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Joined: 22 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:50 pm   

is there a size limited for *.mud??
when I use my triggers halt will be found.In a short time,I can do nothing include typing.
is it that the code is not good enough?

BTW.sometimes,a script will work after a long time while I am doing other things else.
that means do wrong in wrong time.

poor english.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:36 pm   

is it that the code is not good enough?

ZMud settings files essentially have no set limit to their size, so the defined limit is whatever available memory you have on your computer.

1)turn off the file-sharing, music-player, video game, movie/TV viewer, drawing program, and whatever else you might be doing besides ZMud.

2)close the mapper if you aren't really depending on it. Similarly, close the database module. The text editor, too, but I don't think that's really taking up too much memory unless you're using it as an always-open notepad so you can look up things about your game whenever you want.

3)Is your computer maintained (defragged, not full of malware like spambots and such)? These can help you wring out a small bit of memory and thus allow you to process faster, but unless you are covered in adware and other bad things this probably won't be much of an improvement.

4)here's where you will need to pay closer attention to various tasks you're trying to perform. Organize as best you can, and turn off whatever triggers and such are not in play at that moment. If you have a script to identify items so you can store them in a database but are not identifying items, turn it off. Lots of triggers (and aliases, buttons, etc) means you're spending a lot of memory checking out each line of text for things that are never going to appear.

5)do you have scripts that create other triggers/aliases/etc? Look at these to make sure they aren't errantly creating more. A nice clean script that sets up a trigger can easily get out of hand if you meant to use #TEMP but instead used #TRIGGER (#TRIGGER creates settings that don't delete themselves).

6)do you have scripts that call on other triggers/aliases/etc or maybe call on themselves? There's some level of endless-looping detection, but sometimes things will get past the censors and this could potentially use up all your memory.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 22 Jun 2009
Posts: 12

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:03 am   3ks
that's very useful to me

check all your advices,I think the most possible thing is I have gagged too much message from the mud.

#CLASS {gag}
#TRIGGER {拿着本诗集摇头晃脑地吟道} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {自言自语不知道在说些什么} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你倒骑着小毛驴走了过来} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {get silver from corpse} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {get gold from corpse} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {get coin from corpse} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你附近没有这样东西} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你上一个动作还没有完成} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你找不到 corpse 这样东西} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {拿着本小册子边看边赞道:好!这位猴爷果然有几手} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你要看什么?} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {深深吸了几口气,脸色看起来好多了。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你深深吸了几口气,脸色看起来好多了。} {#ungag}
#TRIGGER {略一凝神,吸了口气,精神看起来清醒多了。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你略一凝神,吸了口气,精神看起来清醒多了。} {#ungag}
#TRIGGER {*嘴里嘀咕了几句,觉得真气充盈多了。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你嘴里嘀咕了几句,觉得真气充盈多了。} {#ungag}
#TRIGGER {清醒了过来} {#ungag}
#REGEX {^> $} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你的内力不够了。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {lian @practicewhatid} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你的*进步了!} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你向*请教有关*的疑问。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你听了*的指导,似乎有些心得。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {learn @learnwhatid} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你正忙着呢。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {指令格式:learn <技能> from <某人> for <次数>} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {此处有闲杂人等打扰,不宜练功!} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你现在内力不够,不能乘风而起。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你现在很忙,不能练习。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*屏住呼吸仔细地观察着石碑} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*细心地察看碑文。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*全神贯注地阅读碑文。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*一边研究碑文,一边思考。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*从中得到一些启发。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*觉得对碑文似乎有了更深的理解。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*对碑文中有了进一步的理解。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*顿时感到有了一些新的收获。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*从碑文中获得了一些知识。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {examine bei} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*对准*,深深吸了几口气运将过去,*的脸色看起来好多了。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {du book} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你无法从这样东西学到任何东西。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你现在正忙着呢。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^%s(%x)龙珠?(%w)%slongzhu?} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^ {长弯刀|短弯刀|月牙弯刀}~(*~)} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^ {筑星耙|新月刀|葛剑|双头矛}~(*~)} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*花生~(Hua sheng~)} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^ {开山斧|浑铁杖|鹿角叉|牛角刃|青石锤|花竺剑|打狗棍|石铲刀|剥皮鞭|刺槐锏|红缨枪|筑山耙}~(*~)} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^ {铁链|钢叉}~(*~)} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^ {单刃匕|磬石锤|鹰嘴斧|百节链}~(*~)} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^ {烤肉块|烤肉巴子|烤头肉|烤腿子肉|烤胸脯肉|烤坐臀肉}~(*~)} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^ {獐子肉|野狸肉|野兔肉|狼肉|野羊肉|豹肉|野鹿肉|虎肉|野鸡肉|狍子肉|鹫肉|狮肉|蟒蛇肉}~(*~)} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^ {象牙剑|虎头刀|龙须叉|猪獠牙|凤尾鞭|鸳鸯棍}~(*~)} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你按著所学练了一遍*。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {你的内力或气不够,没有办法练习风回雪舞剑法。} {#gag}
#CLASS {gag|curespring}
#TRIGGER {*用泉水} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*用热热的泉水} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {*在泉中} {#gag}

like this,my .mud file size is 420k,all triggers are set state on.

is it too much that effect the speed of processor?
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Joined: 22 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:38 am   
And the speed depends on the memory read speed or on the disk read speed?
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Joined: 22 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:29 am   
the more powerful triggers
the more lags????????
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:04 pm   

all triggers are set state on.

Definitely your problem. With all those triggers active, each of them is being tested against every line that appears.

Since you're on a Chinese (or similar) mud, I can't help you much because I can't view the characters. From what I do see, however, it looks like you are gagging commands sent to the mud. For that, you can use #SEND or #SENDRAW, as those commands don't produce command echoes.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:52 pm   
In general it helps to optimize you triggers. So grouping several similar triggers is useful. You want to make them as exact as possible, so if there's no match zMUD stops processing them quickly. If some of them are only active some of the time, consider putting in a separate class, and only enable the class when you those situations arise.

In general starting a trigger with '*' doesn't really by you any, since it tells zMUD match any possible combination that comes before it. It's just as easy and likely faster to remove it and have zMUD only match on text you care about.

SENDRAW is a CMUD command (the next generation client from Zuggsoft). If you are gagging commands that you type, then #SEND like MattLofton said.

You have a few GAG UNGAG combo's that looks like the could be combined, or at the very least made into Multistate triggers or both.
Asati di tempari!
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Joined: 22 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:44 pm   
#TRIGGER {^(%x) look at the board。} {#gag}
#TRIGGER {^(%x) look at the board。} {#if %1="you" {#ungag} }

#TRIGGER {^(%x) look at the board。} {#if %1="you" {#noop} {#gag}}

which one is more efficiency?
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000
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Location: Atlanta, USA

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:04 am   
The second one. In the first case both triggers will have to do go through their matches while in the second case only one trigger does so it's half the work that needs to be done.
Asati di tempari!
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