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Joined: 27 Jun 2001
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2001 1:15 am   

Autologin help
Okay, I'll try to explain this best I can. The first time you connect to a MUD, you get that screen asking if you'd like to use the username/password it detected. Problem is, the first time I connected, I made a new character, so the trigger lines ZMud found aren't the ones that would be on the login screen.

I hope you understand what I mean. So, I clicked "No" on the window that popped up, and continued to make my character. Now, how can I get that window to pop up again?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2001 12:22 pm   
When you are editting a character's properties in the character database, there is a field for entering the Login and Password for that character. Make sure both of these are empty. Now, go into your triggers, and there should be an autolog class folder. Delete any triggers you find there.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 9:03 am   
I was having the same trouble and this helped me some. But in an older version when I clicked on No to saving this it would pop up each time I logged on to that same mud(after typing in my login info I mean) to ask if I wanted to save it. Has that been done away with in these newer versions? I don't think it has or I doubt it would ask if we wanted it to save it so it would not ask again.. Or something along those lines anyway... Also, when I followed your suggestion about making sure the name and password were empty then deleteing the triggers in the autolog class folder, in mine there were no triggers in it. I didn't know what to do so I chose New and just selected my mud (Clandestine) from the list again and when it asked I chose yes since my char was already created this time.
AND (apologizes for this being so long...) in the older version when you chose "Yes" to save it, then, when you quit to the main character screen it would list it there with your characters name along with the name of the mud, and when you double clicked it it would auto type in your name and your password. Now it only types in my password after I type in my Characters name... I hope I didn't confuse everyone with that... How can I make it do as it used to? I want it to list in the main screen(when you first start zmud, before you login to a mud) the name of my char and it's associated mud..??

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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 3:15 pm   
Unfortunately, the Autolog creation dialogue doesn't work right anymore, and hasn't since at least 6.15. I made quite a fuss about it a year ago, so I hope Zugg put it on his list for this time around.

If you know what the usual login prompts will look like, you can manually enter them the first (and only) time the dialogue appears. You should also ensure it has the correct name and password.

You can also enter (or change) the name and password at any time from the character selection screen. After selecting the character, click the Edit button. Click on the Character tab and enter the Name and Password in the fields provided. With these fields filled in, you can also create your own login triggers, if necessary, by clicking the Offline button. The following triggers work for Clandestine:

#TR {How will you be known, my friend? } {#CH} {autolog} {case|verbatim|nocr|prompt}
#TR {Password: } {#PW;#T- autolog} {autolog} {case|verbatim|nocr|prompt}

All scripts untested unless otherwise noted
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Joined: 13 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 10:14 pm   
Thanks for the help Lightbulb. Your triggers did the trick. If you don't mind though, I'd really like to understand what it did so I don't need to post for this again sometime in the future...

#TR {How will you be known, my friend? } {#CH} {autolog} {case|verbatim|nocr|prompt}

In the line above, what does {case|verbatim|nocr|prompt} do? This is something I seem to have trouble understanding... It looks like several commands but what is the |

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 3:08 pm   
They are not commans, but options. The syntax for the #TRIGGER command is like this:
#TRIGGER [id] {pattern} {commands} [classname] [options]

where id, classname, and options are all optional. The options argument is a stringlist and that is why you see the pipe (|) characters, used to separate each string in a string list. The particular options used in LightbUlb's trigger are: case, verbatim, nocr, and prompt. Case menas that the pattern in the trigger is case-sensitive. Verbatim means that the pattern of the trigger is to be interpreted as it appears, without taking into acoounts wildcards and variables. Nocr means that the pattern of the trigger will not be checked for a match when a newline is received. Prompt means that the pattern of the trigger will be checked for a match when a buffer of text (such as what you get when the MUD sends your prompt or the login message asking for your character name) is received.

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Joined: 13 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 8:07 pm   
Thank you Lightbulb and Kjata. I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I think I understand a little better.


Happiness isn't a destination. It's a way of life!!! In other words... Don't live until you can be happy... Be happy while you live!!!!
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