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Joined: 07 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:55 am   

Peterwiggin's mapper config question

I keep having trouble configurating mapper. On MUD I play there are few different ways to show ways"

Name of room.
There is one exit here: east.

Name of room.
There are three exits here: east, west and south.

Name of room.
(no directions visible - this doesnt appear, I just clarify situation)

Name of room.
Closed door leads west.
There are two exits here: north and south.

Sometimes I do have confirmation about movement and sometimes I don't. I mean:
Name of room.
There is one exit here: east.
You climb the ladder to the east.
Name of room.
There are three exits here: east, west and south.

So, In basic principles:

a) When I move, I get Room Name in first OR second line after movement.
b) Exits are usually in first line after that but they can also be in second (doors and 'free' ways are in separate lines).
c) Complete 'description' of entering location looks like:
1st line: Movement info (doesn't occur always)
2nd line: Room Name (the only line that is received always, but comes either first or second)
3rd line: Closed Doors (not always)
4th line: Visible exits (usually, but not always)
5th line: Items on location (not always)
6th line: People on location (not always)
7th line and following lines: Events on location.
So info from MUD may vary from 1 line up to many (but no more than up to 4 first lines are important for mapper), and important lines may have different 'numbers'. Also, Room Name and any other line MAY include directions (i.e. 'East road.')

Autoconfigurations doesn't work long, because rooms/exits work in few ways.
Because 'you march north' line includes direction, it's threated as one of exit lines - but it's usually the same construction 'You march north.' so I would resolve this with #nomap.
How to configure tags etc to make it work at least in most cases?
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:37 am   
you are going to have to make a bunch of triggers to define things

#TAG - tells the mapper what part of the room the triggering line is displaying
#NOMAP - exclude the triggering line from being used by the mapper
#NODIR - cancels the last directions command sent to the game for the purpose of keeping the correct position on the map

some of the less normal aspects of room display may have to just be ignored for the automatic creation
just tweak things a bit manually
remember, once you have made the map, you wont have to make it again and can just enjoy the game.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 07 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:03 pm   
I know these commands. But I can't manage in making them work. I'd be really glad if you could help me in writing script that would handle mentioned cases, and I'll use it to handle the rest. Esp I can't make TAG work as I'd like to, and have no clue how to make it right. I just need some 'working examples'.

p.s. Does NOMAP include NODIR or I need to use them both in some triggers?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:34 am   
Once again!

My MUD invited new option! Asci colours! Now, please help. How can I configure script for mapper to use one and only color pattern from MUD as tag for location name/exit line?
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Joined: 07 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:16 pm   
To move my question up.

Once again. I have location names and exits coming in lines of a colour. How to make tags and configure mapper to use them and only them for mapping? :)
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:01 pm   
The way to introduce colors into your trigger patterns is via ANSI triggers or via Color triggers. ANSI triggers are able to detect and match on the ansi control code syntax (%e[x;xm, where each x is a number that means something specific) directly in the pattern, so if you put the control codes in the wrong place the trigger will no longer match. Color triggers are somewhat similar, except that you write your trigger pattern as normal with no color info included and they are limited to just one color.

To make an ansi trigger:

1)copy the line you wish to make a trigger for to the clipboard (CMud automatically includes ansi codes in the copy)
2)open up the package editor and click the Trigger option in the New button's dropdown menu
3)click the More button to open the Option panel (alternatively, you can use the View menu and click on Show Option panels) and put a checkmark next to Ansi trigger
4)paste your copied line into the pattern box, and substitute whatever wildcards you need

To make a color trigger, just put the checkmark next to Line color and click the color box to choose which color.

Once you have your triggers properly created and working, just add a #TAG command to them with the appropriate arguments. You will need to run the configuration wizard after this work, or else the mapper will not use your #TAG triggers.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:59 am   
if you still cant get then working, when i feel better (under the weather ATM) and i have time (school) you can PM the mud info and ill make a youtube video for configuring the automapper for your mud, i like to do them when i have the chance, i think its a good way to learn
if you build it they will come, assuming that they have not already come to build it
Aardwolf Bootcamp
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Joined: 07 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:12 am   
Thank you very much for info, I will try.

Hadar: But it's full-polish MUD so if you dont speak polish, you won't be able I'm afraid. That's unlucky, couse I'd appreciate help in this. :)
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Joined: 07 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:07 am   
I got strange problem. Some time ago when i was using automapper it worked instantly. I made a step, and voila, new location with exits appeared. For some time it stopped working this way. The only time whenit does is during 'configure'. After that, I make step, no effect, second step, no effect, use 'look' command and immadietly few locations appera. But usualy they are not right (mostly problem with not matching exits) . What can cause such problem?

Second, exit line tag recognizes south-east exit as south and east exits. How to change it?
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Joined: 07 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:47 pm   
I still ned help with previous, and one more.
Is there any way I can use #nodir in Fast mode? On my mud some location names change during day/night cycle, and sometimes on each server restart so I need to use fast walk in order to move. But than I get into trouble when I hit closed gate or get tired. What can i do?

You attempt to pass the gate but it's closed.

You try to go there, but you are too tired.
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Joined: 24 Jul 2005
Posts: 137

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:30 pm   
You can set up a room trigger in the room before the gate.

So say your gate is like this:


1= West room.
| = Gate.
2 = East room.

You could create room triggers in rooms 1 and 2, something like the following:

#TRIGGER {You attempt to pass the gate but it's closed. } {#TELEPORT 1}

In regards to room names changing, you can always call your room name nothing and have a trigger on entering that room to do #OK, and it will force the map into that room.
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Joined: 07 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:18 pm   
First thing i tried, dont know why didnt want to work but will keep trying.

And situation without names doesnt suit me, I need names to orientate easier on map.

But the best option would be a trigger that is simmilar to #nodir but works in Fast mode. Maybe a trigger that sends reverse to last used direction when 'No way' event occurs? But dont know how to make it.
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Joined: 24 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:10 pm   
#TRIGGER {You attempt to pass the gate but it's closed.} {#MOVE %lastdir}

That will move you the last direction on your path on the map only, without moving you on the game.

However with long paths in fast mode, it won't be reliable.

I use fast mode and I've made sure my map is fool proof of errors, for example rooms like you are having problems with are no entry rooms. So I can only manualy walk through them.
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Joined: 07 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:30 pm   
No no, it's just opposite situation. With trigger you have shown, I'd move on map while not moving in game. And that is my problem, because I keep moving on map, while in game i stopped on gate. #nodir should do it, but in fast mode it doesn't. I have:

#TRIGGER {You attempt to pass the gate but it's closed.} {#NODIR}

And in fastmode I keep 'moving' on map while my toon is still standing in front of it.
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Joined: 29 Jan 2003
Posts: 221

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:39 pm

The above URL is the link to the help info for speedwalking in CMUD.

With Fast speedwalking selected, the movement commands to get to the destination room are sent all at once to the MUD. This is the fastest way to walk, but also the most dangerous. Because they are sent to the MUD at one time, any commands you enter are now received by the MUD *after* all of the speedwalk commands. Thus, if a monster attacks you along the way, your kill command will be delayed, and the mapper may also lose track of where you are (it will think you reached the destination when you didn't). Even though Fast walking is Fast, it is not recommended. Many mud also limit the numbers of commands that can be buffered, and even the shortest path can add up quickly.

Fast mode sends the speedwalk commands all at once, and moves your position on the map, but the map movements are not in response to the output from the mud and are not coordinated with output from the mud.

I would suggest that if you want to use triggers and such in conjunction with your speed walking, you have to use safe or slow mode.
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Joined: 07 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:14 pm   
I know, but my MUD has the problem that location short names, long description and exits vary depending on time of day and year and sometimes situation (ie closed or opened gate). So I have no idea how to use slow or safe mode in a useful way.
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