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Joined: 11 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:42 pm   

Various questions
Hei peeps,

I'm not a coder in any sense, nor can I program anything to save my life, so I'm hoping there is some smart people out there which can help me with a few questions.

1) I'm used to Zmud, and have made lots of small scripts etc to use in it, and once which I enjoy a lot is to use some colors in a colorless mud.
My old script was like this:

#CLASS Color
#TRIGGER {Skill} {#CW yellow}
#TRIGGER {-} {#CW mediumvioletred}
#TRIGGER {]} {#CW White}
#TRIGGER {~[} {#CW white}
#TRIGGER {Trains} {#CW lavenderblush}
#TRIGGER {Sphere} {#CW lavenderblush}
#TRIGGER {miss} {#CW turquoise}
#TRIGGER {scratch} {#CW springgreen}
#TRIGGER {graze} {#CW lime}
#TRIGGER {hit} {#CW aqua}
#TRIGGER {injure} {#CW fuchsia}
#TRIGGER {wound} {#CW mediumorchid}
#TRIGGER {maul} {#CW seagreen}
#TRIGGER {decimate} {#CW lightskyblue}
#TRIGGER {devestate} {#CW lightsalmon}
#TRIGGER {maim} {#CW lightgreen}
#TRIGGER {MUTILATE} {#CW (crimson,bold)}
#TRIGGER {EVISCERATE} {#CW (darkorchid,bold)}
#TRIGGER {DISMEMBER} {#CW (blueviolet,bold)}
#TRIGGER {MASSACRE} {#CW (burlywood,bold)}
#TRIGGER {MANGLE} {#CW (mediumvioletred,bold)}
#TRIGGER {DEMOLISH} {#CW (blueviolet,bold)}
#TRIGGER {DEVASTATE} {#CW (magenta,bold)}
#TRIGGER {OBLITERATE} {#CW (royalblue,bold)}
#TRIGGER {ANNHIALATE} {#CW (purple,bold)}
#TRIGGER {ERADICATE} {#CW (mediumvioletred,bold)}
#TRIGGER {north} {#CW bisque}
#TRIGGER {east} {#CW lightsalmon}
#TRIGGER {south} {#CW peachpuff}
#TRIGGER {west} {#CW palegoldenrod}
#TRIGGER {up} {#CW steelblue}
#TRIGGER {down} {#CW chocolate}
#TRIGGER {none} {#CW (cyan,bold)}
#TRIGGER {(Camouflaged)} {#CW lightgreen}
#TRIGGER {(Translucent)} {#CW lightblue}
#TRIGGER {disarms you} {#CW pink,bold}
#TRIGGER {Red Aura} {#CW red}
#TRIGGER {(Humming)} {#CW white}
#TRIGGER {White Aura} {#CW snow}
#TRIGGER {(Glowing)} {#CW yellow}
#TRIGGER {~=} {#CW yellow,bold}
#TRIGGER {Purple Aura} {#CW Purple}
#TRIGGER {~(} {#CW limegreen}
#TRIGGER {~)} {#CW limegreen}
#TRIGGER {perfect} {#CW yellow,bold}
#TRIGGER {scratches} {#CW green,bold}
#TRIGGER {disgusting} {#CW lime,bold}
#TRIGGER {bleeding wounds} {#CW tomat,bold}
#TRIGGER {gushing blood} {#CW crimson,bold}
#TRIGGER {writhing in agony} {#CW mediumpurple,bold}
#TRIGGER {convulsing} {#CW mediumvioletred,bold}
#TRIGGER {A sign} {#CW lightcyan,bold}
#TRIGGER {A note} {#CW snow,bold}
#TRIGGER {Gold Aura} {#CW gold}
#TRIGGER {yell} {#CW gold}
#TRIGGER {you feel less righteous.} {#CW gold}
#TRIGGER {wipes the dirt from} {#CW darkorange}
#TRIGGER {moon} {#CW cyan,bold}
#TRIGGER {black} {#CW grey}
#TRIGGER {Invis} {#CW grey}
#TRIGGER {fountain} {#CW dodgerblue,bold}
#TRIGGER {newbie} {#CW lightcyan}
#TRIGGER {The bark on your skin flakes off.} {#CW coral}
#TRIGGER {leaf} {#CW lawngreen}
#TRIGGER {Your Armor of thorns disappears.} {#CW crimson,bold}
#TRIGGER {You carapace subsides.} {#CW white,bold}
#TRIGGER {Commune} {#CW fuchsia}
#TRIGGER {experience} {#CW yellow,bold}
#TRIGGER {Your rage ebbs.} {#CW red,bold}
#TRIGGER {Pink Aura} {#CW pink}
#TRIGGER {Gold} {#CW gold}
#TRIGGER {PK} {#CW lightcyan}
#TRIGGER {pass door} {#CW lightblue}
#TRIGGER {rub the dirt out} {#CW sienna}
#TRIGGER {WANTED} {#CW crimson}
#TRIGGER {you are full} {#CW khaki}
#TRIGGER {you are thirsty} {#CW deepskyblue}

I could usually just put that code into the regular text field and it would create the class #Color and add all the triggers under it.
In the new cmud pro, nothing happens and I am unable to use it.

As you know inside cities and other places you will eventually run into a place alike a mannor or a park. This will make your map go berserk, and put rooms over rooms and thus making fastwalk a nightmare.
In the old zmud I would simply create a new zone, and then add that when walking into a spesific square it would portal the playermark into the new zone to ensure my map doesn't get fucked up, but the old command to do that no longer works in cmud pro.

Lastly I've had some nice use for addons which helps with health and other things, which now no longer works.

Could anyone with the knowlede please help me in the right direction to get my cmud working like my old zmud did, at least for maps and colors ?

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Joined: 15 Apr 2011
Posts: 809

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:06 pm   
1) You can't use things like (crimson,bold) with the #CW command. You'll need to replace all the bold colors with %color(crimson,bold) instead.

2) Not sure what you're asking... if you're asking how to create a new zone, just click Zone -> New Zone in the mapper window.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:42 pm   
1) Typing or copy/pasting that script into the command line should create the triggers just fine. As Daern said, some of the triggers may not work, but they will all be created. Also note that there have been some bugs with some colornames not actually working. Are you pasting it into the command line?

2) What command did you use in Zmud? That part of the mapping code should not have changed. And as Daern said, you can create a new zone in the mapper window.

3) If you want help with those "addons", you will have to either explain what you want it to do, complete with sample text from the mud that it should work on, or should give us the code you have.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:38 pm   
1)you can, just without the parentheses. Use parentheses for functions, not for commands. #CW red,bold

3)He likely referring to some old plugins for ZMud. These probably no longer work for CMud, mainly because they're using the zmud-equivalent references instead of the cmud ones.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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