foxmajik Beginner
Joined: 14 Jul 2014 Posts: 10
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:20 pm
Trigger causing Access Violation error |
I have a trigger that looks for the pattern:
(%w)*steps out of the teleport booth.
When the trigger fires there is an access violation error:
( https://www.dropbox.com/s/3n2jta5unr46il4/Screenshot%202016-01-06%2009.05.34.png )
This is problematic because:
* It interrupts the session with a pop-up box.
* It prevents other triggers from firing as long as the error box is present.
* If the error fires several times I have to dismiss the error once for each fire.
* If the trigger fires 250 times while I'm away from my computer, I have to click "Continue" 250 times.
This problem significantly devalues the value proposition of owning a license for CMUD. |
foxmajik Beginner
Joined: 14 Jul 2014 Posts: 10
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:18 pm |
Well, since I can't edit *my own posts* here's the script in a reply:
#IF (@blook_enabled = 0) {#abort all}
#IF (@looked_booth = %1) {#abort all}
#IF (%1 = "Kaiden") {#abort all}
#IF (%1 = "me") {#abort all}
#WAIT 8680
looked_booth = %1
#IF (@looked_booth = @looked) {#abort all}
#WAIT {%random(8680,15360)}
look @looked_booth
looked_booth = ""
#ABORT all |
k_starling Beginner
Joined: 06 Aug 2010 Posts: 11
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:46 pm |
It looks like you're using "#abort all" to exit the script under unfavorable conditions. Is this script coming from Zmud? I used to use "#ABORT 1" back then, but it works differently in Cmud. I think it's better to use #EXIT instead. I edited your script, no idea if it will still work for you because everybody's system is different and things just crop up, but give it a try and hopefully there are no more access violation troubles.
eta: We can edit our own posts, but only for a limited time. After a while the "edit" button goes away.
Code: |
$name = %1
#IF (@blook_enabled = 0) {#EXIT}
#IF (@looked_booth = $name) {#EXIT}
#IF ($name = "Kaiden") {#EXIT}
#IF ($name = "me") {#EXIT}
#WAIT 8680
looked_booth = $name
#IF (@looked_booth = @looked) {#EXIT}
#WAIT {%random(8680,15360)}
#SEND "look" @looked_booth
looked_booth = %null