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VeldrinCrescent Newbie
Joined: 29 Nov 2005 Posts: 9
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:54 pm
Problem with prompt trigger |
so I got this prompt trigger (for Achaea), where the big problem is, that it won't properly recolor my prompt when I sub it, it will color the 0-100 within the [] tag's but the main health/mana/endurance/willpower just stays green, and I can't figure out why (and anyone got any tips for optimizing this? )
^(\d+)h\, (\d+)m\, \d+e\, \d+w (\w+)\-
Code: |
#if (%1!=@healthcalc) {#sayp %ansi( reset)~(%if( %eval( %1-@healthcalc)>0, %ansi( 10), %ansi( 12))%eval( %1-@healthcalc)%ansi( reset)h~)" "}
#if (%2!=@manacalc) {#sayp %ansi( reset)~(%if( %eval( %2-@manacalc)>0, %ansi( 10), %ansi( 12))%eval( %2-@manacalc)%ansi( reset)m~)" "}
healthcalc = %1
manacalc = %2
#sub {%if(%eval(@health*100/@maxhealth)>75, %ansi(green), %if(%eval(@health*100/@maxhealth)>50, %ansi(yellow), %if(%eval(@health*100/@maxhealth)>35, %ansi(12), %ansi(red))))@health%ansi(green)~h%ansi( reset)~[%if(%eval(@health*100/@maxhealth)>75, %ansi(green), %if(%eval(@health*100/@maxhealth)>50, %ansi(yellow), %if(%eval(@health*100/@maxhealth)>35, %ansi(12), %ansi(red))))%eval( @health*100/@maxhealth)%ansi( reset)~]~, %ansi(reset)%if(%eval(@mana*100/@maxmana)>75, %ansi(green), %if(%eval(@mana*100/@maxmana)>50, %ansi(yellow), %if(%eval(@mana*100/@maxmana)>35, %ansi(12), %ansi(red))))@mana~m%ansi( reset)~[%if(%eval(@mana*100/@maxmana)>75, %ansi(green), %if(%eval(@mana*100/@maxmana)>50, %ansi(yellow), %if(%eval(@mana*100/@maxmana)>35, %ansi(12), %ansi(red))))%eval( @mana*100/@maxmana)%ansi( reset)~]~, %if(%eval(@end*100/@maxend)>75, %ansi(green), %if(%eval(@end*100/@maxend)>35, %ansi(yellow), %ansi(12)))@end%ansi(green)~e%ansi( reset)~[%if(%eval(@end*100/@maxend)>75, %ansi(green), %if(%eval(@end*100/@maxend)>35, %ansi(yellow), %ansi(12)))%eval( @end*100/@maxend)%ansi( reset)~]~, %if(%eval(@wp*100/@maxwp)>75, %ansi(green), %if(%eval(@wp*100/@maxwp)>35, %ansi(yellow), %ansi(12)))@wp%ansi(green)~w%ansi( reset)~[%if(%eval(@wp*100/@maxwp)>75, %ansi(green), %if(%eval(@wp*100/@maxwp)>35, %ansi(yellow), %ansi(12)))%eval( @wp*100/@maxwp)%ansi( reset)~] @experience %ansi( reset)%3~-}
#if (@flags.time) {#sayp " "%ansi(grey)~(%time(hh:mm:ss:zzz)~)%ansi(reset)}
#if (%class(fishing)) {fishingtime}
#if (@flags.paused) {#sayp " "%ansi(yellow)SYSTEM PAUSED%ansi(reset)}
#raiseevent onPrompt
#if (%pos(d, %3)) {#addkey affs deafness 1} {#addkey affs deafness 0}
#if (%pos(b, %3)) {#addkey affs blindness 1} {#addkey affs blindness 0}
#if (%pos(c, %3)) {#addkey defense cloak 1} {#addkey defense cloak 0;#sayp %ansi(12)" NO CLOAK"}
#if (%pos(k, %3)) {#addkey defense kola 1} {#addkey defense kola 0;#sayp %ansi(12)" NO KOLA"}
#if (%pos(x, %3)) {#addkey lostbals balance 0} {#addkey lostbals balance 1;#sayp %ansi(12)" NO BALANCE "%ansi(reset)}
#if (%pos(e, %3)) {#addkey lostbals equilibrium 0} {#addkey lostbals equilibrium 1;#sayp %ansi(12)" NO EQUILIBRIUM "%ansi(reset)}
scan_healing |
edit: it also lets me suffer a lot from the color bleeding through to the next line, which can be rather annoying |
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oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:09 am |
Try this. I am assuming you are getting your stats from GMCP.
Code: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<trigger name="myPrompt" priority="2" regex="true" newline="false" prompt="true" copy="yes">
<pattern>^(\d+)h, (\d+)m, \d+e, \d+w ([cexkdb]*)\-</pattern>
<value><![CDATA[$health = %1
$mana = %2
$flags = %3
#substitute @SubPrompt($flags)
$healthAmount = -(@healthCalc - $health)
$manaAmount = -(@manaCalc - $mana)
defense.cloak = %if(%pos("c",$flags),1,0)
defense.kola = %if(%pos("k",$flags),1,0)
affs.deafness = %if(%pos("d",$flags),1,0)
affs.blindness = %if(%pos("b",$flags),1,0)
lostbals.equilibrium = %if(%pos("e",$flags),0,1)
lostbals.balance = %if(%pos("x",$flags),0,1)
#if (@flags.time) {#sayadd %concat(" (",%time(hh:mm:ss:zzz),")")}
#if ($healthAmount != 0) {#sayadd { (<color %if($healthAmount > 0,"lime","red")>$healthAmount</color> h) }}
#if ($manaAmount != 0) {#sayadd { (<color %if($manaAmount > 0,"lime","red")>$manaAmount</color> m) }}
healthCalc = $health
manaCalc = $mana
#if (%class(fishing)) {fishingtime}
#if (@flags.paused) {#sayadd " <color yellow>SYSTEM PAUSED</color>"}
#raiseevent onPrompt
<func name="SubPrompt" copy="yes">
<value><![CDATA[$healthColor = %if((@health * 100 / @maxHealth) > 75, "green", %if((@health * 100 / @maxHealth) > 50, "yellow", %if((@health * 100 / @maxHealth) > 35, "red", "red")))
$manaColor = %if((@mana * 100 / @maxMana) > 75, "green", %if((@mana * 100 / @maxMana) > 50, "yellow", %if((@mana * 100 / @maxmana) > 35, "red", "red")))
$endColor = %if((@end * 100 / @maxEnd) > 75, "green", %if((@end * 100 / @maxEnd) > 35, "yellow", "red"))
$wpColor = %if((@wp * 100 / @maxWp) > 75, "green", %if((@wp * 100 / @maxWp) > 35, "yellow", "red"))
$xpStr = %concat("[",@experience,"]")
$flagsStr = %concat($flags,"-")
#return %concat("[<color ",$healthColor,">",@health,"</color><color green>h</color>][<color ",$manaColor,">",@mana,"</color><color green>m</color>][<color ",$endColor,">",@end,"</color><color green>e</color>][<color ",$wpColor,">",@wp,"</color><color green>w</color>]",$xpStr,$flagsStr)]]></value>
I punched in some fake numbers and it looks like this:
[4000h][5000m][15000e][15000w][75]x- (04:59:32:828) (1000 h) SYSTEM PAUSED
[3000h][5000m][15000e][15000w][75]x- (05:01:45:531) (-1000 h)
[3000h][3000m][15000e][15000w][75]x- (05:01:50:671) (-2000 m)
[5000h][5000m][15000e][5000w][75]x- (04:53:57:828)
Everything is colored just fine. Hard to tell on this background but it looks just how you were coloring it. |
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
VeldrinCrescent Newbie
Joined: 29 Nov 2005 Posts: 9
Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:59 pm |
Thanks I'll give it a try!
![](templates/Classic/images/spacer.gif) |
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:34 am |
Here is the whole class I used to test it if you want to load it into an untitled session and test. Just enter the alias RUNTEST. I have the trigger set to trigger on new line for the test.
Code: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<class name="PromptTest" copy="yes">
<trigger name="myPrompt" priority="2" regex="true" copy="yes">
<pattern>^(\d+)h, (\d+)m, \d+e, \d+w ([cexkdb]*)\-</pattern>
<value><![CDATA[$health = %1
$mana = %2
$flags = %3
#substitute @SubPrompt($flags)
$healthAmount = -(@healthCalc - $health)
$manaAmount = -(@manaCalc - $mana)
defense.cloak = %if(%pos("c",$flags),1,0)
defense.kola = %if(%pos("k",$flags),1,0)
affs.deafness = %if(%pos("d",$flags),1,0)
affs.blindness = %if(%pos("b",$flags),1,0)
lostbals.equilibrium = %if(%pos("e",$flags),0,1)
lostbals.balance = %if(%pos("x",$flags),0,1)
#if (@flags.time) {#sayadd %concat(" (",%time(hh:mm:ss:zzz),")")}
#if ($healthAmount != 0) {#sayadd { (<color %if($healthAmount > 0,"lime","red")>$healthAmount</color> h) }}
#if ($manaAmount != 0) {#sayadd { (<color %if($manaAmount > 0,"lime","red")>$manaAmount</color> m) }}
healthCalc = $health
manaCalc = $mana
#if (%class(fishing)) {fishingtime}
#if (@flags.paused) {#sayadd " <color yellow>SYSTEM PAUSED</color>"}
#raiseevent onPrompt
<func name="SubPrompt" copy="yes">
<value><![CDATA[$healthColor = %if((@health * 100 / @maxHealth) > 75, "green", %if((@health * 100 / @maxHealth) > 50, "yellow", %if((@health * 100 / @maxHealth) > 35, "red", "red")))
$manaColor = %if((@mana * 100 / @maxMana) > 75, "green", %if((@mana * 100 / @maxMana) > 50, "yellow", %if((@mana * 100 / @maxMana) > 35, "red", "red")))
$endColor = %if((@end * 100 / @maxEnd) > 75, "green", %if((@end * 100 / @maxEnd) > 35, "yellow", "red"))
$wpColor = %if((@wp * 100 / @maxWp) > 75, "green", %if((@wp * 100 / @maxWp) > 35, "yellow", "red"))
$xpStr = %concat("[",@experience,"]")
$flagsStr = %concat($flags,"-")
#return %concat("[<color ",$healthColor,">",@health,"</color><color green>h</color>][<color ",$manaColor,">",@mana,"</color><color green>m</color>][<color ",$endColor,">",@end,"</color><color green>e</color>][<color ",$wpColor,">",@wp,"</color><color green>w</color>]",$xpStr,$flagsStr)]]></value>
<var name="healthCalc" copy="yes">2000</var>
<var name="manaCalc" copy="yes">1000</var>
<var name="flags" type="Record" copy="yes">
<var name="experience" usedef="true" copy="yes">75</var>
<var name="mana" usedef="true" copy="yes">1000</var>
<var name="maxWp" usedef="true" copy="yes">15000</var>
<var name="wp" usedef="true" copy="yes">15000</var>
<var name="health" usedef="true" copy="yes">2000</var>
<var name="end" usedef="true" copy="yes">15000</var>
<var name="maxEnd" usedef="true" copy="yes">15000</var>
<var name="maxMana" usedef="true" copy="yes">5000</var>
<var name="maxHealth" usedef="true" copy="yes">5000</var>
<alias name="runtest" copy="yes">
<value>health = 5000
maxHealth = 5000
mana = 5000
maxMana = 5000
end = 15000
maxEnd = 15000
wp = 15000
maxWp = 15000
experience = 75
#show "5000h, 5000m, 15000e, 15000w cexdb-"
health = 3000
#show "3000h, 5000m, 15000e, 15000w cexdb-"
mana = 3000
health = 5000
#show "5000h, 3000m, 15000e, 15000w cexdb-"
end = 8000
mana = 1000
#show "5000h, 1000m, 8000e, 15000w cexdb-"
end = 15000
health = 2000
#show "2000h, 1000m, 15000e, 15000w cexdb-"</value>
<var name="defense" type="Record" copy="yes">
<var name="affs" type="Record" copy="yes">
<var name="lostbals" type="Record" copy="yes">
<alias name="scan_healing" copy="yes"/>
<alias name="fishingtime" copy="yes"/>
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