Darkflame808 Beginner
Joined: 21 Sep 2010 Posts: 22
Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:35 pm
Bug when creating a new session. |
I have a problem creating new sessions.
When I create a new session the program works normally until I attempt to create a map. Once I try to create a map the program will crash with an exception fault.
Upon reopening the session it will say
Unable to load C:\users\richard\documents\my games[name of mud].dbm
but the problem is that my files are stored in c:\users\richard\my documents\my games[name of mud].dbm (it's MY documents and not just documents.
I am not sure if this is the cause of the error being that it's not looking for the file in the right place.
Also when first creating the map it gave me an error saying please load this map in zmud 7.21 first prior to opening the file in here. But it's a new file.
My old maps are not affected thus far.
I'll try to downgrade to 3.33 to see if the problem resolves itself and if this is really a bug or just my windows 7 pc farting on me.
Thanks! |
Darkflame808 Beginner
Joined: 21 Sep 2010 Posts: 22
Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:43 pm |
Oh just read the bug post. Lemme give you step by step on how I got this error.
1. Open Cmud 3.34
2. Create new session. I used shadowed-souls.net 3003 (a new mud i've never been on before)
3. create a new character *optional* or proceed to step 4.
4. Click the map button. some HD activity goes on...
Window pops up.
Cannot open old map files.
Load map into zMUD 7.21 to convert it before loading it into CMUD
Table VersTbl not found
click ok
Error in cMUD.exe
SQL Error: SQL logic error on missing database
I chose close application.
Re-Open Cmud
Error in cMUD.exe
C:\Users[My name]\Documents\My Games\CMUD\shadowedsouls.net\shadowedsouls.net.dbm is not a valid SQLite database.
Hope that helps! |
Izulien Newbie
Joined: 24 Jul 2012 Posts: 9 Location: United States
Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:01 pm |
I'm getting this exact same error for some reason. It only happens on one of my sessions. My other sessions with the same MUD work just fine.
dyentrush Newbie
Joined: 04 Jan 2013 Posts: 1
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:34 am |
I experienced this yesterday.