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Joined: 31 May 2016
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2016 9:36 pm   

Nested If's
I am having some problems using #if multiple times in a trigger to set variables . I have managed to make this work with multiple triggers for each @grouperX. This is super messy and seems very backwards. So now I am attempting the same but with just one trigger set.. Currently with little success!

So here's what I have tried:-

Pattern : ^There is a sudden white flash around %w
Value: #IF (%1=@grouper1) {#VAR group1strength 5} {#IF (%1=@grouper2) {#VAR group2strength 5} {#IF (%1=@grouper3) {#VAR group3strength 5}}}

Ive also tried this:-

Pattern : ^There is a sudden white flash around %w
Value : #IF (%1=@grouper1) {#VAR group1strength 5}
#IF (%1=@grouper2) {#VAR group2strength 5}

Ive tried structuring it differently and have had some positive results, but it only seems to affect the first @groupXstrength variable

I have little coding experience and have only been playing around with zmud for a few weeks now, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2016 9:41 pm   
It looks like you formatted and wrote your #IFs correctly, either format should work the first is more efficient. I would say the problem is that you forgot the parenthesis to capture a value in the pattern:
^There is a sudden white flash around (%w)
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2016 9:47 pm   
Omg it was that simple! I cannot believe it, 7hrs+ smashing stuff around in the value box. Never thinking it might be my capture pattern...
Thank you so much for the quick reply! So very happy this is working now :P

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:38 am   
It is working perfectly for my previous trigger:-

Pattern: ^There is a sudden white flash around (%w)
Value :
#ECHO Works
#IF (%1=@grouper1) {#VAR group1strength 0} {#IF (%1=@grouper2) {#VAR group2strength 0} {#IF (%1=@grouper3) {#VAR group3strength 0} {#IF (%1=@grouper4) {#VAR group4strength 0} {#IF (%1=@grouper5) {#VAR group5strength 0}}}}}

But, for my next trigger it is not working:-

The wobbling orange glow around (%w) * becomes flickering yellow


#ECHO Works
#IF (%1=@grouper1) {#VAR group1strength 1} {#IF (%1=@grouper2) {#VAR group2strength 1} {#IF (%1=@grouper3) {#VAR group3strength 1} {#IF (%1=@grouper4) {#VAR group4strength 1} {#IF (%1=@grouper5) {#VAR group5strength 1}}}}}


[The wobbling orange glow around (%w) * becomes flickering yellow-> #ECHO Works
#IF (leyan=@grouper1) {#VAR group1strength 1} {#IF (leyan=@grouper2) {#VAR group2strength 1} {#IF (leyan=@grouper3) {#VAR group3strength 1} {#IF (leyan=@grouper4) {#VAR group4strength 1} {#IF (leyan=@grouper5) {#VAR group5strength 1}}}}}]

Its capturing but isn't changing the values of @groupXstrength variables. I think I may be missing a trick in the capture again, but I have tried iteration after iteration to no avail again. Seems I am unable to grasp pattern matching firmly no matter how much I google. Any thoughts?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:49 pm   
Aren't there more than just the two possible colors in the shield?

Are you sure the @grouperX variables are properly defined?

Your #IFs are testing "leyan" not %1
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:37 pm   
There are 6 levels of shield colour defined by a gauge button from min-level 0 to max-level 5 for each of the @grouperX variables

I have 12 different triggers to change to the different levels of shield, each of them has and identical #IF statement with the only value changing being the @groupXstrength variable

I assign the @grouperX with a #prompt for each using a push button and I am sure @grouperX variables are correct

%1 should equal Leyan in the capture
As should @grouper2 in the #IF

This one works and assigns the correct @groupstrength to the @grouperX:-
Pattern: There is a sudden white flash around Leyan von Toke
Trigger: ^There is a sudden white flash around (%w)
Value: #IF (%1=@grouper1) {#VAR group1strength 0} {#IF (%1=@grouper2) {#VAR group2strength 0} {#IF (%1=@grouper3) {#VAR group3strength 0} {#IF (%1=@grouper4) {#VAR group4strength 0} {#IF (%1=@grouper5) {#VAR group5strength 0}}}}}

This however triggers but does no assign any @groupXstrength variables:-
Pattern: The wobbling orange glow aroung Leyan von Toke becomes flickering yellow
Trigger: The wobbling orange glow around (%w) * becomes flickering yellow
Value: #IF (%1=@grouper1) {#VAR group1strength 1} {#IF (%1=@grouper2) {#VAR group2strength 1} {#IF (%1=@grouper3) {#VAR group3strength 1} {#IF (%1=@grouper4) {#VAR group4strength 1} {#IF (%1=@grouper5) {#VAR group5strength 1}}}}}
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:53 pm   
I assume that 'aroung' was a manual typing error?
Other then that, i don't see any issues.

The second pattern doesn't have the start of line anchor, but that shouldn't matter really.
Check for leading spaces?
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:08 pm   
Seems it was the capitalisation of @grouperX variable that stopped this working, it was not matching the captured text. Thank you very much for making me recheck, I will put a notice in the #Prompt 's to remind myself of this.

The only issue I have now is:-
Pattern :- The wobbling orange glow around (%w) * becomes flickering yellow

Trigger: - The wobbling orange glow around Leyan Von becomes flickering yellow ---- Captures and triggers properly
Trigger: - The wobbling orange glow around Leyan Von toke weed and stuff becomes flickering yellow ----- Captures and triggers properly
Trigger: - The wobbling orange glow around Leyan becomes flickering yellow -- Does not trigger

Some players may have surnames and some may not, is * not the correct wildcard?

Apologies for my noob questions, the forums and you guys have been a massive help!
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:22 pm   
better would be to just use (*) and then pull the name out from that with %word(%1, 1)
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:34 pm   
Amazing! Thank you very much for your time, it really is appreciated. all are working as they should!

Thanks again
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:45 pm   
Some players may have surnames and some may not, is * not the correct wildcard?

Your current pattern would not match when a player has only a single name, because you have " * " after the capture, spelling that out if the forum makes it hard to see: [space][asterisk][space]. That means there must be 2 [space] characters between the name and "becomes flicker". Shalimar's suggestion of switching to * to capture all the words and then using %word to reduce to just the first one eliminates that problem.

At the same time you can deal with that issue of case sensitivity using either %upper or %lower on both sides.
Trigger: The wobbling orange glow around (*) becomes flickering yellow
#IF (@FadeTarget=@grouper1) {#VAR group1strength 1} {#IF (@FadeTarget=@grouper2) {#VAR group2strength 1} {#IF (@FadeTarget=@grouper3) {#VAR group3strength 1} {#IF (@FadeTarget=@grouper4) {#VAR group4strength 1} {#IF (@FadeTarget=@grouper5) {#VAR group5strength 1}}}}}

And in the buttons that do the #PROMPT you change it to use %prompt something like:
grouper1=%lower(%prompt("Enter name for party member 1."))

Or get really fancy and think about automating the capture of party member's names.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:49 pm   
%proper will match the mud output Cool
or we could skip that altogether and use %match(%1, @grouperX) since that would ignore case
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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