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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:33 am   

Spell Duration Timer
Hello folks, I had a nice well-written couple of pages on my question but computer crashed, so here it is sweet and simple.

I'm trying to make a timer to the extent that when the message I get the message "A blue transparent wall slowly appears around you."
a timer will begin and when I get the message "You feel less protected." the timer will stop.
General idea is to be able to show the timer in one of my status bars and as the spell ends at a random time to be able to keep an idea of how long its been up and if it needs refreshing soon.

Many thanks in advance, y'all have already helped me out more times than you can know from past posts in this forum.
Dan Ray
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:25 pm   
I wrote this in response to (another?) MUME request, odd you ask as the first never sent a ty for that.

This wont do what you asked in terms of display, but if you can't code the code here, message me and I'll explain. It will time how long the spell was up. Having a countdown is not included, I would set a variable on the shield up, and remove it on the shield down. The message is up to you to change, however this is for (obviously) 'Bless' and you can replace 'startbless' and 'endbless' with 'startshield' and 'endshield' in the appropriate triggers. All the script requires is these words:


so if you replaced startbless (end also) with startmymightyshieldofvalor it will print "Mymightyshieldofvalor DOWN and the time that it was up.

In CMud the refresh came up 0 0 but I have others things to check atm, the refresh was never given thought anyway. This is hasty work.

Why I am posting this slightly questionable code is it works, and is further to your goal. I am not really smart enough to come up with less code and it seemed I needed to work with the clock and not the timer. I prudently used a lot of var refs.

#ALIAS SpellReport {#class area51;#var startspell_h %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 1);#var endspell_h %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 1);#var startspell_m %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 2);#var endspell_m %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 2);#var startspell_s %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 3);#var endspell_s %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 3);#if (@endspell_h < @startspell_h) {#add endspell_h 24};#var totalspell_h %eval( @endspell_h - @startspell_h);#if (@endspell_m < @startspell_m) {#add endspell_m 60};#var totalspell_m %eval( @endspell_m - @startspell_m);#if (@endspell_s < @startspell_s) {#add endspell_s 60};#var totalspell_s %eval( @endspell_s - @startspell_s);#if (%mod( @totalspell_h, 24) > 0) {#sh {%proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) DOWN elasped: %mod( @totalspell_h, 24) %mod( @totalspell_m, 60) %mod( @totalspell_s, 60) :elasped DOWN %proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""))}} {#sh {%proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) DOWN elasped: %mod( @totalspell_m, 60) %mod( @totalspell_s, 60) :elasped DOWN %proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""))}};#unvar spellfoci;#unvar spellterm;#unvar startspell_h;#unvar startspell_m;#unvar startspell_s;#unvar endspell_h;#unvar endspell_m;#unvar endspell_s;#unvar totalspell_h;#unvar totalspell_m;#unvar totalspell_s;#class 0} "area51"
#VAR SpellDura {startbless22|45|44endbless23|09|06} {_nodef} "area51"
#TRIGGER {The light of Aman fades away from you.} {#class area51;#addkey SpellDura endbless "";#addkey SpellDura endbless %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss));#var spellfoci startbless;#var spellterm endbless;#exec SpellReport;#class 0} "area51"
#TRIGGER {You begin to feel the light of Aman shine upon you.} {#class area51;#addkey SpellDura startbless "";#addkey SpellDura startbless %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss));#sh Blessed at %time( hh):%time( nn):%time( ss);#class 0} "area51"
#TRIGGER {You feel a renewed light shine upon you.} {#class area51;#addkey SpellDura endbless "";#addkey SpellDura endbless %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss));#exec SpellReport Bless;#addkey SpellDura startbless "";#addkey SpellDura startbless %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss));#sh Blessed at %time( hh):%time( nn):%time( ss);#class 0} "area51"

Edit [I can't code a countdown timer too right now. but you can put start time in status next to your duration and glance at the lil clock if you like]
Edit2 [you can use the spell report output to set the timer, but I have never used one]
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:45 pm   
Hey thanks a lot for the code, gonna take me quite a while to sift through it and get things working the way I want but you've helped a lot. One question though, considering the timer starts at the current 24 hour clock, wouldn't it be possible to set up a math function that minuses the current time by that time so that it will in effect keep a timer of how long the spells been up? I gave it a shot but failed horribly.
Thanks again,
Dan Ray
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:51 pm   
I hadn't considered it, but I have one of those artsy pictures of a countdown on all the variables, yes should work, i just suck at math

I couldn't figure how to use the timer for an unknown, so on what you said (big long hours), basically I would use an expression trigger to set the variable back, still would be some math harder then me to do it all with the timer, the above code is arithmetic and a little Zugg help file. I changed to cmud and am working to get my code solid though, I am interested too.

The guy I did the script for had some not zmud code i couldn't read, that must have been what they did, it was simple looking.

brb will get it

Prob that is the mod fuction zugg put in zmud

Here´s an example of the powtty script


#action >+showstrtimer ^- strength={#print ("- strength ("+%((timer-${strtimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${strtimer}))-(((timer-${strtimer})/60)*60))+")")}
#action >+strdown You feel wea ker.=#print ("===== STRENGTH DOWN (Last "+%((timer-${strtimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${strtimer}))-(((timer-${strtimer})/60)*60))+") =====")
#action >+setstrtimer1 You feel stronger.={#print|#($strtimer=%(timer))}
#action >+setstrtimer2 The duration of the strength spell has been improved.={#print|#($strtimer=%(timer))}

#(" BLESS ")
#action >+blessdown The light of Aman fades away from you.=#print ("===== BLESS DOWN ==== (Last "+%((timer-${blesstimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${blesstimer}))-(((timer-${blesstimer})/60)*60))+") =====")
#action >+showblesstimer ^- bless={#print ("- bless ("+%((timer-${blesstimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${blesstimer}))-(((timer-${blesstimer})/60)*60))+")")}
#action >+setblesstimer1 You begin to feel the light of Aman shine upon you.={#print|#($blesstimer=%(timer))}
#action >+setblesstimer2 You feel a renewed light shine upon you.={#print|#($blesstimer=%(timer))}

#(" SHIELD ")
#action >+shielddown Your magical shield wears off.=#print ("===== SHIELD DOWN ==== (Last "+%((timer-${shieldtimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${shieldtimer}))-(((timer-${shieldtimer})/60)*60))+") =====")
#action >+showshieldtimer ^- shield={#print ("- shield ("+%((timer-${shieldtimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${shieldtimer}))-(((timer-${shieldtimer})/60)*60))+")")}
#action >+setshieldtimer1 You feel protected.={#print|#($shieldtimer=%(timer))}
#action >+setshieldtimer2 Your protection is revitalised.={#print|#($shieldtimer=%(timer))}

#(" ARMOUR ")
#action >+armourdown You feel less protected.=#print ("===== ARMOUR DOWN ==== (Last "+%((timer-${armourtimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${armourtimer}))-(((timer-${armourtimer})/60)*60))+") =====")
#action >+showarmourtimer ^- armour={#print ("- armour ("+%((timer-${armourtimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${armourtimer}))-(((timer-${armourtimer})/60)*60))+")")}
#action >+setarmourtimer1 A blue transparent wall slowly appears around you.={#print|#($armourtimer=%(timer))}
#action >+setarmourtimer2 Your magic armour is revitalised.={#print|#($armourtimer=%(timer))}

#action >+showdeptimer ^- depression={#print ("- depression ("+%((timer-${deptimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${deptimer}))-(((timer-${deptimer})/60)*60))+")")}
#action >+depdown Your heart feels lighter.=#print ("Your heart feels lighter. (Last "+%((timer-${deptimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${deptimer}))-(((timer-${deptimer})/60)*60))+")")
#action >+setdeptimer1 Alas, you realize that yet again the mighty knowledge of drowned Númenor has={#print|#($deptimer=%(timer))}

#(" DETECT ")
#action >+dtmtimer ^- detect={#print ("- detect ("+%((timer-${dtmtimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${dtmtimer}))-(((timer-${dtmtimer})/60)*60))+")")}
#action >+dtmdown Your heart feels lighter.=#print ("Your heart feels lighter. (Last "+%((timer-${dtmtimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${dtmtimer}))-(((timer-${dtmtimer})/60)*60))+")")
#action >+setdtmtimer1 Alas, you realize that yet again the mighty knowledge of drowned Númenor has={#print|#($dtmtimer=%(timer))}

#(" BOB ")
#action >+bobdown Your legs feel heavier.=#print ("===== B.O.B DOWN ==== (Last "+%((timer-${bobtimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${bobtimer}))-(((timer-${bobtimer})/60)*60))+") =====")
#action >+showbobtimer ^- breath of briskness={#print ("- breath of briskness ("+%((timer-${bobtimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${bobtimer}))-(((timer-${bobtimer})/60)*60))+")")}
#action >+setbobtimer1 An energy begins to flow within your legs as your body becomes lighter.={#print|#($bobtimer=%(timer))}
#action >+setbobtimer2 The energy in your legs is refreshed.={#print|#($bobtimer=%(timer))}

#(" SANC ")
#action >+sancdown The white aura around your body fades.=#print ("===== SANCTUARY DOWN ==== (Last "+%((timer-${sanctimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${sanctimer}))-(((timer-${sanctimer})/60)*60))+") =====")
#action >+showsanctimer ^- sanctuary={#print ("- sanctuary ("+%((timer-${sanctimer})/60)+":"+%(((timer-${sanctimer}))-(((timer-${sanctimer})/60)*60))+")")}
#action >+setsanctimer1 You start glowing.={#print|#($sanctimer=%(timer))}
#action >+setsanctimer2 Your aura glows more intensely.={#print|#($sanctimer=%(timer))}
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:45 pm   The above code is half broken
Still hasty, this is a fix using shield. I am going to do some countdowns today if nothing comes up. My defs could be better watched.

For the line :
^You feel protected.$

#class Arda|SpellDuration
#addkey SpellDura startshield ""
#addkey SpellDura startshield %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss))
#sh Shielded at %time( hh):%time( nn):%time( ss)
#class 0


This was useless and awkward, for the line :
^Your protection is revitalised.$

#class Arda|SpellDuration
#addkey SpellDura endshield ""
#addkey SpellDura endshield %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss))
#var spellfoci startshield
#var spellterm endshield
#addkey SpellDura spellshort 1
#addkey SpellDura startshield ""
#addkey SpellDura startshield %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss))
#sh Shielded at %time( hh):%time( nn):%time( ss)
#class 0


For the line :
^Your magical shield wears off.$

#class Arda|SpellDuration
#addkey SpellDura endshield ""
#addkey SpellDura endshield %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss))
#var spellfoci startshield
#var spellterm endshield
#exec SpellReport
#class 0

I added a variable for display within the alias SpellReport:


#class Arda|SpellDuration
#var startspell_h %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 1)
#var endspell_h %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 1)
#var startspell_m %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 2)
#var endspell_m %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 2)
#var startspell_s %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 3)
#var endspell_s %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 3)
#if (@endspell_h < @startspell_h) {#add endspell_h 24}
#var totalspell_h %eval( @endspell_h - @startspell_h)
#if (@endspell_m < @startspell_m) {#add endspell_m 60}
#var totalspell_m %eval( @endspell_m - @startspell_m)
#if (@endspell_s < @startspell_s) {#add endspell_s 60}
#var totalspell_s %eval( @endspell_s - @startspell_s)
#if (@Spelldura.spellshort == 1) {
  #var naysay REFRESH
  #delkey SpellDura spellshort
  } {#var naysay DOWN}
#if (%mod( @totalspell_h, 24) > 0) {#sh {%proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) @naysay elasped: %mod( @totalspell_h, 24) %mod( @totalspell_m, 60) %mod( @totalspell_s, 60) :elasped @naysay %proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""))}} {#sh {%proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) @naysay elasped: %mod( @totalspell_m, 60) %mod( @totalspell_s, 60) :elasped @naysay %proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""))}}
#unvar naysay
#unvar spellfoci
#unvar spellterm
#unvar startspell_h
#unvar startspell_m
#unvar startspell_s
#unvar endspell_h
#unvar endspell_m
#unvar endspell_s
#unvar totalspell_h
#unvar totalspell_m
#unvar totalspell_s
#class 0

Amateur tip. It helps me to break up compact code blocks with comments or #noop to better look at the contents.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:04 am   
Been playing with countdowns, I can make them all decrease but on a refresh the track number is shortened, so thinking of using a standard key to reset.

Maybe others just use standard keys? Never seen one before, and mine is at like 95% now. Lots of keys and vars, somebody else should write this.

was trying to find averages but think that might lock out the display:


incomplete unlimited item counter:

#class SpellDuration
#var startspell_h %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 1)
#var endspell_h %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 1)
#var startspell_m %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 2)
#var endspell_m %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 2)
#var startspell_s %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 3)
#var endspell_s %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 3)
#if (@endspell_h < @startspell_h) {#add endspell_h 24}
#var totalspell_h %eval( @endspell_h - @startspell_h)
#if (@endspell_m < @startspell_m) {#add endspell_m 60}
#var totalspell_m %eval( @endspell_m - @startspell_m)
#if (@endspell_s < @startspell_s) {#add endspell_s 60}
#var totalspell_s %eval( @endspell_s - @startspell_s)
#var totalspell_h %mod( @totalspell_h, 24)
#var totalspell_m %mod( @totalspell_m, 60)
#var totalspell_s %mod( @totalspell_s, 60)
#if (@Spelldura.spellshort == 1) {
  #var naysay REFRESH
  #delkey Spelldura spellshort
  } {#var naysay DOWN}
#if (%mod( @totalspell_h, 24) > 0) {#sh {<color %db( @AllPref, col_alert) %db( @AllPref, col_bg)>%proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) @naysay elasped: @totalspell_h @totalspell_m @totalspell_s :elasped @naysay %proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""))</color>}} {#sh {<color %db( @AllPref, col_alert) %db( @AllPref, col_bg)>%proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) @naysay elasped: @totalspell_m @totalspell_s :elasped @naysay %proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""))</color>}}
; total avg trig value in mins:
#var refspellvalue %eval( ((@totalspell_h * 6000) + (@totalspell_m *60) + (@totalspell_s + 30)) / 60)
; is a db key to shut down the trig averaged
#var tm_avgnamekey %concat( "ref", %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""), "timer")
#if (%db( @SpellDura, @tm_avgnamekey) > 0) {
  #var tm_avg4key %eval( (@refspellvalue + %db( SpellDura, @tm_avgnamekey))/ 2)
  #if (@naysay == "REFRESH") {#var %concat( "ref", %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) %db( @SpellDura, @tm_avgnamekey)} {
    #addkey SpellDura @tm_avgnamekey @refspellvalue
    ; is the status update var:
    #var %concat( "ref", %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) @refspellvalue
#unvar naysay
  #unvar spellfoci
  #unvar spellterm
  #unvar startspell_h
  #unvar startspell_m
  #unvar startspell_s
  #unvar endspell_h
  #unvar endspell_m
  #unvar endspell_s
  #unvar totalspell_h
  #unvar totalspell_m
  #unvar totalspell_s
#class 0

I'll test in in ZMud tomorrow and debug the last bit, I haven't run it
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:23 pm   
nope, initialization became more of a morass. ill get it
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:19 pm   
Love manipulating this thread, I had done it in case anyone wanted to contribute, BTW.

This is working fine in CMud with created variables like 'refbless' and those entered in a status bar.

You can see it is way clunky but I am not a real programmer, I just play one in ZScript.

#class SpellDuration
#sh " "
#var startspell_h %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 1)
#var endspell_h %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 1)
#var startspell_m %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 2)
#var endspell_m %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 2)
#var startspell_s %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellfoci), 3)
#var endspell_s %item( %db( @SpellDura, @spellterm), 3)
#if (@endspell_h < @startspell_h) {#add endspell_h 24}
#var totalspell_h %eval( @endspell_h - @startspell_h)
#if (@endspell_m < @startspell_m) {#add endspell_m 60}
#var totalspell_m %eval( @endspell_m - @startspell_m)
#if (@endspell_s < @startspell_s) {#add endspell_s 60}
#var totalspell_s %eval( @endspell_s - @startspell_s)
#var totalspell_h %mod( @totalspell_h, 24)
#var totalspell_m %mod( @totalspell_m, 60)
#var totalspell_s %mod( @totalspell_s, 60)
#var naysay ""
#if (@SpellDura.spellshort == 1) {#var naysay REFRESH} {#if (@SpellDura.spellshort == 2) {
    #var naysay DOWN
    #var %concat( "ref", %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) -1
    } {
    #sh skipping
    #var naysay SKIP
#if (@naysay != "DOWN") {
  #var refspellvalue %eval( ((@totalspell_h * 60) + (@totalspell_m) + (@totalspell_s + 30) / 60))
  #sh refspellvalue: @refspellvalue
  #sh spellfoci: @spellfoci
  #var tm_avgnamekey %concat( "ref", %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""), "timer")
  #var tm_maxnamekey %concat( "ref", %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""), "max")
  #var tm_nameforvar %concat( "ref", %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""))
  #if (%db( @SpellDura, keep_average) == 1) {#if (%db( @SpellDura, @tm_avgnamekey) > 0) {#addkey SpellDura %concat( "averaged", "_", %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) %eval( (@refspellvalue + %db( @SpellDura, @tm_avgnamekey)) / 2)}}
  #if (@naysay == "REFRESH") {
    #sh testing refresh
    #if (%db( @SpellDura, @tm_avgnamekey) > 0) {#var refspellvalue %db( @SpellDura, @tm_avgnamekey)}
  #if (@refspellvalue > %db( @SpellDura, @tm_maxnamekey)) {#if (%db( @SpellDura, @tm_avgnamekey) < %db( @SpellDura, @tm_maxnamekey) && %db( @SpellDura, @tm_avgnamekey) > 1)  {
      #sh max value as avg key follows:
      #var refspellvalue %db( @SpellDura, @tm_avgnamekey)} {
      #sh max value as max key follows:
      #var refspellvalue %db( @SpellDura, @tm_maxnamekey)
  #sh refspellvalue is now @refspellvalue
  #var %expand( @tm_nameforvar, 1) ""
  #var %expand( @tm_nameforvar, 1) @refspellvalue
  #addkey SpellDura @tm_avgnamekey @refspellvalue
  #addkey SpellDura @spellfoci ""
  #addkey SpellDura @spellfoci %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss))
; is the print
#if (@naysay != "SKIP") {#if (@totalspell_h > 0) {#sh {<color %db( @AllPref, col_alert) %db( @AllPref, col_bg)>%proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) @naysay elasped: @totalspell_h @totalspell_m @totalspell_s :elasped @naysay %proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""))</color>}} {#sh {<color %db( @AllPref, col_alert) %db( @AllPref, col_bg)>%proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", "")) @naysay elasped: @totalspell_m @totalspell_s :elasped @naysay %proper( %replace( @spellfoci, "start", ""))</color>}}}
  #delkey SpellDura spellshort
  #unvar naysay
  #unvar spellfoci
  #unvar spellterm
  #unvar startspell_h
  #unvar startspell_m
  #unvar startspell_s
  #unvar endspell_h
  #unvar endspell_m
  #unvar endspell_s
  #unvar totalspell_h
  #unvar totalspell_m
  #unvar totalspell_s
#class 0

The start code for the spell up armour trigger is as follows:

#class SpellDuration
#sh Armourened at %time( h:nn:ss) %time( am/pm)
#var spellfoci startarmour
#var spellterm endarmour
#exec SpellReport
#class 0

Armour down trigger is this:

#class SpellDuration
#addkey SpellDura endarmour ""
#addkey SpellDura endarmour %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss))
#var spellfoci startarmour
#var spellterm endarmour
#addkey Spelldura spellshort 2
#exec SpellReport
#class 0

I haven't tested the refresh much, so there are errors, and I see one now to find out:

#class SpellDuration
#addkey SpellDura spellshort 1
#var spellfoci startarmour
#var spellterm endarmour
#exec SpellReport
#addkey SpellDura startarmour ""
#addkey SpellDura startarmour %concat( %time( hh), "|", %time( nn), "|", %time( ss))
#sh armoured at %time( hh):%time( nn):%time( ss)
#class 0

This is still classed 'unfinished, and I didn't even unvar some variables. This is my last post but if the OP needs more, I will post a cleaner revision to finished scripts when it continues to perform. Open to replies still.

Edit: I need closure on this post is all, just noticed the database is needed here, which to add would say this is better then it is, but I am done for now, in this thread.
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