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Joined: 07 Jun 2010
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Location: Kansas City, MO USA

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:01 pm   

Converting from MudMaster 2000 to Zmud 7.21?
So I was given a copy of Zmud from a friend who'd upgraded to Cmud and suggested I "get my feet wet" on Zmud beyond the 14 or 30 day eval period. I'm used to using MM2K but there's noone around anymore on the sourceforge discussion groups and I'm wanting to try something else. What I'd like to know is how would I convert the following bit of code and turn it into something Zmud will recognize?

/action {You break open the capsule, skillfully avoiding the cloud of poison} {/event  {Cappy} {60} {/showme {@Chr(10)@AnsiBold()@ForeRed()Cap again!};/unevent {Cappy}}} {timers}
/action {You hold your dagger firmly and approach your target from behind.} {/event  {Slit} {120} {/showme {@Chr(10)@AnsiBold()@ForeRed()Slit now!};/unevent {Slit}}} {timers}
/action {You hug your bear tightly, wishing the hug to reach} {/event  {Bearhug} {600} {/showme {@Chr(10)@AnsiBold()@ForeRed()Bearhug Now!};/unevent {Bearhug}}} {timers}

Thanks for any help you can give a Znewbie.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:14 pm   
Might help if i understood MM2K code...

but actions can me made with #ACTION here as well, but mosst people call them triggers.

events are... aliases of a sort?

#TRIGGER {You break open the capsule, skillfully avoiding the cloud of poison} {you do something here}

showme would me #SHOW

#SHOW {%ansi(high,red)Cap again!%ansi(reset)}

and so on
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 07 Jun 2010
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Location: Kansas City, MO USA

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:18 pm   
Sorry, should have explained better. This is for the mud Astaria, thief class.
Using the first /action as an example:
Once my char tosses that capsule, then event creates a timer that will show me when I can use that skill again. {Cappy} is both the event name and the group or folder from what I can tell from other topics.

What I'd like to be able to do with Zmud is have multiple timers running like I could on MM2K. I'm just not exactly sure how to get it to work right here.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:22 pm   
timers work with #ALARM

#ALARM "reCap" +60 {#SHOW {%ansi(high,red)Cap again!%ansi(reset)}} {Cappy}

that would would make an alarm in the Cappy class that will wait a minute and print a message to the screen

This type of alarm doesnt really need a class though, as it deletes itself after fireing once.
Take a look at the help files if you havent already. We are more than willing to help you convert, but they can answer alot.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 07 Jun 2010
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Location: Kansas City, MO USA

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:34 pm   
Well I did read the help files and I've been reading the forums, searching for timers and kept seeing that we should avoid ALARM--at least several people suggest it--so thought I'd post.

So if I wanted to keep all the trigger lines for alarms in one class, I could do it like this then?

#CLASS {Timers}
#TRIGGER {You break open the capsule, skillfully avoiding the cloud of poison} {#ALARM "reCap" +60 {#SHOW {%ansi(high,red)Cap again!%ansi(reset)}}}
#TRIGGER {You hold your dagger firmly and approach your target from behind.} {#ALARM "reSlit" +120 {#SHOW {%ansi(high,red)Slit now!%ansi(reset)}}}
#TRIGGER {You hug your bear tightly, wishing the hug to reach} {#ALARM "reBear" +600 {#SHOW {%ansi(high,red)Bearhug now!%ansi(reset)}}}

I've managed to convert most of my alias, gags, macros and a lot of highlights and other basic triggers over to Zmud, just timers are a pain.

Edit: removed an extra bracket
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Joined: 28 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:15 pm   
In zMUD it is #WAIT that should be avoided if at all possible not #ALARM.

That will create the triggers in the Timers class and when the triggers fire I'm fairly certain that the alarms will be created in the same class if not then just put {Timers} after them in the way that shalimar showed you.
Taz :)
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