) is standing here.
A swallow flies high above the ground.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Dark Crevice
A big cavebear is padding around here.
Exits: east.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>backstab bear
You begin to move silently to the back of your victim...

escape e
You swiftly dodge a cavebear's attempt to hit you.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold a cavebear:Hurt> <<<< HERE is prompt line as should be
You seek to escape...

You successfully escaped the fight!
Rift Valley
A mountain mule (muj) is standing here.
A swallow flies high above the ground.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Dark Crevice
A big cavebear is padding around here.
Exits: east.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>backstab bear
You begin to move silently to the back of your victim...

escape e
A cavebear hits your body and tickles it.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold a cavebear:Hurt>
You seek to escape...

You successfully escaped the fight!
Rift Valley
A mountain mule (muj) is standing here.
*an Orc* is standing here. <<<< enemy player No.1 (all is OK so far)
*an Orc* is standing here. <<<< enemy player No.2 (all is OK so far)
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Valley Floor
A rock lizard is here, motionless as it observes you.
Exits: /north\, west.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Rift Valley
A mountain mule (muj) is standing here.
*an Orc* is standing here.
*an Orc* is standing here.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>ride muj
*an Orc* says 'eha'
You pick up a mountain mule (muj)'s reins and start riding him.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
Rift Valley
A large brown snake with black patches is coiled here.
A swallow flies high above the ground.
Exits: south, up.
A swallow panics, and attempts to flee.
A swallow leaves up.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>u
You cannot ride there.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Rift Valley
*an Orc* is standing here.
*an Orc* is standing here.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s

*an Orc* tries to cleave you, but your parry is successful.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold *an Orc*:Hurt> <<< CORRECTED
No way! You are fighting for your life!

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold *an Orc*:Hurt>escape s <<< CORRECTED
You seek to escape...

You successfully escaped the fight!
Mouth of the Valley
Exits: north, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w <<<< and HERE is prompt line again as should be
Wide, Tranquil Plains
Exits: east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
Swiftly Bending Trail
Exits: -north-, east, south, -west-.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Gravelly Field
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>sc
OB: 71%, DB: 70%, PB: 85%, Armour: 10%. Wimpy: 219. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 24,001 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 5. Alert: normal.
Gained: 2206 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 0
Affected by:
- novoid
- noquit
- strength
- bless
- detect magic
- potion
- tiredness

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>TICK IN 5 SECONDS.
Short Sparse Grasslands
A young colt is frolicking playfully.
A young filly is just learning to walk.
A wild mare is watching you warily.
A wild mare is watching you warily.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>look
Short Sparse Grasslands
A young colt is frolicking playfully.
A young filly is just learning to walk.
A wild mare is watching you warily.
A wild mare is watching you warily.
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
246/295 hits, 13/96 mana, and 115/127 moves.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>e
Before Some Small Hills
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
*an Orc* has arrived from the north.
*an Orc* has arrived from the north.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>ca

The moon disappears in the west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
cast 'cure light'
You start to concentrate...

*an Orc* tries to cleave you, but your parry is successful.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold *an Orc*:Healthy>e <<< CORRECTED
No way! You are fighting for your life!
You barely pierce *an Orc*'s right arm and tickle it.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold *an Orc*:Fine> <<< CORRECTED
*an Orc* tries to cleave you, but your parry is successful.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold *an Orc*:Fine>escape e <<< CORRECTED
You seek to escape...

You successfully escaped the fight!
Gentle Rolling Grasslands
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>s
Teeming Grassland
Exits: north, east, south, west.

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>n
Gentle Rolling Grasslands
Exits: north, east, south, west.

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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4718
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 11:27 am   
*+~ CRsW Mana:Burning>w
*(~ CRsW Mana:Burning>
!. CSW Mana:Hot>
*. CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Warm>dism
!= CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>w
!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
!.~ CSW HP:Fine Mana:Cold a cavebear:Hurt> <<<< HERE is prompt line as should be

It looks like certain bits of the prompt are only showing when the value is need-to-know.
HP only seems to show during combat, or when other than 100%
Your target's health only shows when you have a target
As to why they aren't showing all the time that it IS relevant.... I am not sure, that sounds like a server side issue.

Have you tried speaking with one of the admin at the game you play?
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 31 Dec 2016
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:34 pm   
Only issue is this ...

When i fighting non player mob promp visualization is ok

!. CSW HP:Fine Mana:Hot a Dunlending warrior:Awful>

when enemy player, its corrupted ...

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold
*an Orc*
No way! You are fighting for your life!

And should be same like for npc ...

!.~ CRsW HP:Fine Mana:Cold *an Orc*:Hurt>
No way! You are fighting for your life!

Already talked to game admins. Also in their opinion it has nothing with game, because it happened only when i'm using CMUD. If i would use old ZMUD this wouldn't happen. Already tested it. So it's linked just to the CMUD or maybe some CMUD setting. In my opinion is something wrong with translation both of the * characters in the prompt line. Something pushing CMUD instead of continuation in a row to start text on the next line.

I'm lost in this case.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4718
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:56 am   
Here is a long shot option, but go into preferences.
On the session tab there is an option box for terminal type.
Change it from cmud to zmud.
You may need to restart CMUD as well.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 31 Dec 2016
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:01 am   
Didn't helped. I will also test other options.
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