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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:43 am   

[3.25] GMCP and the Composer
Settings shows that IRE Composer is loaded for GMCP but it doesn't do anything. It's not sending/receiving any of the gmcp concerning the composer.

c    Achaea |[7] Achaea Comline : start :
a    Achaea |3783h, 3540m cexkdb-write letter
i    Achaea >write letter<CR><LF>
d    Achaea |[7] Achaea Comline : stopped
i    Achaea <<ESC>[33m -*-  Composer  -*-                  (*help for help)<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m-=-=-<ESC>[37m<ESC>[34m L1<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<ESC>[37m<ESC>[34m APPENDING<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m -=-=-=<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m1  > <IAC><EOR>
a    Achaea | -*-  Composer  -*-                  (*help for help)
a    Achaea |-=-=- L1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- APPENDING -=-=-=
a    Achaea ]1  >
a    Achaea |1  > *quit
i    Achaea >*quit<CR><LF>
i    Achaea <Do you want to save? <yes/no/cancel> <IAC><EOR>
a    Achaea ]Do you want to save? 
c    Achaea |[7] Achaea Comline : start :
a    Achaea |Do you want to save? <yes/no/cancel> no
i    Achaea >no<CR><LF>
d    Achaea |[7] Achaea Comline : stopped

Per IRE website it says:

Sent by server:
- IRE.Composer.Edit
* sent by the server when the player enters an in-game editor. Body is an object, with keys "title" and "text". Text contains the current buffer, title is a title that can be shown to the user.
Sent by client:
- IRE.Composer.SetBuffer
* Sent by the client upon successfully editing a text which was sent to the client in an IRE.Composer.Edit message earlier
* Sending this message only changes the edit buffer, but does not end the editing session
* on IRE games, the client may send the command *save to save a text, or command *quit to abort editing (IRE.Composer.SetBuffer is not sent in this case) - this behaviour is IRE-specific and is one of the reasons why the Composer module is in the IRE namespace

The editor in Cmud will not open when you enter the in-game editor and I didn't see any GMCP message.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:45 am   
Also under the Protocol options for GMCP it shows the module/package for composer as "IRE Composer". All the other ones are lower case with a 1 after them. Is that correct? I'm not sure why it isn't working.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:06 pm   
In the GMCP Protocol window, it should say:

IRE.Composer 1

so that's a bug in CMUD. Change the line in the GMCP list and then it should work again. Added to bug list.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:00 pm   
Thanks Zugg. I assumed that is what the problem was but you know what they say about assumptions. Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:54 pm   
Okay the composer is still not working. It's got an ATCP trigger thrown in there as well now.

Here is what happened when I tested it to write a letter.
a    Achaea |4755h, 3540m cexkdb-write letter
i    Achaea >write letter<CR><LF>
d    Achaea |[5] Achaea Comline : stopped
i    Achaea <<ESC>[33m -*-  Composer  -*-                  (*help for help)<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m-=-=-<ESC>[37m<ESC>[34m L1<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<ESC>[37m<ESC>[34m APPENDING<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m -=-=-=<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><201>IRE.Composer.Edit { "title": "Composer", "text": "" }<IAC><SE>1  > <IAC><EOR>
a    Achaea #Telnet 201: IRE.Composer.Edit { "title": "Composer", "text": "" }
a    Achaea | -*-  Composer  -*-                  (*help for help)
a    Achaea |-=-=- L1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- APPENDING -=-=-=
a    Achaea ]1  >
i    Achaea ><IAC><SB><200>olesetbuf<LF>
This letter is a test of the composer.<IAC><SE>
i    Achaea >*s<CR><LF>
i    Achaea <<IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 2096, "name": "Fish Street", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,0,0,0,1004", "map": " 13 0", "details": [ "subdivision" ], "exits": { "n": 2121, "ne": 2057, "e": 4888, "se": 3852, "s": 3693, "sw": 3725, "w": 2171 } }<IAC><SE>As you finish writing the letter, it contracts to fit your text, ensuring that no more may be written on it in the future.<CR><LF>
<IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "4755", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "39", "string": "H:4755/3783 M:3540/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:39/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m4755h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3540m <ESC>[37mcexkdb-<IAC><EOR>
a    Achaea #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 2096, "name": "Fish Street", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,0,0,0,1004", "map": " 13 0", "details": [ "subdivision" ], "exits": { "n": 2121, "ne": 2057, "e": 4888, "se": 3852, "s": 3693, "sw": 3725, "w": 2171 } }

Notice the 200 olesetbuf LF? It's not sending it back correctly so the letter was just blank after supposedly sending what I wrote.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:37 pm   
You need to turn off the ATCP Emulation support for your session. You can't have ATCP and GMCP turned on at the same time. I don't see any ATCP stuff when I use v3.25 and GMCP on Achaea myself.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:12 pm   
Zugg ATCP IS turned off.

It should be sending IRE.Composer.SetBuffer instead. I don't have any ATCP triggers either because I switched over entirely to GMCP.

Also maybe using *save, as noted in their docs, would be safer than sending *s. It probably doesn't matter but it might be better?
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:04 pm   
Exit CMUD and connect to your session again. Then go to the Tools menu and select the Message log option. Paste the results into this forum within [code] tags. That will show me exactly what the telnet option negotiation is doing with the MUD. Not sure why you are getting the ATCP stuff and I'm not.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:15 pm   
Alright. I'll get back to you on this and the other one.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:36 pm   
Well here you go.

Attempting to write a letter:

09/09/10 16:31:28 : SERVER sent SB 201 Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3540/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }
09/09/10 16:31:29 : SERVER sent SB 201 IRE.Composer.Edit { "title": "Composer", "text": "" }
09/09/10 16:31:40 : CLIENT sent SB 200  ATCP olesetbuf #10 This is a test IAC SE
09/09/10 16:31:41 : SERVER sent SB 201 Room.Info { "num": 4404, "name": "Postal Office of Shallam", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,-3,-12,0", "map": " 12 26", "details": [ "postoffice" ], "exits": { "n": 2237 } }
09/09/10 16:31:41 : SERVER sent SB 201 Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16599", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3540/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16599/16600 NL:40/100 " }

It's sending ATCP.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:46 pm   
No, that's not what I meant. I need you to open the Message Log and scroll up to the very top that shows what was sent when you connected to the MUD. I need to see the initial telnet option negotiation that occurred.
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:48 pm   
Never mind...Bah, I found the bug causing this. Still don't know why it happens for me here, but when I looked at the code that was sending the "olesetbuf" I found a typo that could cause it to get sent in GMCP mode instead of ATCP mode. Sorry for the trouble.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:29 pm   
Oh haha sorry about that. I didn't know you wanted the negotiations part. Of course you even said that in your post didn't you. Embarassed
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