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Joined: 22 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 3:45 am   

i am very new to mudding and i hear people talk about autorollers my question is how would i set one up

Kevin S. Halbig
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 5:35 am   
Write some triggers (#TR command) that will evaluate the stats and set flag variables to indicate whether they are acceptable. Alternatively, use the triggers to capture the stat values and do the evaluation later.

Write a trigger to detect the "accept stats" question and answer it according to the flag variables. Alternatively, evaluate the actual stats at this point and then answer.

Sorry to be so general, but MUDs vary in how they present the stats so it's impossible to give a specific answer without specifics. There are however many posts on here that deal with autorollers and do provide specific scripts for specific MUD output, if you did a search you'd have a pretty good chance of turning up exactly what you need.

All scripts untested unless otherwise noted
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 6:23 am   
i have been looking the only roller question i saw was in spanish i think i could not really understand it i will look further


Kevin S. Halbig
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Joined: 22 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 11:05 am   
i have found a roller that is ver similar to what i want the problem is I do not understand how to set the trigger it all seems greek to me i see #tr {your abilities are:} {#var accept Y} as an example but i have no idea in what relation to the pattern and value parts i am sorry but this is greek to me is there a way to do a screen shot to show me how it should look.

the mud i am playing is age of chaos
and the screen looks like this
Rolled: str [18 (100)] int [16] wis [18] dex [19] con [14] cha [14]
do you want to keep these stats [Y/N]

thanks again

Kevin S. Halbig
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 2:16 pm   
The command that you mentioned is used to create a trigger. It's syntax is:
#TRIGGER {pattern} {commands}

where pattern specifies what MUD text to match and commands specify what to do when it matches. The trigger that you need is actually a little different. It would be something like:
#TRIGGER {Rolled: str ~[(%d) ~(%d~)~] int ~[(%d)~] wis ~[(%d)~] dex ~[(%d)~] con ~[(%d)~] cha ~[(%d)~]$do you want to keep these stats ~[Y/N~]} {#IF ((%1 > strMin) and (%2 > strInt) and (%3 > strWis) and (%4 > strDex) and (%5 > strCon) and (%6 > strCha)) {y} {n}}

What this trigger does is look for the line that tells you what your stats are and capture the value of your stats. Then it will check to see if each stat is above a number that you specify and if all of them are above your limit, then it sends y to the MUD, otherwise it sends n.

minStr, minInt, minWis, etc., are numbers that you need to put there. minStr would be a number you do not want you strength to be at or below that. The same goes for the others.

I'm not going to enter into much details about the other aspects of this triggers, but you should try learning about it. It is all explained very simply in the help file in the Introduction to Triggers section.

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Joined: 22 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 1:56 am   
{#IF ((%1 > strMin) and (%2 > strInt) and (%3 > strWis) and (%4 > strDex) and (%5 > strCon) and (%6 > strCha)) {y} {n}}
i enter this as the value and i get a syntax error that i cannot seem to understand
Kevin S. Halbig

Kevin S. Halbig
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Joined: 22 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 1:58 am   

{#IF ((%1 > strMin) and (%2 > strInt) and (%3 > strWis) and (%4 > strDex) and (%5 > strCon) and (%6 > strCha)) {y} {n}}
i enter this as the value and i get a syntax error that i cannot seem to understand
Kevin S. Halbig

actually i did enter numbers in where it says strmin etc but they did not copy to this page

Kevin S. Halbig

Kevin S. Halbig
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 1:52 pm   
The command I provided:
#TRIGGER {Rolled: str ~[(%d) ~(%d~)~] int ~[(%d)~] wis ~[(%d)~] dex ~[(%d)~] con ~[(%d)~] cha ~[(%d)~]$do you want to keep these stats ~[Y/N~]} {#IF ((%1 > strMin) and (%2 > strInt) and (%3 > strWis) and (%4 > strDex) and (%5 > strCon) and (%6 > strCha)) {y} {n}}

is to be entered in the command-line, not the Settings editor. If you want to enter it in the settings editor the you grab what is inside the first set of braces (what I defined in the #TRIGGER command's syntax as pattern) and put it in the Pattern: box for the trigger. Now you grab what is inside the second set of braces (what I defined as commands for the #TRIGGER command's syntax) and put it in the Value: box for the trigger. Notice that you grab what is inside the braces, not the braces themselves. So, in summary, what you should have entered for the values was:
#IF ((%1 > strMin) and (%2 > strInt) and (%3 > strWis) and (%4 > strDex) and (%5 > strCon) and (%6 > strCha)) {y} {n}

and not:
{#IF ((%1 > strMin) and (%2 > strInt) and (%3 > strWis) and (%4 > strDex) and (%5 > strCon) and (%6 > strCha)) {y} {n}}

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 3:59 pm   
i took out the { } at the ends but still have the syntax error i have read and printed everyhelp file and to be honest they just confuse me :) i pu tin variables but for some reason i cant get them to paste right atm

Kevin S. Halbig
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Joined: 18 Sep 2001
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 3:20 am   
You have read all the help files? bet that took awhile.. read them again, they might make more sense this time. If they dont, try once more. If you still don't understand them, then go onto a Zmud help channel on IRC.

For tomarrow is another day, and other days come but 6 times a week.
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