Medakan Novice
Joined: 15 Dec 2015 Posts: 41 Location: Seattle
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:16 pm
zMUD script rewrite |
Anyone willing to share ideas and suggestions is greatly appreciated.
The original script can be found in this post: http://forums.zuggsoft.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=38906
This script was originally written by Markus (a community member over at WoTmud).
The script sends a look command and then takes the room name, first line of the room description, and room exits and attempts to #TELEPORT map location to the correct room.
Why the rewrite?
Primarily as a learning experience, and an attempt to improve upon the original.
Format the script to follow naming conventions for my HoM script package I share with WoTmud community.
Attempt to increase script speed and reliability, sometimes original would fail.
What I attempted to do:
Break the script down into smaller sections (#ALIAS) that only get called when necessary, instead of a 100+ line trigger like in the original.
Capture every line of the room description instead of just the first line of the description, reformat captured description and %roomdesc to attempt to match.
When process gets down to the point where it can not precisely match, uses %random to guess.
Functions that are still a work in progress:
Help file for users.
Toggle command for users to turn messages on/off.
Command for users to easily change message colors.
Other ideas:
Use %mapfilter to limit %random matching in the findMatchExit alias to current zone only?
Code: |
#CLASS {Mapper|Find}
#ALIAS find {
#T+ {findRoomTrigger}
#VAR findRoomDesc {}
#IF (@showFindMessage) {#SHOW {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSearch,"Searching map...")}}
#ALIAS findMatchRoom {
#IF (@showFindMessage) {findMessageRoom}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByName)=1) {#TELEPORT @findRoomByName}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByName)>1) {findMatchDesc}
#ALIAS findMatchDesc {
#VAR findRoomByDesc {}
#FORALL @findRoomByName {#IF (%subchar(%subchar(%roomdesc(%i),%crlf,"")," |","")=%subchar(%subchar(@findRoomDesc,%crlf,"")," |","")) {#ADDITEM findRoomByDesc %i}}
#IF (@showFindMessage) {findMessageDesc}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=1) {#TELEPORT @findRoomByDesc} {findMatchExit}
#ALIAS findMatchExit {
#VAR findRoomByExit {}
#FORALL @findRoomByName {#IF (@findRoomExit=%sort(%roomexit(%i))) {#ADDITEM findRoomByExit %i}}
#IF (@showFindMessage) {findMessageExit}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByExit)=0) {
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=0) {
#IF (%ismember(%roomkey(),@findRoomByName)) {} {
#TELEPORT %item(@findRoomByName,%random(1,%numitems(@findRoomByName)))
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByExit)=1) {#TELEPORT @findRoomByExit}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByExit)>1) {
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=0) {
#IF (%ismember(%roomkey(),@findRoomByName)) {} {
#TELEPORT %item(@findRoomByExit,%random(1,%numitems(@findRoomByExit)))
} {
#VAR findExitResults {}
#FORALL @findRoomByDesc {#IF (%ismember(%i,@findRoomByExit)) {#ADDITEM findExitResults %i}}
#TELEPORT %item(@findExitResults,%random(1,%numitems(@findExitResults)))
#ALIAS findMessageRoom {
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByName)=0) {#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorFail,"Room name not found, check your map!")}}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByName)=1) {#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSuccess,"Room found! Setting map position.")}}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByName)>1) {#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSearch,"Multiple matches, searching descriptions...")}}
#ALIAS findMessageDesc {
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=0) {#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorFail,"Failed to match room description...")}}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=1) {#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSuccess,"Description Found! Setting map position.")}}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)>1) {#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSearch,"Multiple matches, searching exits...")}}
#ALIAS findMessageExit {
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByExit)=0) {
#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorFail,"Failed to match room exits...")}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=0) {
#IF (%ismember(%roomkey(),@findRoomByName)) {
#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSuccess,"Map position is already in room with matching room name. No action taken.")}
} {
#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSuccess,"Setting map position to room with matching name (random).")}
} {}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)>1) {
#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSuccess,"Setting map position to room with matching description (random).")}
} {}
} {}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByExit)=1) {#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSuccess,"Exits Found! Setting map position.")}}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByExit)>1) {
#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSearch,"Multiple exits match...")}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=0) {
#IF (%ismember(%roomkey(),@findRoomByName)) {
#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSuccess,"Map position is already in room with matching name and exits. No action taken.")}
} {
#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSuccess,"Setting map position to room with matching name and exits (random).")}
} {
#SHOW %crlf {@findMXPcolor(@findColorSuccess,"Setting map position to room with matching name and exits (random).")}
#FUNCTION findMXPcolor {<color %1>%2</color>}
#VAR findColorFail {red darkgray}
#VAR findColorSearch {green darkgray}
#VAR findColorSuccess {blue darkgray}
#VAR findRoomByDesc {} {}
#VAR findRoomByExit {} {}
#VAR findRoomByName {} {}
#VAR findRoomDesc {} {}
#VAR findRoomExit {} {}
#VAR findRoomName {} {}
#VAR findExitResults {} {}
#VAR showFindMessage {1}
#TRIGGER "findRoomTrigger" {%e[36m{^Someone}([A-Z]*)%e[0m$} {
#T+ {findExitTrigger}
#VAR findRoomName {%replace("%1","'","''")}
#VAR findRoomByName {%mapquery(NAME = '@findRoomName')}
} "" {case|color|disable}
#COND {^*$} {
#T+ {findLineTrigger}
} "" {Within|Param=1}
#TRIGGER "findLineTrigger" {^*$} {
#IF (%line =~ "^~[ obvious exits: * ~]$") {#T- {findLineTrigger}} {#ADDITEM findRoomDesc %line}
} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER "findExitTrigger" {^~[ obvious exits: (*) ~]$} {
#STATE findRoomTrigger 0
#T- {findRoomTrigger}
#T- {findExitTrigger}
#VAR findRoomExit {%sort(%subchar(%lower(%1)," ","|"))}
} "" {case|disable|notrig}
#CLASS 0 |
Vijilante SubAdmin
Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:43 pm |
Code: |
#ALIAS findMatchDesc {
#VAR findRoomByDesc {}
#FORALL @findRoomByName {#IF (%subchar(%subchar(%roomdesc(%i),%crlf,"")," |","")=%subchar(%subchar(@findRoomDesc,%crlf,"")," |","")) {#ADDITEM findRoomByDesc %i}}
#IF (@showFindMessage) {findMessageDesc}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=1) {#TELEPORT @findRoomByDesc} {findMatchExit}
} |
Ugh! Have %mapquery do all the work; much better.
Code: |
#ALIAS findMatchDesc {
#VAR findRoomByDesc {%mapquery(%concat("(Desc = '", @findRoomDesc, "') AND (ObjId IN (", %replace(@findRoomByName, "|", ","), "))"))
#IF (@showFindMessage) {findMessageDesc}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=1) {#TELEPORT @findRoomByDesc} {findMatchExit}
} |
Let's fix that trigger mess to make as much as possible be automatic.
Code: |
#TRIGGER "findRoomTrigger" {%e[36m{^Someone}([A-Z]*)%e[0m$} {
#T+ {findExitTrigger}
#VAR findRoomName {%replace("%1","'","''")}
#VAR findRoomByName {%mapquery(NAME = '@findRoomName')}
} "" {case|color|disable}
#COND {} {
#IF ([[%begins]](%line, "[ obvious exits: ")) {#STATE findRoomTriigger 2}} {#ADDITEM findRoomDesc %line}
} "" {looplines|param=50}
#COND {^~[ obvious exits: (*) ~]$} {
#T- {findRoomTrigger}
#VAR findRoomExit {%sort(%subchar(%lower(%1)," ","|"))}
} "" {case|reparse} |
You could use some #IF else chaining to make things a little faster. Change your check for (%numitems>1) to (%pos(@var,"|")!=-1), and do that check first then on an else to that #IF check for (@var=""); a final else for the only alternative. That removes extra function calls and saves from having to have %numitems examine everything when all you need to know is that it is more than 1. |
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Medakan Novice
Joined: 15 Dec 2015 Posts: 41 Location: Seattle
Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:43 pm |
Vijilante wrote: |
Let's fix that trigger mess to make as much as possible be automatic.
Code: |
#TRIGGER "findRoomTrigger" {%e[36m{^Someone}([A-Z]*)%e[0m$} {
#T+ {findExitTrigger}
#VAR findRoomName {%replace("%1","'","''")}
#VAR findRoomByName {%mapquery(NAME = '@findRoomName')}
} "" {case|color|disable}
#COND {} {
#IF (%begins(%line,"[ obvious exits: ")) {#STATE findRoomTrigger 2} {#ADDITEM findRoomDesc %line}
} "" {looplines|param=50}
#COND {^~[ obvious exits: (*) ~]$} {
#T- {findRoomTrigger}
#VAR findRoomExit {%sort(%subchar(%lower(%1)," ","|"))}
} "" {case|reparse} |
Couple questions about the above trigger (I also removed what I think are 4 typos in above quote):
First off the #COND {} doesn't work for me, I tried this in an earlier attempt because I read a similar example in the help files. This is why in my version I use the ^*$ pattern to capture an entire line. Couldn't get #COND {} to work for me. It never triggers so never moves to next state.
With the typos removed and if I add the ^*$ in the blank condition the trigger only captures the first line of the room desc. Any idea why? I couldn't get looplines to work for me in any previous attempt similar to this either.
I like the idea of setting the trigger up like this, but my version above is the only way I could get it to work through testing.
Any ideas? |
Medakan Novice
Joined: 15 Dec 2015 Posts: 41 Location: Seattle
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:37 am |
Vijilante wrote: |
Code: |
#ALIAS findMatchDesc {
#VAR findRoomByDesc {}
#FORALL @findRoomByName {#IF (%subchar(%subchar(%roomdesc(%i),%crlf,"")," |","")=%subchar(%subchar(@findRoomDesc,%crlf,"")," |","")) {#ADDITEM findRoomByDesc %i}}
#IF (@showFindMessage) {findMessageDesc}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=1) {#TELEPORT @findRoomByDesc} {findMatchExit}
} |
Ugh! Have %mapquery do all the work; much better.
Code: |
#ALIAS findMatchDesc {
#VAR findRoomByDesc {%mapquery(%concat("(Desc = '", @findRoomDesc, "') AND (ObjId IN (", %replace(@findRoomByName, "|", ","), "))"))
#IF (@showFindMessage) {findMessageDesc}
#IF (%numitems(@findRoomByDesc)=1) {#TELEPORT @findRoomByDesc} {findMatchExit}
} |
Quick question about this part:
What happens here if multiple rooms have the same description? In the top version I use #ADDITEM to add to the findRoomByDesc variable just in case this happens. I'm not familiar with how %mapquerry AND ObjId IN works to know what I need to do to include for the possibility of duplicate descriptions. Vijilante's example will only place a single roomID in findRoomByDesc variable? |
Vijilante SubAdmin
Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:55 am |
Use the blank pattern with looplines. Use a pattern of * with looppat.
%mapquery returns a list, so just as in your first %mapquery if multiple rooms match they will all be in the list. My assumption is that you are using the correct %roommode so that the first query will return values on the ObjId field. If you are using the vNum then I believe that field is named RefNum in the database. For a description of the IN operator in the SQL language go here. |
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Medakan Novice
Joined: 15 Dec 2015 Posts: 41 Location: Seattle
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 4:34 pm |
I place the new version of the triggers in the script and the #COND {} does not fire...
Code: |
* HP:Healthy MV:Full > look
Searching map...
Marsh Road
The road runs past an inn here, a two-story building of rough, green-veined
stone topped with pale green tiles. There are two large mounting blocks
directly in front of the inn. A painted wooden sign hangs above the door.
Marsh Road continues to the east and west.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
South: A young woman walks by.
|1|.A dun mare is here, snorting angrily.
* HP:Healthy MV:Full >
@findRoomName captures the room name
@findRoomsByName has room ids in it
The #TRIGGER in settings is still enabled and set at the blank condition (state 1)
@findRoomDesc blank as is all the rest of the variables and as you can see above the rest of the messages never fire...
What am I doing wrong? |
Medakan Novice
Joined: 15 Dec 2015 Posts: 41 Location: Seattle
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 4:39 pm |
My version of the triggers...
Code: |
* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh > look
Searching map...
Marsh Road
The road runs past an inn here, a two-story building of rough, green-veined
stone topped with pale green tiles. There are two large mounting blocks
directly in front of the inn. A painted wooden sign hangs above the door.
Marsh Road continues to the east and west.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
South: Nieda Sidoro is keeping a sharp eye on her establishment.
A young woman walks by.
A dun mare is here, snorting angrily.
* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh >
Multiple matches, searching descriptions...
Description Found! Setting map position.
All applicable variables fill and I have full room desc in @findRoomDesc and you can see it fire through because messages show. |
Vijilante SubAdmin
Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:39 am |
What works is what counts. I have never had a problem using a blank pattern with a loop lines trigger. If you look at the trigger state in the settings editor is its type set to loop lines?
I could have made a few mistakes in writing it out as I did. In fact, I think removing the "" for class is required on the #COND, which I see I forgot. I also see that I did not remove #T+ in the first state that no longer applies to anything. |
_________________ The only good questions are the ones we have never answered before.
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Medakan Novice
Joined: 15 Dec 2015 Posts: 41 Location: Seattle
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:13 am |
Got looplines to work with the blank condition by removing the "".
Thanks Vijilante! |
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