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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
Posts: 1201

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:56 pm   

Help! Please fix this before you leave Zugg? I can't even use Cmud now. None of my ATCP triggers are working and I am showing 201 now instead of 200 in the raw I/O.

<IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals "H:3826/3826 M:3525/3580 E:18030/18030 W:16800/16800 NL:0/100 "<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m3826h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3525m <ESC>[37mcexkdb-<IAC><EOR>
a    Achaea #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals "H:3826/3826 M:3525/3580 E:18030/18030 W:16800/16800 NL:0/100 "

I changed the number to 201 in the trigger but it STILL won't work at all!!!
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
Posts: 1201

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:07 pm   
Another example.

0.0002 | <IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals "H:3826/3826 M:3565/3580 E:18030/18030 W:16800/16800 NL:0/100 "<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m3826h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3565m <ESC>[37mcexkdb-<IAC><EOR>

I should have save the file but I just copied it to notepad as I was trying to figure out the problem.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
Posts: 1201

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:37 pm   
I suppose this has to do with the new GMCP stuff. I'm not sure how to go about using all the data I am getting yet.

Here is the raw data I am getting now:

0.0000 | <IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 8088, "name": "The spectator stands of the Maran La'Saen Memorial Arena", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,-9,-22,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=0&level=0 6 36", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "n": 8087 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals "H:3826/3826 M:3217/3580 E:17048/18030 W:16799/16800 NL:0/100 "<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m3826h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3217m <ESC>[37mcexkdb-<IAC><EOR>
0.0001 | a    Achaea #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 8088, "name": "The spectator stands of the Maran La'Saen Memorial Arena", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,-9,-22,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=0&level=0 6 36", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "n": 8087 } }
0.0027 | a    Achaea #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals "H:3826/3826 M:3217/3580 E:17048/18030 W:16799/16800 NL:0/100 "

This is pretty neat except it just broke all my triggers and made a bunch of my mapping triggers obsolete because everything is in Room.Info now!

I'm assuming I could capture all of that room info straight into a database like it is but now I need to change everything. Do we need to turn off ATCP with GMCP checked? Sorry if my questions are stupid. This is all new to me.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
Posts: 1201

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:42 pm   
Never mind. I figured this out sort of how to use the new GMCP stuff. However, Telnet 200 triggers still will not work now with GMCP on. Obviously because you get different data.

I am really looking forward to when this will be automatically updated with the map! My only real problem with this change is with the char vitals data and trying to extract it. Seems perhaps slower than just extracting straight from the ATCP Telnet 200 trigger the old way or I just don't know the best way to go about it, which is probably the case.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:03 pm   
That is actually an IRE thing. You can't have both ATCP and GMCP on at the same time. When IRE detects the GMCP, it uses that and turns off the ATCP stuff. If you just disable the GMCP protocol in the CMUD settings then ATCP will still work fine. But the IRE server can only send one or the other and not both.
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