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Joined: 04 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 2:43 pm   

[3.17 Pro] This version's new ANSI issue.
When I receive a tell, the next prompt line is completely highlighted in red.

Here's the text that I receive:
0.0063 | a    Achaea #Telnet 200: Char.Vitals<LF>H:9669/9669 M:9028/9038 E:43846/43850 W:37250/37250 NL:29/100
0.0039 | a    Achaea |9669h, 9028m, 43846e, 37250w cexdb-|0h(0%):-10m(0%)|
0.0037 | h    Achaea |<ESC>[32m9669h, <ESC>[32m9028m, <ESC>[32m43846e, <ESC>[32m37250w <ESC>[37mcexdb-<ESC>[57m|<ESC>[53m0h(0%)<ESC>[57m:<ESC>[31m-10m(0%)<ESC>[57m|<ESC>[0m
0.0070 | a    Achaea |Andraste tells you, "Yep."
0.0076 | a  Channels |Andraste tells you, "Yep."
0.0021 | h  Channels |Andraste<ESC>[1m tells you, "Yep."<ESC>[0m
0.0110 | a    Achaea ]9669h, 9028m, 43846e, 37250w cexdb-
0.0018 | h    Achaea ]9669h, 9028m, 43846e, 37250w cexdb-<ESC>[0m

This started with version 3.17.
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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 4:38 pm   
Please turn on the Raw Input/Output message in the script debugger window and post a new capture of the data. I can't do anything without the raw data being sent from the MUD.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:18 pm   
Lines with the erroneous red highlighting are the prompts right after the lines with "Person tells you...".

Lines marked with 'i' are the raw session input/output:

0.0123 | a    Achaea ]9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
13.840 | i    Achaea <<ESC>[1;37m<CR><LF>
0.0000 | Person tells you, "Hi, doing fine."<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
0.0000 | H:9669/8943 M:8639/8639 E:40550/40550 W:35600/35600 NL:29/100 <IAC><SE><ESC>[4z<PROMPT><ESC>[32m9669h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m8639m, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m40550e, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m35600w <ESC>[37mexdb-<ESC>[4z</PROMPT><IAC><EOR>
0.0010 | a    Achaea #Telnet 200: Char.Vitals<LF>H:9669/8943 M:8639/8639 E:40550/40550 W:35600/35600 NL:29/100
0.0013 | a    Achaea |9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
0.0024 | a    Achaea |Person tells you, "Hi, doing fine."
0.0035 | a  Channels |Person tells you, "Hi, doing fine."
0.0074 | a    Achaea ]9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
15.346 | i    Achaea <<ESC>[1;37m<CR><LF>
0.0000 | Person tells you, "Just miss my viridian, had it yesterday."<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
0.0000 | H:9669/8943 M:8639/8639 E:40550/40550 W:35600/35600 NL:29/100 <IAC><SE><ESC>[4z<PROMPT><ESC>[32m9669h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m8639m, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m40550e, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m35600w <ESC>[37mexdb-<ESC>[4z</PROMPT><IAC><EOR>
0.0049 | a    Achaea #Telnet 200: Char.Vitals<LF>H:9669/8943 M:8639/8639 E:40550/40550 W:35600/35600 NL:29/100
0.0162 | a    Achaea |9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
0.0086 | a    Achaea |Person tells you, "Just miss my viridian, had it yesterday."
0.0096 | a  Channels |Person tells you, "Just miss my viridian, had it yesterday."
0.0085 | a    Achaea ]9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
10.683 | i    Achaea ><CR><LF>
0.0856 | i    Achaea <<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
0.0001 | H:9669/8943 M:8639/8639 E:40550/40550 W:35600/35600 NL:29/100 <IAC><SE><ESC>[4z<PROMPT><ESC>[32m9669h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m8639m, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m40550e, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m35600w <ESC>[37mexdb-<ESC>[4z</PROMPT><IAC><EOR>
0.0068 | a    Achaea #Telnet 200: Char.Vitals<LF>H:9669/8943 M:8639/8639 E:40550/40550 W:35600/35600 NL:29/100
0.0107 | a    Achaea |9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
0.0111 | a    Achaea ]9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
6.1223 | a    Achaea |9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
0.0146 | i    Achaea ><CR><LF>
0.0729 | i    Achaea <<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
0.0000 | H:9669/8943 M:8639/8639 E:40550/40550 W:35600/35600 NL:29/100 <IAC><SE><ESC>[4z<PROMPT><ESC>[32m9669h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m8639m, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m40550e, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m35600w <ESC>[37mexdb-<ESC>[4z</PROMPT><IAC><EOR>
0.0057 | a    Achaea #Telnet 200: Char.Vitals<LF>H:9669/8943 M:8639/8639 E:40550/40550 W:35600/35600 NL:29/100
0.0121 | a    Achaea ]9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-

The lines I've marked with (*) are the ones with the errant highlighting:

9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
Person tells you, "Hi, doing fine."
(*) 9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
Person tells you, "Just miss my viridian, had it yesterday."
(*) 9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
9669h, 8639m, 40550e, 35600w exdb-
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:20 pm   
Looks like the MUD is sending a MXP tag called PROMPT. Can you look in your MXP Preferences in the MUD Tag section to tell me the definition of this tag, or try to capture it when you first log into the MUD and the MUD sends all of the !ELEMENT definition commands?

I tried it without any PROMPT tag and it worked fine here. I'm also assuming you don't have any ATCP trigger that is doing anything with the Char.Vitals command.
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 12:39 am   
This is the only item that looked like what you wanted from the MXP settings:
<prompt FLAG='Prompt'>

I captured this at the start of a session:
0.0000 | Playername<IAC><SE><ESC>[4z<VERSION><ESC>[4z<SUPPORT><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RNum ATT="id" FLAG="RoomNum" EMPTY><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RName FLAG="RoomName"><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RDesc FLAG="RoomDesc"><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RExits FLAG="RoomExit"><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT Prompt FLAG="Prompt"><ESC>[4z<VERSION><ESC>[4z<SUPPORT><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RNum ATT="id" FLAG="RoomNum" EMPTY><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RName FLAG="RoomName"><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RDesc FLAG="RoomDesc"><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT RExits FLAG="RoomExit"><ESC>[4z<!ELEMENT Prompt FLAG="Prompt">Your moss tattoo tingles slightly.<CR><LF>

0.0135 | i    Achaea ><ESC>[1z<VERSION MXP=1.2 CLIENT=CMUD VERSION=3.17><CR><LF>
0.0108 | i    Achaea ><ESC>[1z<SUPPORTS +a +b +bold +br +c +color +dd +dest +dl +dt +em +expire +font +frame +gauge +h +h1 +h2 +h3 +h4 +h5 +h6 +high +hr +i +image +img +italic +li +music +nobr +ol +p +pass +password +pre +relocate +report +reported +s +sbr +send +small +sound +stat +strike +strikeout +strong +style +support +tt +u +ul +underline +user +username +v +var +version +xch_mudtext +xch_page +xch_pane><CR><LF>
0.0087 | i    Achaea ><ESC>[1z<VERSION MXP=1.2 CLIENT=CMUD VERSION=3.17><CR><LF>
0.0021 | i    Achaea ><ESC>[1z<SUPPORTS +a +b +bold +br +c +color +dd +dest +dl +dt +em +expire +font +frame +gauge +h +h1 +h2 +h3 +h4 +h5 +h6 +high +hr +i +image +img +italic +li +music +nobr +ol +p +pass +password +pre +relocate +report +reported +s +sbr +send +small +sound +stat +strike +strikeout +strong +style +support +tt +u +ul +underline +user +username +v +var +version +xch_mudtext +xch_page +xch_pane><CR><LF>

Here's my ATCP trigger:
<trigger type="Telnet" param="200" priority="4" case="true" stop="true" regex="true" id="3356">
  <pattern>^Char\.Vitals\12(H:(\d+)/(\d+) M:(\d+)/(\d+)) E:(\d+)/(\d+) W:(\d+)/(\d+) NL:\d+/100</pattern>
  <value>// Comment this out Normally
//#var atcp %additem( "ATCP-Char.Vitals", @atcp)
#if (%1 <> @stats_old) {
  #var stats_old %1
  #var health %2
  #var max_health %3
  #var mana %4
  #var max_mana %5
#var endurance %6
#var max_endurance %7
#var willpower %8
#var max_willpower %9</value>
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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 5:01 pm   
Does it still happen if you disable your ATCP trigger? You are calling an event called "Vitals" that you didn't post any code for. Still couldn't reproduce it with the PROMPT tag defined. The prompt lines you marked with (*) show as green on black here.
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PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:31 am   
Yes, it still occurs if I disable the vitals ATCP trigger.
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PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:32 am   
Could the capture to a different window be affecting it somehow?
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PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:16 pm   
Capturing can definitely have an effect but I don't see any capturing going on in what you have shown here. Do you have something else running that you haven't told us about?

Can you log in with a blank session with no other scripts and see if the problem still exists so we can rule out whether it's a script causing the problem?
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PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:20 pm   
The capturing was shown in the examples I posted, such as this:
0.0070 | a    Achaea |Andraste tells you, "Yep."
0.0076 | a  Channels |Andraste tells you, "Yep."

It appears in the 'Achaea' window, then appears 0.6 ms later in the 'Channels' window. Naturally there is a capture occurring.
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PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:19 am   
It turns out it is a new feature you added a while back. I tracked it back through the capture to my flash function which is code you posted a while back for flashing the background a different color.

The issue disappears if I comment out the flash function in the capture code.

<trigger priority="99971" case="true" stop="true" regex="true" id="3163">
  <pattern>^([A-Z][a-z]+) tells you, "(.*)"</pattern>
  <value>#cap Channels
nc_FoundName %1</value>

<alias name="flash" id="3527">
  <value>  #STYLE 0 {back:red}
  #WAIT 50
  #STYLE 0 {back:black}</value>
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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:09 pm   
Let me know if you need any more information. I think at this point the problem is fairly well specified.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:59 pm   
Finally got it to reproduce. Thanks for the extra details. Definitely related to changing the #STYLE command somehow.
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