harley Apprentice
Joined: 05 Apr 2008 Posts: 121
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:45 am
Port alias |
I have an alias, that, well I didnt make it.. Its called port
this is the xml for it
Code: |
<alias name="port" id="133">
<value>#if (%pos( "NoPortal", %roomFlags( ))) {
#if (%pos( "NoPortal(ERROR)", %roomFlags( ))) {
#say @ansiPrefix("Portal")@ansiHighlight("Room Is Flagged As ", 11)@ansiHighlight(%trim(%roomflags()),15)@ansiHighlight(" Aborting Speedwalk", 11)
#abort 1
} {
#if (%regex( %roomFlags( ), ".*?NoPortal\((.*?)\).*?", $PortalCommand))
noport 1 0
#exec $PortalCommand
restoreport 1
#if (%roomFlags( )=="ImmortalHomes") {s}
#if (%iskey(@Portals,$Keyword)) {
#if (((0!=%db( @PortalData."Hold Item")) AND (%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)!=%db( @PortalData, "Held Item"))) OR (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0))) {
get %char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)%char(34) %item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 2).%char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 3)%char(34)
#if (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0)) {
rem second
#if ((%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)!=%db( @PortalData, "Held Item")) OR (%db(@PortalData, "Hold Item") == 0)) {
wear %char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)%char(34)
#if ((0!=%db( @PortalData, "Hold Item")) AND (%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)!=%db( @PortalData, "Held Item"))) {
wear %char(34)%db( @PortalData, "Held Item")%char(34)
#if (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0)) {
dual %char(34)%db( @PortalData, "Secondary Weapon")%char(34)
#if (((0!=%db( @PortalData, "Hold Item")) AND (%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)!=%db( @PortalData, "Held Item"))) OR (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0))) {
put %char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)%char(34) %item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 2).%char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 3)%char(34)
#raiseevent onPortal {$Keyword} {%roomkey()} {%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 7)}
#te %item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 7)
} {
#if (%len( $Keyword)) {
#if (%char( 34)"None"%char( 34)!=%db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")) {
get $Keyword %if( %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")), %left( %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"), %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))-1), 1).%char( 34)%if( %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")), %right( %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"), %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))), %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))%char( 34)
#if (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0)) {
rem second
wear $Keyword
#if (0!=%db( @PortalData, "Hold Item")) {
wear %char(34)%db( @PortalData, "Held Item")%char(34)
#if (%db( @PortalData, "Dual Wield") AND (%db( @PortalData, "Portal Wish")==0)) {
dual %db( @PortalData, "Secondary Weapon")
#if (%char( 34)"None"%char( 34)!=%db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")) {
put $Keyword %if( %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")), %left( %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"), %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))-1), 1).%char( 34)%if( %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag")), %right( %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"), %pos( ., %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))), %db( @PortalData, "Default Bag"))%char( 34)
#if (%isnumber( $RoomKey)) {
#raiseevent onPortal {$Keyword} {%roomkey()} {$RoomKey}
#te $RoomKey
} {
#raiseevent onPortal {$Keyword} {%roomkey()} {Unknown}
} {
#addkey PortalData PortalList ""
#loopdb @Portals {
#addkey PortalData PortalList {%additem(%key"-"%zoneName( %roomZone( %item( %val, 7)))":port "%key, @PortalData.PortalList)}
#pick {p:KeyWord|o:1|%sort(@PortalData.PortalList)}
<arglist>Keyword, RoomKey</arglist>
<notes>Use A Portal</notes>
In 3.1 It was working as planned.. I just re-upgraded to 3.3 and it broke.. again..
I ahve no idea what is wrong with it.. Now it wont grab the portal out of the bag.. it wont even recognize the bag..
Before I would "port wow" and it would pull the "war of wizards" portal out of the bag, wear it, enter, then put the portal back.. now it doesnt grab, it tries to do everything else.. so somewhere in here is a bug in 3.3.. i've looked all over.. can not find it. |
harley Apprentice
Joined: 05 Apr 2008 Posts: 121
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:53 am |
If you need other alias's / dbs I can get those for you as well.. I am just lost without this.

Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:59 am |
To properly debug this, we'll need the variable data as well. At the very least @Portals and @PortalData and to a lesser degree @ansiPrefix and @ansiHighlight.
_________________ Asati di tempari! |
harley Apprentice
Joined: 05 Apr 2008 Posts: 121
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:50 pm |
Code: |
goldrush="train ticket|1||sat|42|0|1|2351"|call="aura sage portal whirlwind vortex|1||lug|5|0|1|32454"|acad="acad|1||lug|1|0|1|33847" |
Code: |
Level Check=0|Portals On=All|PortalList="goldrush-:port goldrush|call-:port call|acad-:port acad"|Default Bag=lug|Level=72|Portal Wish=0|Dual Wield=0|mylevel=64|Hold Item=rattle|Tier=0|Held Item=rattle |
Code: |
<func name="ansiHighlight" id="145">
#RETURN %subregex($Input,"\b(\w)",%concat($Col1,"\1",$Col2))</value>
<arglist>Input, Color</arglist>
Code: |
<func name="ansiPrefix" id="150">
<value>#return %ansi(4)"["%ansi(12)$Script%ansi(4)"]"%ansi(15)": "</value>
harley Apprentice
Joined: 05 Apr 2008 Posts: 121
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:38 pm |
I think i've figured it out
instead of having
Code: |
get %char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)%char(34) %item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 2).%char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 3)%char(34) |
I did
Code: |
get %char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 1)%char(34) %item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 2)~.%char(34)%item( %db( @Portals, $Keyword), 3)%char(34) |
and it works |
alluran Adept
Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 223 Location: Sydney, Australia
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 11:39 am |
Haha, I come back after years of inactivity trying to solve a different issue and stumble across someone using one of my original scripts.
Hope you liked it :) |
_________________ The Drake Forestseer |
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