First create your database with the name Equipment.
Your fields are:
Name as Text
Type as Single Option (enter the various options)
Properties as Option List (enter the various options)
Weight as Number (general, 0 to 999999)
Value as Number (general, 0 to 999999)
ACapply as Number (general, 0 to 999999)
Wear as Single Option (enter the various options)
Source as Text
CON as Number (-999999 to 999999)
MANA as Number (-999999 to 999999)
(any other Affects not shown in the example)
Then enter the script:
#TR {^Object '(*)', Item type: (%w)$} {
#VAR newItem %null
#ADDKEY newItem Name "%1"
#ADDKEY newItem Type %2
#TEMP {$} {
#PROMPT newItem.Wear "Worn where?"
#PROMPT newItem.Source "Source Mob or Shop?"
#NEW All newItem
#TR {^Item is: (*)$} {#ADDKEY newItem Properties %replace(%1, " ", "|")}
#TR {^Weight: (%d), Value: (%d)$} {
#ADDKEY newItem Weight %1
#ADDKEY newItem Value %2
#TR {^AC-apply is (%d)$} {#ADDKEY newItem ACapply %1}
#TR {^Affects : (%w) By (%n)$} {#ADDKEY newItem %1 %2}
You only gave an armor as an example. Other item types will have additional data. Weapons will include damage data. Scrolls, potions, pills, wands, and staves will have spells, cast levels, and charges. Containers may have capacity information. To add these to the script, you need only turn the individual line of mud output into its own trigger. Ultimately your mud's information will be on par with most others in complexity.