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Joined: 21 Sep 2009
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:11 pm   

new convert from zmud to cmud some questions on variables +classes
first question about importing zmud setting. Will cmud automatically update the triggers commands to what will work in cmud?

So I have some triggers that capture any info and reenter is as a command

^Character name .. (*)

in zmud i had it as %1.. unsure what it is in cmud

Classes. I have some triggers that auto disable a class after firing

now its #clas classname 0 ?
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:29 pm   
The conversion will handle most things, but there may be exceptions.

Anything wrapped in (parenthesis) will be turned into an anonymous variable, accessible via %1 - %99, in order of which opening parenthesis comes first.

To disable a class use:

#T- ClassName

#T+ will enable it.

#CLASS ClassName 0 is used for ending the definition of settings within the class, similar to a closing bracket '}' for individual settings.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:43 pm   

first question about importing zmud setting. Will cmud automatically update the triggers commands to what will work in cmud?

No, it will not. This is because of both backwards-compatibility issues as well as simple changes to the underlying function of otherwise-correct syntax. If you are like the typical ZMud scripter, you WILL end up with hundreds or even thousands of minor compatibility wizard issues that require tedious editing. For example, in ZMud, double quotes are used for grouping rather than for literalization, so if something inside double quotes could be parsed it would be parsed. This stemmed from the fact that system variables like %1 were first expanded into the script code and then that expanded version was sent through the parser, so there was no way to tell where one command argument stopped and another started. In CMud, though, double quotes prevent parsing entirely, so instead of "dog" you'd end up with "%1" (typically not something the user intended).

The compatibility wizard should pop up automatically after import, but if not there's a menu/macro option to bring up the window. This will show you the error encountered and will provide a link to the particular setting so you can edit it.

Similarly, some settings might not have a compatibility issue. They will work differently, which means you need to find and fix the problem, but CMud won't be able to tell that there's a problem.


^Character name .. (*)

in zmud i had it as %1.. unsure what it is in cmud

This hasn't changed. While in ZMud you COULD have used %1...%99 variables in the trigger pattern, you were never actually supposed to. This usage was the same as *, and both ZMud and CMud try to match on the widest possible match in a line. In CMud, you are now specifically disallowed from using %1...%99 in trigger patterns.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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