orphean Apprentice

Joined: 21 Oct 2008 Posts: 147 Location: Olympia, WA
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:23 pm
[3.10a] Window Raises When Input Is Sent |
I have a spellup script I use and it sends cast commands to my mud as spell effects wear off. Whenever it does this, the mud window gets raised to the front, or, if I'm on a different tab it auto-switches back to the mud. This makes it difficult for me to play on multiple muds from within the same CMUD instance, yet, I don't want to get rid of the spellup script as it saves my sanity in game.
I have unchecked 'Automatically bring to front window with activity' in the preferences and it doesn't auto-raise when information is received, just when the script sends information.
Anyway to turn this behavior off? Maybe I'm just blind and can't see how.
Any help appreciated, thank you! |

Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:50 am |
Unfortunately there's not too much that can be done. It's a combination of a quirk in Windows z ordering and a bug in the third party component. One thing you can try is to disable the 'Stay on Top' feature, since it seems to be related to that.
Another alternative, while not ideal, would be to run multiple CMUD instances (which zMUD couldn't do) and see if that works better for you. |
_________________ Asati di tempari! |
orphean Apprentice

Joined: 21 Oct 2008 Posts: 147 Location: Olympia, WA
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:33 am |
Looks like running multiple instances is the way to go. Hope DevExpress (or whomever's component is responsible) fixes the bug some day.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:21 pm |
Can you show me the specific script that is running and causing the window to come to the front? We have been trying to fix this for a long time and it seems to be very specific to the exact script commands you are using.
orphean Apprentice

Joined: 21 Oct 2008 Posts: 147 Location: Olympia, WA
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:21 pm |
I'd be happy to Zugg. It probably would be easiest for you to download the package from the source:
Its just a zipped .pkg and I use it on Aardwolf (if the domain didn't give it away).
To give you an idea of what it's doing before you have to look through it:
Code: |
#SEND %db( @PracList, %i) |
...appear to be how it's sending input. cas is an abbreviation for the mud command cast.
Let me know if I can do anything to help. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:48 pm |
Yeah, if you can do anything to narrow down the command that is causing the problem, that would be a big help. The original script is complex and would take more time to go through. The easier you can make this, the quicker and easier it will be to fix.
It also likely depends on exactly what your window layout is. It sounded in your original post like you were playing multiple MUD sessions at the same time, so that matters too.
For example, I have played with offline testing where I set up various alarms to cause triggers and scripts to fire in the background but have never been able to reproduce any problem with the window focus. Nor does CMUD ever get activated over existing applications when I'm normally playing Aardwolf myself.
So this isn't just a simple bug. It's a complex interaction of many things, which is why I need to find someone who is having the problem to work on their end to try and narrow down their scripts to exactly what commands are causing it. |
orphean Apprentice

Joined: 21 Oct 2008 Posts: 147 Location: Olympia, WA
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:17 pm |
Zugg wrote: |
Yeah, if you can do anything to narrow down the command that is causing the problem, that would be a big help. The original script is complex and would take more time to go through. The easier you can make this, the quicker and easier it will be to fix. |
I've narrowed it down with a much simpler test cast. I have a brutally simple anti-idle trigger that reproduces this behavior for me:
Code: |
Trigger -
Regex: ^Your eyes glaze over.$
Script Text: board |
Now, interestingly, changing the script text to
fixes the issue, so the problem seems to manifest when a script doesn't use #send to send input but just plain text.
Zugg wrote: |
It also likely depends on exactly what your window layout is. It sounded in your original post like you were playing multiple MUD sessions at the same time, so that matters too. |
Here is my layout: http://tinypic.com/r/313fvpk/4
Zugg wrote: |
For example, I have played with offline testing where I set up various alarms to cause triggers and scripts to fire in the background but have never been able to reproduce any problem with the window focus. Nor does CMUD ever get activated over existing applications when I'm normally playing Aardwolf myself. |
I want to clarify this. I've never had CMUD get activated over existing applications (ie, the web browser, whatever). When I say the "mud window autoraises" what I am trying to describe only happens within cmud itself. For example, if I have the package editor open and active, or the DB editor, then the main CMUD will autoraise above the other cmud windows.
I hope this helps a bit. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:50 pm |
Thanks for the extra info. I'm not sure why using #SEND fixes this since it's supposed to be calling the same routine to send a command to the MUD as just the plain "board" text does. But this might help me pin down the difference that is causing the problem.