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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:56 am   

Automatic movement issues
I have been combating movement errors for a long time now, and I am starting to get a bit frustrated; I need some help.

1. When I double click a room on the map some time the path generated by cmud works perfectly, sometimes it spits the whole path out as a string.
2. When I #walk to a room that is more then one zone link away I get the same error as above.
3. When I try to #slow a recorded path from a room trigger it will only spit out one step, then the path is gone from the queue.
4. When I use an alias to call a #walk to a room more the one map zone away, I get the same error as in 1 and 2.

I have tried to uninstall cmud, and reinstall, uninstall the English directions lib, and reinstall, and delete my map and make a new one, but the results are always the same. I don't know what else to do. With the exception of errors 1 and 4 I can get the error to happen almost with out fail. As an example here is an output of the alias calling a #walk command failing, then working back to back. When I issued the command the first time I was more then one zone away, by that I mean according to the map I was in a zone that was in a zone, in other words I have outer zone that holds entrances to many other zones, then inside of one of those zones is an entrance to another zone, I was in that zone.
Big Map->Parent zone->Child zone


0.0017 | c  Kingdoms |  [1] Kingdomt Comline : start :
0.0016 | n  Kingdoms |    Exec Alias "rekle"
0.0072 | a  Kingdoms |travel home
0.0018 | j  Kingdoms >travel home
0.0016 | k  Kingdoms |    Loc "Kingdom" changed from "1864" to "275"
0.0828 | a  Kingdoms |2en
0.0015 | j  Kingdoms >2en
0.0110 | d  Kingdoms |  [1] Kingdoms Comline : stopped
1.3441 | a  Kingdoms |The  castle road
0.0019 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0029 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0016 | a  Kingdoms |[city: north east south west]
0.0017 | k  Kingdoms |  Var "mv" changed from "611" to "305"
0.0036 | k  Kingdoms |  Var "wait" changed from "12" to "0"
0.2085 | a  Kingdoms |Engage?  You're not even dating!
0.0017 | a  Kingdoms |
19.503 | ---
0.0017 | c  Kingdoms |  [1] Kingdoms Comline : start :
0.0017 | n  Kingdoms |    Exec Alias "rekle"
0.0023 | a  Kingdoms |e
0.0018 | j  Kingdoms >e
0.0019 | k  Kingdoms |    Loc "Kingdoms" changed from "275" to "332"
0.0438 | a  Kingdoms |e
0.0016 | j  Kingdoms >e
0.0011 | k  Kingdoms |    Loc "Kingdoms" changed from "332" to "333"
0.0084 | a  Kingdoms |n
0.0013 | j  Kingdoms >n
0.0011 | k  Kingdoms |    Loc "KingdomsoftheLost" changed from "333" to "339"
0.0353 | c  Kingdoms |    exec : Class "Room339" : #if (@qt =~ "!") { quest complete }
0.0011 | n  Kingdoms |    Exec Class "Room339"

And now after that there is a 90% chance that all paths will fail, for example here is a #walk triggered by a quest master failing part of the way through the directions, the only way I can fix it once this nonsense starts is to close cmud, and re open it, then I will be set until it randomly fails again. The whole path that should be triggered by the walk command is s2w7se3se4s2lj2nw2ne


0.0005 | f  Kingdoms |  Pattern: %w tells you 'That location is in the general area of ({@... : (%1="Slime Cave")
0.0005 | c  Kingdoms |  exec : Pattern "matchLocation" : locationQueue = %addItem(@drLoc...
0.0000 | n  Kingdoms |  Exec Trigger "matchLocation"
0.0004 | k  Kingdoms |  Var "locationQueue" changed from "" to "563"
0.0000 | n  Kingdoms |  Exec Alias "emptyQuestQueue"
0.0024 | a  Kingdoms |s
0.0000 | j  Kingdoms >s
0.0001 | k  Kingdoms |  Loc "Kingdoms" changed from "339" to "333"
0.0869 | a  Kingdoms |w
0.0000 | j  Kingdoms >w
0.0001 | k  Kingdoms |  Loc "Kingdoms" changed from "333" to "332"
0.0072 | a  Kingdoms |w7se3se4s2lj2nw2ne
0.0000 | j  Kingdoms >w7se3se4s2lj2nw2ne
0.0000 | g  Kingdoms |-> Line 995 gagged

For error number 3 All I want to be able to do is queue a path from a room, then be able to #step though the path as I see fit. For some reason #step by itself does not work, so I have to use #step in conjunction with #pause to control movement. I may be approaching this wrong, but it works fine from the command line. For example if I manually type in #slow circle;#pause one command is sent to cmud, then the path is paused. The same is true if I type #step senw;#pause. Then I can send #step:#pause and proceed through the path one step at a time. However if I i use an alias to try to do the same thing

alias circleWalk
#slow circle

The whole path is spit out (senw) before the #pause command is sent, the same is true if

alias circleWalk
#step senw

If I have a room trigger the #slow circle then only the fir step (s) is sent, then the remaining path seems to disappear. Like I mentioned I'm stuck here, any help would be appreciated.
<Clever text here>
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:24 pm   
What version of Cmud are you using? That is always important, and especially important because of the huge differences in the mapper between v2.37 and v3.31.

You apparently have some room triggers, and other triggers trying to play with the directon queue. Can you post the XML code for those triggers?
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:53 pm   
I am using v 3.31

So there is only one room trigger, there is a lock surrounding the ability for the trigger to fire normally (used to prevent never ending loops), but I have removed it for this example.

<class name="Room308" keyword="Room308" id="205">
<onenable>#slow circle
<Clever text here>
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:40 pm   
You have another room trigger in room 339. It looks to me like that trigger is firing just when you say things start going bad. What is that trigger? Also, what are the two triggers that are firing at the beginning of your second quotation?
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:56 am   
Sorry for the delayed response, I was out of town this weekend for my birthday.The room trigger in 339 looks at the value of a quest timer, if that value is ! the command to complete the quest is issued. As far as I can tell this trigger has never affected the stability of the pathing system. Things go bad before that in the first code block things go wrong in that instance when I issue the command rekle from a room that is in a zone, that is inside another zone. rekle is an alias that is only the command #walk 339. The rekle command causes the goofy results every single time use it in a zone within another zone, I can post a longer debug session if you like, but before the command is issued nothing happened, I was in a random room. Notice that on the second line I issue the command, and it parses "travel home" my portal command, then 2en. I then move to my recall room 305.

Then the command 2en is issued to the mud which is some sort of command for dating people. Then I issue the same rekle command again, and it correctly walks e e n

Later in that same session the #walk command fails again. Had it not failed from the first command its likely it would not have failed in the second case.

It has occurred to me that the alias is bad, but I have tested it with typing out the command #walk 339 under the same circumstances, and the results are the same.


<class name="Room339" keyword="Room339" enabled="false" id="187">
  <onenable>#if (@qt =~ "!")
quest complete

I only see one trigger going off at the start of the second comment in the original post is the match location trigger. Basically the questor will tell me the name of the zone a quest is in, then I will look up the name of the zone in a data record, and issue the command #walk(room number)


<trigger name="matchLocation" priority="460" id="46">
  <pattern>%w tells you 'That location is in the general area of ({@drLocation})</pattern>
  <value>locationQueue = %addItem(@drLocation.%1,@locationQueue)

<Clever text here>
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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:13 am   
Script Debug >< This is the main instance where everything fails. This zone is entered through another zone. I issued the command l to look, then move one south, then attempt to move to the questors room, this time without the assistance of the macro.


0.0009 | a  Kingdoms |l
0.0066 | j  Kingdoms >l
0.0006 | d  Kingdoms |  [1] Kingdoms Comline : stopped
0.2232 | a  Kingdoms |Inside the Kingdom
0.0006 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0005 | a  Kingdoms |  There is now a roof overhead and a few torches to light up the place.
0.0011 | a  Kingdoms |There is a large block of rock in situated in the center of the room that
0.0006 | a  Kingdoms |seems to have a map of some type on it.  There are many doorways off of this
0.0007 | a  Kingdoms |room but not all seem to be that safe.  The sounds of goblins scurrying
0.0068 | a  Kingdoms |around is heard from the east. 
0.0006 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0005 | a  Kingdoms |[inside(very bright): north east south->open west]
0.0009 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0004 | a  Kingdoms |A Large Goblin is standing here.
0.0007 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0063 | a  Kingdoms |<5003/5002:hp 788/1345:Mv 648/648:Cm 0:Wait 570:Tnl 6:Qt>
0.0007 | f  Kingdoms |  Pattern: <&amp;hp/&amp;mhp:hp &amp;mv/&amp;mmv:Mv &amp;cm/&amp;mcm:Cm &amp;wait:Wait &amp;tnl:Tnl ... : (%1=5003, %2=5002, %3=788, %4=1345, %5=648, %6=648, %7=0, %8=570, %9=6)
3.9589 | ---
0.0004 | c  Kingdoms |  exec : Macro "KEY2" : s
0.0003 | n  Kingdoms |  Exec Macro "KEY2"
0.0005 | a  Kingdoms |s
0.0076 | j  Kingdoms >s
0.0005 | k  Kingdoms |  Loc "Kingdoms" changed from "5117" to "5116"
0.2735 | a  Kingdoms |At the Entrance to the Mountain Kingdom
0.0013 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0005 | a  Kingdoms |  This place is on top of the mountain that can be seen from all side of
0.0007 | a  Kingdoms |the island.  The mountain kingdom is currently held by goblins and trolls
0.0010 | a  Kingdoms |but because of the skill and quality of the stone it is easy to tell that
0.0007 | a  Kingdoms |the kingdom was first made by the dwarves of the island.  There is no roof
0.0065 | a  Kingdoms |here and the rays of sun and fresh air flow in and warm the heart and soul.
0.0010 | a  Kingdoms |A Gigantic Torch can be seen on the top is the temple and it is burning with
0.0008 | a  Kingdoms |a yellow flame. 
0.0023 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0015 | a  Kingdoms |[city(very bright): north->open down->open]
0.0019 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0093 | a  Kingdoms |A small Goblin is standing around here.
0.0021 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0016 | a  Kingdoms |<5003/5002:hp 788/1345:Mv 648/648:Cm 1:Wait 570:Tnl 6:Qt>
0.0017 | k  Kingdoms |  Var "wait" changed from "0" to "1"
0.0022 | f  Kingdoms |  Pattern: <&amp;hp/&amp;mhp:hp &amp;mv/&amp;mmv:Mv &amp;cm/&amp;mcm:Cm &amp;wait:Wait &amp;tnl:Tnl ... : (%1=5003, %2=5002, %3=788, %4=1345, %5=648, %6=648, %7=1, %8=570, %9=6)
7.6931 | ---
0.0017 | c  Kingdoms |  [1] Kingdom Comline : start :
0.0070 | ---
0.0022 | a  Kingdoms |travel klevnone
0.0083 | j  Kingdoms >travel klevnone
0.0027 | k  Kingdoms |    Loc "Kingdoms" changed from "5116" to "275"
0.0796 | a  Kingdoms |2en
0.0054 | j  Kingdoms >2en
0.0130 | d  Kingdoms |  [1] Kingdoms Comline : stopped
0.1621 | a  Kingdoms |The Intersection of Castle Way and Windar Road
0.0018 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0017 | a  Kingdoms |  There is a good deal of bustle along this intersection.  There are shops
0.0018 | a  Kingdoms |and various other buildings along the southern, western and eastern streets.
0.0025 | a  Kingdoms |To the north is the castle of Klevnone.  It is a dominating feature for this
0.0018 | a  Kingdoms |landscape, as it reaches high into the sky.   
0.0094 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0023 | a  Kingdoms |[city(very bright): north east south west]
0.0014 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0013 | a  Kingdoms |     A marble fountain is here spouting crystal clear water.
0.0014 | a  Kingdoms |     Some tall roadside torches are here.
0.0015 | a  Kingdoms |A ragged rogue citizen stands here, hands tucked behind his back.
0.0060 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0023 | a  Kingdoms |<5003/5002:hp 394/1345:Mv 648/648:Cm 0:Wait 570:Tnl 6:Qt>
0.0012 | k  Kingdoms |  Var "mv" changed from "788" to "394"
0.0037 | k  Kingdoms |  Var "wait" changed from "1" to "0"
0.0011 | f  Kingdoms |  Pattern: <&amp;hp/&amp;mhp:hp &amp;mv/&amp;mmv:Mv &amp;cm/&amp;mcm:Cm &amp;wait:Wait &amp;tnl:Tnl ... : (%1=5003, %2=5002, %3=394, %4=1345, %5=648, %6=648, %7=0, %8=570, %9=6)
0.2022 | a  Kingdoms |Engage?  You're not even dating!
0.0018 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0015 | a  Kingdoms |<5003/5002:hp 394/1345:Mv 648/648:Cm 0:Wait 570:Tnl 6:Qt>
0.0017 | f  Kingdoms |  Pattern: <&amp;hp/&amp;mhp:hp &amp;mv/&amp;mmv:Mv &amp;cm/&amp;mcm:Cm &amp;wait:Wait &amp;tnl:Tnl ... : (%1=5003, %2=5002, %3=394, %4=1345, %5=648, %6=648, %7=0, %8=570, %9=6)
7.5994 | ---
0.0016 | c  Kingdoms |  [1] Kingdom Comline : start :
0.0017 | l  Kingdoms |    Alias "rekle" compiled (Normal) : #WALK 339
0.0014 | n  Kingdoms |    Exec Alias "rekle"
0.0022 | a  Kingdoms |e
0.0082 | j  Kingdoms >e
0.0023 | k  Kingdoms |    Loc "Kingdoms" changed from "275" to "332"
0.0390 | a  Kingdoms |e
0.0058 | j  Kingdoms >e
0.0017 | k  Kingdoms |    Loc "Kingdoms" changed from "332" to "333"
0.0092 | a  Kingdoms |n
0.0054 | j  Kingdoms >n
0.0022 | k  Kingdoms |    Loc "Kingdoms" changed from "333" to "339"
0.0368 | l  Kingdoms |    Class "Room339" compiled (Normal) : #if (@qt =~ "!") { quest complete }
0.0011 | c  Kingdoms |    exec : Class "Room339" : #if (@qt =~ "!") { quest complete #t+ A...
0.0013 | n  Kingdoms |    Exec Class "Room339"
0.0044 | d  Kingdoms |  [1] Kingdoms Comline : stopped
0.0251 | a  Kingdoms |Windar Road
0.0014 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0011 | a  Kingdoms |   When the warm summer wind blows, there is a flapping noise that comes
0.0013 | a  Kingdoms |from the castle that looms large towards the northwest.  Northeast of here
0.0013 | a  Kingdoms |is a modest building that appears very plain from the exterior.  South of
0.0013 | a  Kingdoms |here is a more ornate structure, that stands bigger than most of the nearby
0.0057 | a  Kingdoms |buildings.  There is a busy intersection west of here, and there are unlit
0.0019 | a  Kingdoms |torches lining the roads as well.   
0.0012 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0011 | a  Kingdoms |[city(very bright): east west]
0.0013 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0013 | a  Kingdoms |     Some tall roadside torches are here.
0.0057 | a  Kingdoms |A Klevnone citizen is here walking about.
0.0022 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0021 | a  Kingdoms |<5003/5002:hp 394/1345:Mv 648/648:Cm 1:Wait 570:Tnl 6:Qt>
0.0013 | k  Kingdoms |  Var "wait" changed from "0" to "1"
0.0011 | f  Kingdoms |  Pattern: <&amp;hp/&amp;mhp:hp &amp;mv/&amp;mmv:Mv &amp;cm/&amp;mcm:Cm &amp;wait:Wait &amp;tnl:Tnl ... : (%1=5003, %2=5002, %3=394, %4=1345, %5=648, %6=648, %7=1, %8=570, %9=6)
0.4684 | a  Kingdoms |Windar Road
0.0017 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0016 | a  Kingdoms |  The city of Klevnone is quite warm most days during the summer, and the
0.0076 | a  Kingdoms |tight congestion of buildings around this location in the road keeps the air
0.0022 | a  Kingdoms |from blowing through most of the time as well.  The shop to the south of
0.0018 | a  Kingdoms |here looks to be of good size, but there are no doorways from this side.
0.0018 | a  Kingdoms |North of here the building is a bit smaller, but there is an entrance with a
0.0022 | a  Kingdoms |sign beside it.  Unlit torches line the road, standing about waist-high on
0.0022 | a  Kingdoms |the average human.   
0.0076 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0023 | a  Kingdoms |[city(very bright): north east west]
0.0017 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0017 | a  Kingdoms |     Some tall roadside torches are here.
0.0016 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0015 | a  Kingdoms |<5003/5002:hp 394/1345:Mv 648/648:Cm 1:Wait 570:Tnl 6:Qt>
0.0015 | f  Kingdoms |  Pattern: <&amp;hp/&amp;mhp:hp &amp;mv/&amp;mmv:Mv &amp;cm/&amp;mcm:Cm &amp;wait:Wait &amp;tnl:Tnl ... : (%1=5003, %2=5002, %3=394, %4=1345, %5=648, %6=648, %7=1, %8=570, %9=6)
0.4600 | a  Kingdoms |Brolin's Building
0.0018 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0015 | a  Kingdoms |  This room is somewhat large, but the building itself is fairly small.  It
0.0018 | a  Kingdoms |has all of the tell tale signs of doubling as a place of business and a
0.0018 | a  Kingdoms |home.  There is equipment on display in several places behind the counter.
0.0026 | a  Kingdoms |There is also a flickering candle upon the counter top.  A small window next
0.0067 | a  Kingdoms |to the door to the south of here allows a view of Windar Road as well.   
0.0030 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0021 | a  Kingdoms |[inside(very bright): south]
0.0018 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0030 | a  Kingdoms |     A candle is here upon the counter.
0.0024 | a  Kingdoms |Brolin stands here waiting for another adventurer.
0.0066 | a  Kingdoms |
0.0024 | a  Kingdoms |<5003/5002:hp 394/1345:Mv 648/648:Cm 1:Wait 570:Tnl 6:Qt>

<Clever text here>
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:59 pm   
It looks to me like the problem is consistently happening when you execute the 'travel' command. Is that correct? Can you post the code for travel?
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:23 pm   
So the key word "travel" is a portal command, so "travel klevnone" will travel to room 394. In the mud these portals are set up all over the place. So other then there being a portal in 394 with the value of "travel klevnon" in the map, there is no code.

Its a lot like a recall, in fact recall is another command that will trigger the problem; for a while I made the travel cost of my recall room 10000, so that I would never recall when the path distances were calculated.
<Clever text here>
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