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Joined: 18 Jul 2010
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:43 am   

basic questions about zmud mapper speedwalk queue
When i issue a speedwalk by #WALK or double clicking a room on the map, it issues a speedwalk from my room to target room. On the status bar, I see its in the format as follows:

For speedwalk: run 3e4n2w

e (214)
e (215)
e (216)
n (217)
n (218)
n (219)
n (220)
w (221)
w (222)

Direction, and the room vnum in brackets.

Does the room vnum serve any purpose?

The reason I'm asking this is because, for example, there is an aggro in room 214.

1) When i go into e (214), I get aggroed, and then I trigger to #PAUSE the speedwalk.
2) This pause the map's queue, but it doesnt pause the commands sent to the mud.
3) I take 1 round of combat to kill the mob, and in this 1 round, the mud executes e(215), e(216), n(217), n(218) (the mud is actually executing 2e2n, without the bracket of course, i included it so its easier to see where we are now).
4) Of course those directions will fail because the character cant move in combat. I get a message from the mud:

Not while you are fighting!

and I triggered that to #NODIR

#TRIGGER {Not while you are fighting!} {#NODIR}

5) So I should have triggered #NODIR 4 times for attempting to run 2e2n during combat.

Question: the next command in the queue is n(219), will the client really think that my next step north will take me to 219 when I trigger #STEP on combat end, regardless of where i am now, or will it just perform a normal north direction? (taking into consideration that there is indeed a north exit in my current room in the mud, i.e. moving north does not trigger off a #nodir command due to an invalid direction)
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Joined: 18 Jul 2010
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:20 pm   
I realised that it does jump room.

e_______________e (214) aggro-ed
________________#PAUSE sent to mapper
e (in combat)_____#NODIR triggered on e (215)
e (in combat)_____#NODIR triggered on e (216)
n (in combat)_____#NODIR triggered on n (217)
n (in combat)_____#NODIR triggered on n (218)
n (in combat)_____#NODIR triggered on n (219)
________________#OK sent to mapper
n_______________n (220) <---- location on mapper jumps from current room (214, the room which i got aggroed in), to 220 in a single step, because zMUD seems to think next room is 220)
w_______________w (221)
w_______________w (222)

(a poor attempt at making a table, but I hope that made it clearer :P)

Is it possible to not have the room number tagged to the direction, or is there some way around this?

Thanks in advance for your time!
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