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Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:00 pm   

Works in zmud, not in cmud
This script works perfectly in zmud but for whatever reason doesn't work at all in cmud. I've tried tinkering around with it but I can't figure out why it won't work. Any suggestions?

#CLASS {Merchant}
#ALIAS pricecheck {#PRIORITY {#IF (%ismember( %lower( %1), inks|comms|herbs|concoctions|runes|enchantments)) {#VARIABLE PriceTemp {0};#CASE %ismember( %lower( %1), "inks|comms|herbs|concoctions|runes|enchantments") {#FORALL %replace( "%-2", ", ", |) {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 1))) {#IF (%iskey( @InkPrices, %proper( %word( %i, 2)))) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %word( %i, 1)*%db( @InkPrices, %proper( %word( %i, 2))))}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%word( %i, 2)~" not recognised as a valid ink.}}} {#IF (%iskey( @InkPrices, %proper( %i))) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %db( @InkPrices, %proper( %i)))}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%i~" not recognised as a valid ink.}}}}} {#FORALL %replace( "%-2", ", ", |) {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 1))) {#IF (%iskey( @CommPrices, %proper( %word( %i, 2)))) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %word( %i, 1)*%db( @CommPrices, %proper( %word( %i, 2))))}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%word( %i, 2)~" not recognised as a valid commodity.}}} {#IF (%iskey( @CommPrices, %proper( %i))) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %db( @CommPrices, %proper( %i)))}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%i~" not recognised as a valid commodity.}}}}} {#FORALL %replace( "%-2", ", ", |) {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 1))) {#IF (%iskey( @HerbPrices, %proper( %word( %i, 2)))) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %word( %i, 1)*%db( @HerbPrices, %proper( %word( %i, 2))))}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%word( %i, 2)~" not recognised as a valid herb.}}} {#IF (%iskey( @HerbPrices, %proper( %i))) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %db( @HerbPrices, %proper( %i)))}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%i~" not recognised as a valid herb.}}}}} {#FORALL %replace( "%-2", ", ", |) {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 1))) {#IF (%iskey( @ConcoctPrices, %proper( %word( %i, 2)))) {#FORALL %db( @ConcoctPrices, %word( %i, 2)) {#IF (%j=gold) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %word( %i, 1)*200)}} {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %word( %i, 1)*%db( @HerbPrices, %j))}}}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%word( %i, 2)~" not recognised as a valid concoction.}}} {#IF (%iskey( @ConcoctPrices, %proper( %i))) {#FORALL %db( @ConcoctPrices, %i) {#IF (%j=gold) {#ADD PriceTemp {200}} {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %db( @HerbPrices, %j))}}}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%i~" not recognised as a valid concoction.}}}}} {#FORALL %replace( "%-2", ", ", |) {#IF (%lower( %i)=totem OR (%isnumber( %word( %i, 1)) AND %lower( %word( %i, 2))=totem)) {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 1))) {#FORALL %db( @RunePrices, %word( %i, 2)) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %word( %i, 1)*%db( @CommPrices, %j))}}} {#FORALL %db( @RunePrices, %proper( %i)) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %db( @CommPrices, %j))}}}} {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 1))) {#IF (%iskey( @RunePrices, %proper( %word( %i, 2)))) {#FORALL %db( @RunePrices, %word( %i, 2)) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %word( %i, 1)*%db( @InkPrices, %j))}}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%word( %i, 2)~" not recognised as a valid rune.}}} {#IF (%iskey( @RunePrices, %proper( %i))) {#FORALL %db( @RunePrices, %i) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %db( @InkPrices, %j))}}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%i~" not recognised as a valid rune.}}}}}} {#FORALL %replace( "%-2", ", ", |) {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 1))) {#IF (%iskey( @EnchantPrices, %proper( %word( %i, 2)))) {#FORALL %db( @EnchantPrices, %word( %i, 2)) {#IF (%j=kola) {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %word( %i, 1)*%db( @HerbPrices, Kola))}} {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %word( %i, 1)*%db( @CommPrices, %proper( %j)))}}}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%word( %i, 2)~" not recognised as a valid enchantment.}}} {#IF (%iskey( @EnchantPrices, %proper( %i))) {#FORALL %db( @EnchantPrices, %i) {#IF (%j=kola) {#ADD PriceTemp {%db( @HerbPrices, Kola)}} {#ADD PriceTemp {%eval( %db( @CommPrices, %proper( %j)))}}}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%i~" not recognised as a valid enchantment.}}}}};#IF (@OrderCheck=0) {#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Total value: @PriceTemp gold.};#IF (@PriceMod!=1) {#SHOW {%ansi( 7)With a %abs( %eval( 100-@PriceMod*100))~% %if( %eval( 100-@PriceMod*100)<0, increase, discount), the price comes to %eval( @PriceTemp*@PriceMod) gold.}};#SEND {}}} {#IF (@OrderCheck=0) {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)Syntax:%ansi( 7) PRICECHECK ~<type~> ~<items, seperated by commas~>%crlf%ansi( 6)Valid types:%ansi( 7) inks, comms, herbs, concoctions, runes, enchantments%crlf%crlf%ansi( 6)Example:%ansi( 7) pricecheck herbs bloodroot, 15 moss, 20 cohosh}};#SEND {}};#IF (@OrderCheck=1) {#VARIABLE OrderPrice {@PriceTemp}} {#IF (@OrderCheck=2) {#ADD OrderPrice {@PriceTemp}}}}}
#ALIAS cancelorder {#PRIORITY {#VARIABLE OrderCheck {0};#VARIABLE OrderPrice {0};#VARIABLE OrderItems {};#VARIABLE OrderItemsCounted {};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Order cancelled.};#SEND {}}}
#ALIAS makeorder {#PRIORITY {#IF (%ismember( %lower( %1), inks|comms|herbs)) {#VARIABLE OrderPrice {0};#VARIABLE OrderItems {};#VARIABLE OrderCheck {1};pricecheck %-1;#FORALL %replace( "%-2", ", ", |) {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 1))) {#REPEAT %word( %i, 1) {#VARIABLE OrderItems {%additem( %word( %i, 2), @OrderItems)}}} {#VARIABLE OrderItems {%additem( %i, @OrderItems)}}};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Total cost of this order: @OrderPrice gold.};#IF (@PriceMod!=1) {#SHOW {%ansi( 7)With a %abs( %eval( 100-@PriceMod*100))~% %if( %eval( 100-@PriceMod*100)<0, increase, discount), the price comes to %eval( @OrderPrice*@PriceMod) gold.}};#SEND {};#VARIABLE OrderCheck {0}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)SYNTAX: %ansi( 7)MAKEORDER ~<type~> ~<items, seperated by commas~>%crlf%ansi( 6)Valid types:%ansi( 7) inks, comms, herbs%crlf%crlf%ansi( 6)Example:%ansi( 7) makeorder herbs bloodroot, 15 moss, 20 cohosh};#SEND {}}}}
#ALIAS addorder {#PRIORITY {#IF (%ismember( %lower( %1), inks|comms|herbs)) {#VARIABLE OrderCheck {2};pricecheck %-1;#FORALL %replace( "%-2", ", ", |) {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 1))) {#REPEAT %word( %i, 1) {#VARIABLE OrderItems {%additem( %word( %i, 2), @OrderItems)}}} {#VARIABLE OrderItems {%additem( %i, @OrderItems)}}};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Total cost of this order: @OrderPrice gold.};#IF (@PriceMod!=1) {#SHOW {%ansi( 7)With a %abs( %eval( 100-@PriceMod*100))~% %if( %eval( 100-@PriceMod*100)<0, increase, discount), the price comes to %eval( @OrderPrice*@PriceMod) gold.}};#SEND {};#VARIABLE OrderCheck {0}}}}
#ALIAS checkorder {#PRIORITY {#IF (@OrderItems) {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)Current items in order:};#LOOPDB %countlist( @OrderItems) {#SHOW {%ansi( 7)%val %key}};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)Cost of this order: @OrderPrice gold.};#IF (@PriceMod!=1) {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)With a %abs( %eval( 100-@PriceMod*100))~% %if( %eval( 100-@PriceMod*100)<0, increase, discount), the price comes to %eval( @OrderPrice*@PriceMod) gold.}};#SEND {}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 7)I'm afraid there is no order to check.};#SEND {}}}}
#ALIAS giveorder {#PRIORITY {#IF (%null( %1)) {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)SYNTAX: %ansi( 7)GIVEORDER ~<recipient~>};#SEND {}} {#LOOPDB %countlist( @OrderItems) {#IF (%val=1) {outr %key;give 1 %key to %1} {inr all %key;outr %val %key;give group %key to %1}};#IF (@Recording) {#LOOPDB %countlist( @OrderItems) {#ADDITEM OrderItemsCounted {%val %key}};#ADDKEY SalesRecord {%eval( 1+%numkeys( @SalesRecord))} {%1:%time( "yyyy/mm/dd"):%sort( @OrderItemsCounted):@OrderPrice:@PriceMod};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Sale ~#%numkeys( @SalesRecord) recorded.};#SEND {}}}}}
#ALIAS viewrecord {#PRIORITY {#IF (%isnumber( %1)) {#IF (%iskey( @SalesRecord, %1)) {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)~#%ansi( 7)%1 out of %numkeys( @SalesRecord)%crlf%ansi( 6)Name: %ansi( 7)%word( %db( @SalesRecord, %1), 1, :)%crlf%ansi( 6)Date: %ansi( 7)%word( %db( @SalesRecord, %1), 2, :)%crlf%ansi( 6)Items: %ansi( 7)%replace( %word( %db( @SalesRecord, %1), 3, :), "|", ", ")%crlf%ansi( 6)Price: %ansi( 7)%if( %word( %db( @SalesRecord, %1), 5, :)=1, %word( %db( @SalesRecord, %1), 4, :), %eval( %word( %db( @SalesRecord, %1), 3, :)*%word( %db( @SalesRecord, %1), 5, :)))};#SEND {}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Invalid sale number.};#SEND {}}} {#IF ("%1"="last") {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)~#%ansi( 7)%numkeys( @SalesRecord)%crlf%ansi( 6)Name: %ansi( 7)%word( %db( @SalesRecord, %numkeys( @SalesRecord)), 1, :)%crlf%ansi( 6)Date: %ansi( 7)%word( %db( @SalesRecord, %numkeys( @SalesRecord)), 2, :)%crlf%ansi( 6)Items: %ansi( 7)%replace( %word( %db( @SalesRecord, %numkeys( @SalesRecord)), 3, :), "|", ", ")%crlf%ansi( 6)Price: %ansi( 7)%if( %word( %db( @SalesRecord, %numkeys( @SalesRecord)), 5, :)=1, %word( %db( @SalesRecord, %numkeys( @SalesRecord)), 4, :), %eval( %word( %db( @SalesRecord, %numkeys( @SalesRecord)), 3, :)*%word( %db( @SalesRecord, %numkeys( @SalesRecord)), 5, :)))};#SEND {}} {#IF ("%1"="all") {#LOOPDB @SalesRecord {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)~#%ansi( 7)%key out of %numkeys( @SalesRecord)%crlf%ansi( 6)Name: %ansi( 7)%word( %val, 1, :)%crlf%ansi( 6)Date: %ansi( 7)%word( %val, 2, :)%crlf%ansi( 6)Items: %ansi( 7)%replace( %word( %val, 3, :), "|", ", ")%crlf%ansi( 6)Price: %ansi( 7)%if( %word( %val, 5, :)=1, %word( %val, 4, :), %eval( %word( %val, 3, :)*%word( %val, 5, :)))};#SHOW {}};#SEND {}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)SYNTAX: %ansi( 7)VIEWRECORD ~<~#|last|all~>};#SEND {}}}}}}
#ALIAS clearrecord {#PRIORITY {#VARIABLE SalesRecord {};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)All recorded sales deleted.};#SEND {}}}
#ALIAS record {#PRIORITY {#IF (%lower( %1)="on") {#VARIABLE Recording {1};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Sales will now be recorded.};#SEND {}} {#IF (%lower( %1)="off") {#VARIABLE Recording {1};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Sales will not be recorded.};#SEND {}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)SYNTAX: %ansi( 7)RECORD ~<on|off~>};#SEND {}}}}}
#ALIAS saveorder {#PRIORITY {#LOOPDB %countlist( @OrderItems) {#ADDITEM OrderItemsCounted {%val %key}};#ADDKEY SalesRecord {%eval( 1+%numkeys( @SalesRecord))} {%if( %1, %1, Unknown):%time( "yyyy/mm/dd"):%sort( @OrderItemsCounted):@OrderPrice:@PriceMod};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Current order ~(~#%numkeys( @SalesRecord)~) recorded.};#SEND {}}}
#ALIAS undorecord {#PRIORITY {#DELKEY SalesRecord {%numkeys( @SalesRecord)};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)The last recorded sale ~(~#%eval( 1+%numkeys( @SalesRecord))~) has been deleted.};#SEND {}}}
#ALIAS merchanthelp {#PRIORITY {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)HERBPRICE ~<herb~> ~<price~>:%ansi( 7) Set the price of an herb.};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)COMMPRICE ~<comm~> ~<price~>:%ansi( 7) Set the price of a commodity.};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)You can use comma-separated lists to set multiple herbs/comms.};#SHOW {};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)PRICECHECK ~<type~> ~<comma-separated list of items~>:%ansi( 7) Calculate the price of the items.};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Valid types: inks, comms, herbs, runes, concoctions, enchantments};#SHOW {};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)PRICEMOD ~<number~>:%ansi( 7) The number to multiply the price by.};#SHOW {};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)MAKEORDER ~<type~> ~<comma-separated list of items~>:%ansi( 7) Create a new order.};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ADDORDER ~<type~> ~<comma-separated list of items~>:%ansi( 7) Add to an existing order.};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Valid item types for orders: inks, herbs, comms};#SHOW {};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)CHECKORDER:%ansi( 7) View the current order.};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)CANCELORDER:%ansi( 7) Clear the current order.};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)GIVEORDER ~<target~>:%ansi( 7) Outrift and give all items in the current order to the target.};#SHOW {};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)RECORD ~<on|off~>:%ansi( 7) Enable/disable automatic recording of sales.};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)SAVEORDER ~<name~>:%ansi( 7) Manually saves the current order.};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)UNDORECORD:%ansi( 7) Deletes the most recent recorded sale.};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)CLEARRECORD:%ansi( 7) Deletes all recorded sales.};#SHOW {%ansi( 6)VIEWRECORD ~<~#|last|all~>:%ansi( 7) See a specific sale by number, the most recent sale, or all sales.};#SEND {}}}
#ALIAS pricemod {#PRIORITY {#IF (%isnumber( %1) OR %isfloat( %1)) {#VARIABLE PriceMod {%1};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)Price modifier set to %eval( %1*100)~%};#SEND {}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 7)~"%1~" is not a valid number.};#SEND {}}}}
#ALIAS herbprice {#PRIORITY {#IF (%pos( ",", "%-1")) {#FORALL %replace( "%-1", ", ", |) {#IF (%iskey( @HerbPrices, %proper( %word( %i, 1)))) {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 2)) OR %isfloat( %word( %i, 2))) {#ADDKEY HerbPrices {%proper( %word( %i, 1))} {%word( %i, 2)};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)%proper( %word( %i, 1)) set to %word( %i, 2).}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%word( %i, 2)~" is not a valid price.};#VARIABLE ErrorNote {1}}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%word( %i, 1)~" is not recognised as a valid herb.};#VARIABLE ErrorNote {1}}};#IF (@ErrorNote) {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)SYNTAX:%ansi( 7) HERBPRICE ~<herb~> ~<price~>%crlf~You can set multiple prices at once using a comma-delimited list.%crlf~Example: herbprice kola 15, myrrh 10, cohosh 20};#VARIABLE ErrorNote {0}}} {#IF (%iskey( @HerbPrices, %proper( %1))) {#IF (%isnumber( %2) OR %isfloat( %2)) {#ADDKEY HerbPrices {%proper( %1)} {%2};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)%proper( %1) set to %2.}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%2~" is not a valid price.%crlf%ansi( 6)SYNTAX:%ansi( 7) HERBPRICE ~<herb~> ~<price~>%crlf~You can set multiple prices at once using a comma-delimited list.%crlf~Example: herbprice kola 15, myrrh 10, cohosh 20}}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%1~" is not recognised as a valid herb.%crlf%ansi( 6)SYNTAX:%ansi( 7) HERBPRICE ~<herb~> ~<price~>%crlf~You can set multiple prices at once using a comma-delimited list.%crlf~Example: herbprice kola 15, myrrh 10, cohosh 20}}};#SEND {}}}
#ALIAS commprice {#PRIORITY {#IF (%pos( ",", "%-1")) {#FORALL %replace( "%-1", ", ", |) {#IF (%iskey( @CommPrices, %proper( %word( %i, 1)))) {#IF (%isnumber( %word( %i, 2)) OR %isfloat( %word( %i, 2))) {#ADDKEY CommPrices {%proper( %word( %i, 1))} {%word( %i, 2)};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)%proper( %word( %i, 1)) set to %word( %i, 2).}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%word( %i, 2)~" is not a valid price.};#VARIABLE ErrorNote {1}}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%word( %i, 1)~" is not recognised as a valid commodity.};#VARIABLE ErrorNote {1}}};#IF (@ErrorNote) {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)SYNTAX:%ansi( 7) COMMPRICE ~<comm~> ~<price~>%crlf~You can set multiple prices at once using a comma-delimited list.%crlf~Example: COMMPRICE leather 15, ice 10, steel 20};#VARIABLE ErrorNote {0}}} {#IF (%iskey( @CommPrices, %proper( %1))) {#IF (%isnumber( %2) OR %isfloat( %2)) {#ADDKEY CommPrices {%proper( %1)} {%2};#SHOW {%ansi( 7)%proper( %1) set to %2.}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%2~" is not a valid price.%crlf%ansi( 6)SYNTAX:%ansi( 7) COMMPRICE ~<comm~> ~<price~>%crlf~You can set multiple prices at once using a comma-delimited list.%crlf~Example: COMMPRICE leather 15, ice 10, steel 20}}} {#SHOW {%ansi( 6)ERROR: %ansi( 7)~"%1~" is not recognised as a valid commodity.%crlf%ansi( 6)SYNTAX:%ansi( 7) COMMPRICE ~<comm~> ~<price~>%crlf~You can set multiple prices at once using a comma-delimited list.%crlf~Example: COMMPRICE leather 15, ice 10, steel 20}}};#SEND {}}}
#VAR InkPrices {Red20Blue40Yellow80Green160Purple250Gold400}
#VAR CommPrices {Arrow0Bone0Cloth0Coal0Dust0Gems0Gold0Horn0Ice0Iron0Leather0Obsidian0Platinum0Rope0Silver0Steel0Wood0}
#VAR HerbPrices {Ash0Bayberry0Bellwort0Bloodroot0Blueberry0Cohosh0Echinacea0Elm0Ginger0Ginseng0Goldenseal0Hawthorn0Kelp0Kola0Kuzu0Lobelia0Moss0Myrrh0Pear0Sileris0Skullcap0Slipper0Valerian0Weed0}
#VAR TattooPrices {FireflyYellowMossBlue|Red|YellowFeatherBlue|Blue|RedShieldGreen|Red|RedMindseyeBlue|Blue|GreenHammerPurple|Red|RedCloakBlue|BlueBellBlue|Blue|Blue|Red|RedCrystalGreen|Purple|YellowMoonBlue|Red|YellowStarburstBlue|Gold|Green|Purple|Red|YellowBoarPurple|Red|RedWebGreen|YellowTentacleGreen|Green|PurpleHourglassBlue|Yellow|YellowBrazierRed|Red|Yellow|YellowPrismBlue|Green|Purple|Red|YellowTreeGreen|Green|Green|Green|GreenMegalithGold|GoldOxGold|Red|Yellow|BlueChameleonGold|Purple|Yellow}
#VAR EnchantPrices {Worrystoneice|gold|silver|horn|dustFirelashgold|silver|dust|dustHearingsilver|silver|silver|horn|horn|horn|horn|kolaFistsilver|horn|hornColdgold|gold|horn|horn|dust|dustWaterwalkingice|gold|gold|silver|kolaFlamesilverElectricgold|gold|gold|gold|gold|kola|kolaFirewallhorn|horn|horn|dust|silver|silver|silverBroochice|dust|dust|horn|silver|silverKeygoldEyeobsidianAugmentdust|dust|silver|gold|kola|kola|kola|kolaMeteordust|arrowMagichorn|horn|horn|horn|horn|gold|silver|silverKnifesilverComprehensionice|ice|gold|gold|gold|silver|silver|silver|silver|horn|horn|horn|kolaIcewallice|dustMushroomiceWhirlwindsilver|dust|hornConcealmentsilver|silver|silver|silver|silver|goldFireice|silver|silverBaubledust|kolaMonolithgold|silverDreamcatchergold|gold|gold|gold|silver|silver|silver|silver|horn|hornNegationgold|kolaCubesilver|silverPestilencesilver|silver|horn|goldStasisgold|gold|gold|gold|ice|ice|ice|horn|horn|horn|dust|dust|silver|kola|kolaScabbardgold|gold|gold|ice|ice|ice|horn|horn|horn|dust|dust|dust|silver|silverOrbdustPurityice|ice|ice|ice|gold|dust}
#VAR RunePrices {KenaredUruzblue|yellowFehuredPithakhanredJerapurpleInguzredWunjoredLagulpurpleSowuluredAlgizgreenIsazred|blueDagazred|greenGebugoldGebogoldGularredRaidogreenThurisazred|blueLaguapurpleHugalazblueNauthizblue|yellowMannazredOthalared|red|red|red|redSleizakblueTiwazred|red|blueBerkanayellow|yellow|yellowNairatyellowEihwazblue|yellowLaguzpurpleLoshreblueTotemwood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|wood|leather|leather|leather|leather|leather|leather|leather|leather|leather|leather|silver|silver}
#VAR ConcoctPrices {Immunitysac|sac|ash|echinacea|echinaceaEpidermalkuzu|kuzu|bloodroot|hawthorn|ginsengManaslipper|bellwort|hawthorn|bloodrootHealthvalerian|goldenseal|ginseng|myrrhVenomsac|cohosh|kelp|skullcapFrostkelp|pear|ginsengCalorickuzu|kuzu|valerian|kelp|kelp|bellwortLevitationkelp|kelp|pear|featherMendingdust|kelp|kuzu|ginger|gingerMassmoss|bloodroot|kuzu|dustSpeedskin|skin|kuzu|goldenseal|gingerRestorationgold|gold|kuzu|kuzu|valerian|bellwort}
#VAR PriceMod {1} {1}
#VAR PriceTemp {0} {0}
#VAR ErrorNote {0} {0}
#VAR OrderCheck {0} {0}
#VAR OrderItems {} {}
#VAR OrderPrice {0} {0}
#VAR SalesRecord {}
#VAR Recording {0}
#VAR OrderItemsCounted {} {}
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
Posts: 4834
Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:20 am   
1)#PRIORITY is no longer valid.

2)implicit concatenation in most cases is no longer valid (more true for the 3.xx series than 2.37).

3)if you are zscript-familiar, you should read the helpfile section about what's changed for zmud users.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
Posts: 1876
Location: California

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:12 am   
4) Quotes makes things literal strings, so "%-1" is treated as %-1 instead of the parameters.

5) Run the Compatibility Report under File in the Package editor. It'll tell you several things that are incorrect.

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