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Joined: 10 Nov 2013
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Location: United States

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:18 am   

i need a hand with a trigger i'm trying to write.
I've got a friend that can scry better than i can and i want to make a trigger that will send me the results of his scry when i tell him to scry.

for example

You envision the environs of Padekki to be...
The small hills that gently roll through the countryside are carpetted with a lush, green grass. Small chunks of rocks are strewn all about the area, all at least partially buried in the stony soil. Occassionally, a lone tree will rise above the rocks and rolling countryside and make its mark against the flat horizon. The scent of rich, fertile soil fills the air. Northward and northeastward is a flat plains area. Above is empty air. Southward, eastward, and westward is a grassy field. The area has a few thin wisps of airy radiance and a few thin wisps of earthy radiance within and around it. The area is reasonably well-lit. You see a strange-looking little wagon and Padekki the gnome inventor. Above you is a steadily moving, cloudy night sky. The air is cold. There is a brisk wind. The moon is not visible. Obvious exits lead in all compass directions and their upward variations, as well as up.
From what you can make out, he is around the coordinates -36, 40, 0 in Celydon, and so near global coordinates -36, 40, 0.

the first line will always start with you envision the environs of * to be...

the second line will be different depending on their location

and the third will always start out with from what you can make out. blah blah.

i want it to trigger on the first line, save it as a variable, save the second line as a variable, and save the third line as a variable.

the resulting output will then send a tell to me like this....

tell Ken %1
tell Ken %2
tell Ken %3

I've experimented with trigger states and such but can't seem to make it work. any ideas guys?
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4718
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:28 pm   
trigger states is the way to go
you want to use the 'trigger type' of 'Within Lines' set to 1
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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