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Joined: 30 Jan 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 9:34 pm   

6.16 frriendlist question

I am trying to make a list of people to cast spells on. Here is what I am doing, for some reason all this works just fine on 5.55 an 4.62 but not on 6.16. I did this with an if statement on the earlier version which didn't work on 6.16, so I am trying to work out the problem with an ismember statement. In any event it doesn't work.
I use the following aliases to set people to the friends variable and it works on all versions.
#AL (like){%additem %1}
#AL (hate){%delitem %1}
like I said, these work
now i want to cast spells on people ont he friends list and mutter oaths on those not on the list.
#IF %ismember(%1,@friends){say I will avail you of my magic}{say Begone foul demon!}
on the earlier version I used
#IF (%1=@friends){blah}{blah} same as above.
Is there something between the versions that I am missing? This code is pretty much exactly like the example in the help file.
Thanks in advance for any help
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 11:34 pm   
Did you try putting spaces between the if-else statements?

#if (%ismember(%1, @friends)) {say I will avail you of my magic} {say Begone foul demon!}

Also, does the person who you're trying to cast the spell on have more than 1 word-names? i.e. Billy Bob instead of Bob. If so, then you might have to put brackets or quotes around %1:

#if (%ismember({%1}, @friends)) {say I will avail you of my magic} {say Begone foul demon!}
#if (%ismember("%1", @friends)) {say I will avail you of my magic} {say Begone foul demon!}

Other than that, I don't see anything wrong with your syntax. Try that and get back to us. :)

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Joined: 30 Jan 2001
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 12:16 am   
Thanks for the help, here is/was the situation:
First of all i had to add a second set of parentheses as in your example to include the ismember and the ("%1",@friends) so
#if (%ismember("%1", @friends)) also, i had to move the 'true' case to the second position:
#if (%ismember("%1", @friends)) {say Begone foul demon!} {say I will avail you of my magic} It seems to work just fine now, Im not sure why the true statement has to be second though. If the character name -is- on the list it executes the second set of brackets first. Weird huh! Anyways thanks a lot for the timely help.
I wanted to note a strange occurence earlier in the week too. I wanted to make a simple loop to do something mundane and tedious. I tried:
#loop 1,20{open %i.door}
to get this to work with 6.16 however require another set of brackets:
#loop 1,20{open %{i}.door}
it has a semblance of similarity to the above situation. I tried the loop with "" around the i and it doesnt work as above, in this case, the brackets are needed.

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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 8:42 am   
Well, in the case with the loop, if you do %i.whatever, zMUD thinks you're trying to access a db record, so to get around that, as you found out, you have to put curly braces around the first part. As to the %ismember thing, no idea why it's doing the if-else statements backwards. By all accounts it should not do this, but if it's working, I guess it's all good, heh.

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