Daruneus Newbie
Joined: 13 Jun 2001 Posts: 8 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 6:01 pm
--zMUD HP Picture Bar-- |
I am trying to make a picture bar like in portal, or something similar in anyway...my hpbar looks like this:
HP: 422/422 | SP: 189/175 | STM: 1150/1150 | STN: 0%(1) | WND: 100% | Focus
-I want it to let me see the HP, SP, STM, and STN percentage...and mayb WND...please help
Ryan Weiss |
Kjata GURU

Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 4379 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 9:33 pm |
What do you mean like in portal? zMUD has graphical gauges which are just buttons that have some percentage of it colored to graphically show how much hp/mana/move/whatever you have left. I recommend looking at the help file for information on gauges. If you still have problems, feel free to ask for help here.
Kjata |
Daruneus Newbie
Joined: 13 Jun 2001 Posts: 8 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 1:33 am |
I cant find any help files on "gauges" in zmud 6.16....
Ryan Weiss |
Daruneus Newbie
Joined: 13 Jun 2001 Posts: 8 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 2:06 am |
I found some help....but very vague, how do i put .bmp files into a button and then display the hp, etc...in %'s?
Ryan Weiss |
LightBulb MASTER
Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 4817 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 6:39 pm |
There's a full explanation in the helpfile for the #GAUGE command. There's no reason to use bitmaps in a gauge, single colors are easier to read, but if you must have them you MIGHT be able to add them in the button editor. The gauge is, itself, a graphical representation of the percentage. If you also want a text representation you'll have to include an appropriate formula in the gauge caption.
For instance:
#TR {HP: (%d)/(%d}} {#VAR hp %1;#VAR maxhp %2}
#GAUGE hp "hp %eval((@hp*100)/@maxhp)~%" @hp @maxhp (@maxhp/10) "blue" "red"
LightBulb |
Morten Apprentice
Joined: 17 Feb 2001 Posts: 119 Location: Denmark
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 10:14 pm |
just a note to this..if you dont mind a small window beside zmuds there is a great plugin for gauges on the download page call CPPI-plugin so if you want gauge you might wana try it out
Yugo Sangori |
lera213 Beginner
Joined: 27 Nov 2001 Posts: 10 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 1:59 am |
I tried to email person to ask this question maybe you can help. My full hp and sp is this
282/282 170/170
How do I get graph to show this amout of hp/sp. I tried to no avail, tested what I did, and when I got hit one time, the graph blackened out. Thanks
just a note to this..if you dont mind a small window beside zmuds there is a great plugin for gauges on the download page call CPPI-plugin so if you want gauge you might wana try it out
Yugo Sangori
Try Everdark! |