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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:49 am   

Flyout windows (autohide)
Is anything more going to be done in regards to this setting?

I would like:
1. To set them to flyout from a session window, instead of the application window, according to the window's position settings in the settings editor.
2. To set how far the window flies out, relative to parent window size.
3. To use less than the full edge of the parent window, size and position settings similar to buttons.
4. To have the 'bring to front with activity' toggle (on the windows tab of the user interface section of preferences) cause the window to flyout when enabled. Ideally without stealing keyboard focus.
5. Allow hovering to open some flyout windows, but not others.
6. Allow the hovering of the mouse over a flyout window that does not have focus, keep said window from collapsing.
7. To set how long a given windows stays open before collapsing again, if not hovering.
8. To set window priority, to determine which is on top when multiple windows flyout.

I'm not sure if they all are possible.
Anyone else have anything to add to the wishlist, or comments?

Edit - looks like we already have #5-6, but they aren't optional as far as i can tell.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:52 pm   
1) You can drag/drop the windows like normal docking windows and then set them to autohide. So they can be part of the session window, application window, a popup window, or anywhere else in your layout. Usually you need to turn off the Autohide, then move them where you want them, and then re-enable the autohide. This is all part of the window docking component that CMUD uses so it's really nothing that CMUD restricts or gets involved with.

2) The window should "fly out" to whatever size it has when you turn off the auto-hide option. Try turning off auto-hide, then resize the docked window, then turn autohide on again. Again, this is handled by the docking library so CMUD doesn't ever tell it what size to use.

3) Can't do that. Limited by what the window docking library can do. It's intended to make flyout panels that use the full height or width of the parent.

4) This should already work. Have you tried it?

5) It opens whatever flyout window you hover the mouse over. Each flyout window has a tab. Hover the mouse over the tab for the specific window you want to fly out.

6) To keep it from collapsing, I believe you need to click on the window somehow. Again this is built into the docking system and I haven't played with it lately, but I'm pretty sure there was a way to keep the window from collapsing.

7) That *is* a setting that CMUD can set. So I'll add that to the to-do list. In the meantime have you played with the %autohide function that can be used to show or hide a window? (Edited: Looks like I forgot to add %autohide to the help file. If you type %autohide and press F1 you can see the Quick Reference help, but it's not in the main help either in the program or in the online knowledge base. So I'll try to add that)

8) This should be determined by something in the window docking library. My guess is that it uses some order based upon when the windows are created. Sort of like the order of tabs when windows are docked as tabs. So you might need to undock the flyout windows, then dock them one by one and turn on the autohide option and see if you can control the order in that way. When CMUD saves the window layout *.XLY file and reloads it for the next session it should preserve any window order in the layout.

The short answer to your question is that "No, nothing else is being done regarding flyout windows". CMUD just uses a 3rd party docking library. What you see is what you get. There aren't any hidden features. I can't really add my own features to the docking library. We are stuck with the way it works. I tried to pick the best docking library available for Delphi. If you are interested, CMUD is using the AQDocking library from Automated QA. They write Delphi testing and profiling tools and wrote the docking library for their own tools. It's far better than any other library I have seen (and way better than my home-grown system from zMUD). But nothing is ever perfect. And it's not like you are paying for a $999 IDE system here.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4717
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:20 pm   
1. I can dock the windows like you say, bu when i turn on the autohide feature it jumps to the edge of the application window instead.

2. True, I guess i wasn't thinking here

3. Alright.

4. I did try it, yes, but using the #WIN command to send text to the autohide window did not make it flyout.

5. Yes, but is there a way to turn this feature off for an individual window?

6. This is already implemented, as I stated, but there is no way to turn it off for an individual window.

7. Yea! Checking out %autohide now btw

8. Would being able to give child windows a priority, help to avoid the redocking layout hassle you mentioned?
8b. On a side note... I have always wanted to be able to have tabbed windows ordered a specific way, and to choose which tab is on top by default when the session opens... is that possible other than by trial and error with continual docking and undocking?

The CMUD docking is leaps and bounds over zMUD's.
And for the record, I do appreciate the quality you look for in 3rd party libraries.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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