chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:30 am
Getting Back to the Damage Calculator |
Now that we're back to none which I can easily get output for, hopefully there will not be any problems.
I can go one of two directions right now, you can choose which one you think is easiest to help with or that I'll learn the most from.
I hope most of you remember my damage calculator, but, if you don't, I will post the code right after this.
Here are the options of where I can go:
a) Identifying novel creatures, pets, and you doing damage, and storing damage data (damage amounts, number of hits) in variables, further sub diving them by attack type. So the psuedo information from one variable might be:
you - shocking bite - 3456 damage - 51 hits
you - flaming bite - 8905 damage - 55 hits
fire elemental - flames - 4560 damage - 45 hits
a furred sasquatch #1 - pound - 567 damage - 32 hits
a furred sasquatch #2 - pound - 905 damage - 36 hits
b) Subtotals at the end of each round... something like:
A purple tube worm's suction misses you. (0) dmg
A purple tube worm's suction misses you. (0) dmg
A purple tube worm's suction misses you. (0) dmg
Your shock === OBLITERATES === a purple tube worm! (88) dmg
Your shock *** DEMOLISHES *** a purple tube worm! (58.5) dmg
Your shock === OBLITERATES === a purple tube worm! (88) dmg
Your shock MASSACRES a purple tube worm! (50.5) dmg
Your shock === OBLITERATES === a purple tube worm! (88) dmg
Your shock MANGLES a purple tube worm! (54.5) dmg
A purple tube worm is in awful condition.
You: 425 damage to A purple tube worm [ 6% left ]
A purple tube worm: 0 damage to you [ 100% left ]
could do attack types too and such, but then might as well do (a) first.
That's all I can think of right now. Let me know what kind of output you need. What I posted for the rounds, aside from the last two lines is the general output of a round between myself and 1 creature, no pets of my own.
Code: |
#var attack_type {chomp|polevault kick|flame|spell|flamestrike|smash|lightning bolt|roundhouse|shock|acidic bite|beating|bite|blast|charge|chill|chop|claw|cleave|crush|divine|drain|flame|flaming bite|freezing bite|grep|magic|peck|pierce|pound|punch|scratch|shocking bite|shock|slap|slash|slice|slime|smash|stab|sting|suction|thrust|thwack|whip|wrath|kick} _nodef {General Variables|Damage Calculator}
#var damage_type {misses|maims|scratches|grazes|hits|injures|wounds|mauls|decimates|devastates|maims|MUTILATES|DISEMBOWELS|DISMEMBERS|MASSACRES|MANGLES|\*\*\* DEMOLISHES \*\*\*|\*\*\* DEVASTATES \*\*\*|=== OBLITERATES ===|>>> ANNIHILATES <<<|<<< ERADICATES >>>|GHASTLY|HORRID|DREADFUL|HIDEOUS|INDESCRIBABLE|UNSPEAKABLE} _nodef {General Variables|Damage Calculator}
#oninput {^add_attack (*)} {#noinput;#ADDITEM attack_type %1;#say %1 Added to attack type} {General Aliases}
#var Pcolor1 "#005700" _nodef {General Variables|Damage Calculator}
#var Pcolor2 "#FFFF00" _nodef {General Variables|Damage Calculator}
#var Pcolor3 "#FF0000" _nodef {General Variables|Damage Calculator}
#var attack_type {chomp|polevault kick|flame|spell|flamestrike|smash|lightning bolt|roundhouse|shock|acidic bite|beating|bite|blast|charge|chill|chop|claw|cleave|crush|divine|drain|flame|flaming bite|freezing bite|grep|magic|peck|pierce|pound|punch|scratch|shocking bite|shock|slap|slash|slice|slime|smash|stab|sting|suction|thrust|thwack|whip|wrath|kick} _nodef {General Variables|Damage Calculator}
#var damage_type {misses|maims|scratches|grazes|hits|injures|wounds|mauls|decimates|devastates|maims|MUTILATES|DISEMBOWELS|DISMEMBERS|MASSACRES|MANGLES|\*\*\* DEMOLISHES \*\*\*|\*\*\* DEVASTATES \*\*\*|=== OBLITERATES ===|>>> ANNIHILATES <<<|<<< ERADICATES >>>|GHASTLY|HORRID|DREADFUL|HIDEOUS|INDESCRIBABLE|UNSPEAKABLE} _nodef {General Variables|Damage Calculator}
#oninput {^Pcolor1 (*)} {#noinput;Pcolor1=%1;#say Player Color 1 Set to: @Pcolor1} {General Aliases|Damage Calculator}
#oninput {^Pcolor2 (*)} {#noinput;Pcolor2=%1;#say Player Color 2 Set to: @Pcolor2} {General Aliases|Damage Calculator}
#oninput {^Pcolor3 (*)} {#noinput;Pcolor3=%1;#say Player Color 3 Set to: @Pcolor3} {General Aliases|Damage Calculator}
#al Pcolor {
#say {Pcolor1: <color @Pcolor1>@Pcolor1</color>}
#say {Pcolor2: <color @Pcolor2>@Pcolor2</color>}
#say {Pcolor3: <color @Pcolor3>@Pcolor3</color>} } {General Aliases|Damage Calculator}
#al add_attack { #if (%ismember(%params, @attack_type)) {
#say %params is already in the list!
} { #ADDITEM attack_type %params
#say %params Added to attack type } } {General Aliases|Damage Calculator}
#al showlist { #forall @attack_type {#wait 400;#say %i }} {General Aliases|Damage Calculator}
#say Loading Damage Convertor and Display Trigger...
#regex Damage_Convert {^(?>\[[^\]]*\] )?(?>\w+\-?'?\s?)+?(@attack_type) (?>does )?(@damage_type) (?>things to )?(?>a |the )?(?>\w+\-?'?\s?)+?[!.]}
$Dmg=" "
#switch ($DmgVal)
("misses") {$Dmg=0}
("scratches") {$Dmg=2.5}
("grazes") {$Dmg=6.5}
("hits") {$Dmg=10.5}
("injures") {$Dmg=14.5}
("wounds") {$Dmg=18.5}
("mauls") {$Dmg=22.5}
("decimates") {$Dmg=26.5}
("devastates") {$Dmg=30.5}
("maims") {$Dmg=34.5}
("MUTILATES") {$Dmg=38.5}
("DISEMBOWELS") {$Dmg=42.5}
("DISMEMBERS") {$Dmg=46.5}
("MASSACRES") {$Dmg=50.5}
("MANGLES") {$Dmg=54.5}
("*** DEMOLISHES ***") {$Dmg=58.5}
("*** DEVASTATES ***") {$Dmg=68}
("=== OBLITERATES ===") {$Dmg=88}
(">>> ANNIHILATES <<<") {$Dmg= 112}
("<<< ERADICATES >>>") {$Dmg=136}
("GHASTLY") {$Dmg=163}
("HORRID") {$Dmg=188}
("DREADFUL") {$Dmg=228}
("HIDEOUS") {$Dmg=238}
("INDESCRIBABLE") {$Dmg=263}
("UNSPEAKABLE") {$Dmg=280}
#switch ($Dmg=0) {#sayadd { <color #CCCCCC>~(</color><color #2D2D00>$Dmg</color><color #CCCCCC>~) dmg </color>}}
(($Dmg > 0) AND ($Dmg <=34.5)) {#sayadd { <color #CCCCCC>~(</color><color @Pcolor1>$Dmg</color><color #CCCCCC>~) dmg </color>}}
(($Dmg > 34.5) AND ($Dmg <= 54.5)) {#sayadd { <color #CCCCCC>~(</color><color @Pcolor2>$Dmg</color><color #CCCCCC>~) dmg </color>}}
(($Dmg > 54.5) AND ($Dmg <= 136)) {#sayadd { <color #CCCCCC>~(</color><color @Pcolor3>$Dmg</color><color #CCCCCC>~) dmg </color>}}
(($Dmg >= 163) AND ($Dmg <= 280)) {#sayadd { %ansi(blink)<color #CCCCCC>~(</color><color @Pcolor3>$Dmg</color><color #CCCCCC>~) dmg </color>%ansi(none)}}
} {General Triggers|Damage Calculator}
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:02 am |
Well this should be pretty easy. You are already calculating the damage each hit. Just include an accumulator variable in your script and at the end of a round you can pump out the total damage done. As far as how much is left, you would have to know the total health of the creature, then just subtract the total damage from that. I guess this is what you are asking. I'm not really sure.
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:18 am |
I am. The difficulty lies in getting CMUD to know when the end of the round comes. Creature condition is almost a good indicator, but there are a couple of ways to see the creature's condition not associated with a round. I need to start a database of the hp of various creatures, but I'm looking sort of for all of the more complex pieces of that question as opposed to details like database variables (which are still something I need to learn anyways)
So, for the rounds question I need:
- A way to identify the end of a round
- A way to create a database variable
- A way to sub-total damage for a round. As opposed to an overall total.
- A way to make sure the information is presented neatly after the round.
- A way to do subtotals (and totals) by attacker and attack-target
---- A way to do this with you and 1 mob
---- A way to do this with you and 2+ mobs, different names
---- A way to do this with you and 2+ mobs, same name
---- A way to do this with you and 3+ mobs, same and different names
---- A way to do this with you, another player (or more) and all of the above. |
Rahab Wizard
Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 2320
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:45 pm |
Most of us don't play your game, so we can't tell you what indicates the end of a round. You tell us: how do YOU know it is the end of a round? Is there a prompt? Some other line that consistently comes at the end of a round? Or perhaps a set of lines of which one is chosen to indicate the end of a round? If the "condition" line is the only indication of the end of a round, but can also occur at other times, then I don't see any way to do what you are asking.
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:54 pm |
I'm asking and willing to give game output. What I posted is a round, I can post several rounds if you'd like.
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:58 pm |
Several rounds of Combat wrote: |
ki stone
Your beating DISMEMBERS a gnome stone excavator! (46.5) dmg
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating DISEMBOWELS a gnome stone excavator! (42.5) dmg
Your beating devastates a gnome stone excavator! (30.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
A gnome stone excavator dodges your attack.
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
Your beating mauls a gnome stone excavator. (22.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating DISEMBOWELS a gnome stone excavator! (42.5) dmg
Your beating devastates a gnome stone excavator! (30.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating DISMEMBERS a gnome stone excavator! (46.5) dmg
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating DISMEMBERS a gnome stone excavator! (46.5) dmg
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
A gnome stone excavator has a few scratches.
<1433/1424hp 514/812m 395/406mv 36891tnl 860pq 180/390w 802g/43s
[A Stone Slab Platform in Fling-fall Cavern] [U] 7:30pm [Sun Set] [Elvish]>
You dodge a gnome stone excavator's attack.
Your beating DISMEMBERS a gnome stone excavator! (46.5) dmg
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating MASSACRES a gnome stone excavator! (50.5) dmg
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating misses a gnome stone excavator. (0) dmg
A gnome stone excavator has some small wounds and bruises.
<1441/1424hp 514/812m 395/406mv 36891tnl 860pq 180/390w 802g/43s
[A Stone Slab Platform in Fling-fall Cavern] [U] 7:30pm [Sun Set] [Elvish]>
A gnome stone excavator's slash misses you. (0) dmg
Your beating DISMEMBERS a gnome stone excavator! (46.5) dmg
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating MANGLES a gnome stone excavator! (54.5) dmg
Your beating MUTILATES a gnome stone excavator! (38.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating DISEMBOWELS a gnome stone excavator! (42.5) dmg
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
A gnome stone excavator has some small wounds and bruises.
<1450/1424hp 514/812m 395/406mv 36891tnl 860pq 180/390w 802g/43s
[A Stone Slab Platform in Fling-fall Cavern] [U] 7:30pm [Sun Set] [Elvish]>
You dodge a gnome stone excavator's attack.
A gnome stone excavator dodges your attack.
Your beating DISMEMBERS a gnome stone excavator! (46.5) dmg
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
A gnome stone excavator has some small wounds and bruises.
<1454/1424hp 514/812m 395/406mv 36891tnl 860pq 180/390w 802g/43s
[A Stone Slab Platform in Fling-fall Cavern] [U] 7:30pm [Sun Set] [Elvish]>
A gnome stone excavator's slash misses you. (0) dmg
Your beating MUTILATES a gnome stone excavator! (38.5) dmg
Your beating devastates a gnome stone excavator! (30.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating MUTILATES a gnome stone excavator! (38.5) dmg
Your beating decimates a gnome stone excavator! (26.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
A gnome stone excavator has some small wounds and bruises.
<1460/1424hp 514/812m 395/406mv 36891tnl 860pq 180/390w 802g/43s
[A Stone Slab Platform in Fling-fall Cavern] [U] 7:30pm [Sun Set] [Elvish]>
A gnome stone excavator's slash misses you. (0) dmg
Your beating MANGLES a gnome stone excavator! (54.5) dmg
Your beating MUTILATES a gnome stone excavator! (38.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating DISMEMBERS a gnome stone excavator! (46.5) dmg
A gnome stone excavator dodges your attack.
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating DISMEMBERS a gnome stone excavator! (46.5) dmg
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
A gnome stone excavator has some small wounds and bruises.
<1466/1424hp 514/812m 395/406mv 36891tnl 860pq 180/390w 802g/43s
[A Stone Slab Platform in Fling-fall Cavern] [U] 7:30pm [Sun Set] [Elvish]>
You dodge a gnome stone excavator's attack.
Your beating DISMEMBERS a gnome stone excavator! (46.5) dmg
Your beating maims a gnome stone excavator! (34.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
Your beating misses a gnome stone excavator. (0) dmg
Your beating DISEMBOWELS a gnome stone excavator! (42.5) dmg
Your beating devastates a gnome stone excavator! (30.5) dmg
A netherium great staff draws life from a gnome stone excavator.
A gnome stone excavator has some small wounds and bruises.
If you look you can see condition:
Look wrote: |
A gnome stone excavator is here, fighting YOU!
A gnome flinger, stationed at the end of the platform, is aimed for the opposite side.
A small gnome carrying a stack of papers three times his height walks by you.
A wild pig is sleeping here.
A wild pig is sleeping here.
A wild pig is sleeping here.
A wild pig is sleeping here.
A wild pig is sleeping here.
A long haired dog is sleeping here.
A gnome stone excavator looks pretty hurt.
And if you glance at them you can see condition:
glance wrote: |
glance gnome
A gnome in a protective heat suit is in excellent condition.
Rahab Wizard
Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 2320
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 3:25 pm |
Actually, I wasn't asking you to give us output, though it is helpful. What I asked is how do YOU know when a round ends? I don't play your mud, and looking at your output I can't be sure what defines a round. What is the end of a round? Is it the prompt?
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 3:32 pm |
If I knew what was unique to the end of a round in my MUD I wouldn't be asking that question. What I've posted is all I can give. A round is the block of text that had many attacks in it. It doesn't end on a prompt because there's a line break. Not to mention, the prompt shows up all the time so basing it off the prompt seems worse than the condition
Rahab Wizard
Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 2320
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 3:39 pm |
If there is no clear indication of the end of a round, I don't see how you can expect to trigger on the end of a round.
I think what you are trying to do is simply get intermittent updates on the progress of the battle? Perhaps you should choose some other point on which to make those updates. Some possibilities I can think of are the prompt, or time, such as every 2 seconds. |
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:09 pm |
I don't want intermittent updates, or I would probably have done what you suggested. What I want are round subtotals. What I'm asking right now is if you can see anything that might be unique to the round. Since you can't and I can't, neither of us can help with that. Hopefully someone else might see something.
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:58 pm |
The trouble, chamenas, is that you're asking us to spot the borders between rounds, when we have absolutely no idea where in the output they could come. Could a round be every line? Could there be two rounds in that text? Three? Four? We have no idea.
What's making the prompt appear? Does the MUD do that automatically during combat? It doesn't seem to be after a certain number of attacks, but was it roughly each round, or what?
If you never know where the border is between one round and another, then your script can never know; but that's fine, because you won't be thinking "why hasn't my script told me what the subtotal is for this round?" because you won't know a round's gone by. So either you know where the border between a round is (and if you do, how do you know? Is there a short pause between one round's attacks and the next or something?) and that's something the script can work off, or you don't know, and neither does the script, but you can just put out updates whenever you like and you'll never be the wiser. |
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 5:43 pm |
I posted the output! A round is a bunch of attack separated by a line feed. That's why the prompt appears. But neither of those are unique.
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 6:44 pm |
Okay, so now we know that there's a linefeed at the end of rounds. That's all we wanted. Seems like it should be easy to add up the damage for the current round, and then when you see a linefeed, if there's a current value for the round damage total, print it and clear the variable.
hogarius Adept
Joined: 29 Jan 2003 Posts: 221 Location: islands.genesismuds.org
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 6:45 pm |
So, a line feed, or in other words a blank line followed by a prompt, or perhaps just a blank line, is how you tell that a round ends?
Or when the mud spits out a bunch of text, then stops outputting for a second or several seconds...is that when a round ends?
Or does the mud send out some kind of hidden text, which you'd be able to pick out in CMUD's debug window, at the end of the round?
If none of those are true, I don't think CMUD has any way of picking up when a round ends. What you want to do may not be possible, or you may have to redefine what you want to do.
Edit: ninjaed. |
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:32 pm |
Fang Xianfu wrote: |
Okay, so now we know that there's a linefeed at the end of rounds. That's all we wanted. Seems like it should be easy to add up the damage for the current round, and then when you see a linefeed, if there's a current value for the round damage total, print it and clear the variable. |
And how, pray tell, do I make CMUD see the line feed? |
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 8:01 pm |
^$ as a trigger pattern should work, but it depends on exactly what the MUD's sending. If that doesn't work, get some raw input of one of the linefeeds from the debugger.
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:36 am |
Alright, so if I understand you correctly. My trigger pattern is ^$, and then there's an expression #IF (subdmg>0) {#say @subdmg;subdmg=0}
Of course, that's real basic. I also need to divide it up by who does damage to who |
Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:33 am |
Yeah, that's the idea.
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 2:33 am |
So how do you suggest splitting all of the subtotals up?
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 7:48 pm |
This is odd:
Aerraen Wallace has some small wounds and bruises. (18.5) dmg |
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:30 pm |
Quote: |
So how do you suggest splitting all of the subtotals up? |
What's the problem? Just use accumulators. For example, each round would be roundDamage=@roundDamage+$dmg. Total damage would be totalDamage=@totalDamage+@roundDamage.
At the end of the round #show @roundDamage then reset roundDamage. At the end of the fight #show @totalDamage then reset totalDamage.
I have no idea why "Aerraen Wallace has some small wounds and bruises." is firing that trigger unless you have one of the words before "wounds" in your attack types list. You keep changing stuff so much it's hard to say. |
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:34 pm |
No, I meant splitting the subtotal into who does damage to who
player1 does X to mob1 in Y hits avg (Z)
mob1 does X1 to player1 in Y1 hits avg (Z1)
player2 does X2 to mob1 in Y2 hits avg (Z2)
As for the wallace. Just tell me how to get the string literal again and I'll post it. |
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:48 pm |
I think you are turning this entire thing into a complicated mess. Do you really need all that? However, again I have to ask what is the problem here? I just told you how to get that. It's real simple to take what I just said above and get the output you are wanting.
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:53 pm |
Yes, but that only takes into account the entirety of the damage done. I know I need database variables for what I want, but I know nothing of them.
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:05 pm |
Uh of course it adds up the damage. How else would you get the output you just said along with averages.
Quote: |
b) Subtotals at the end of each round... something like:
A purple tube worm's suction misses you. (0) dmg
A purple tube worm's suction misses you. (0) dmg
A purple tube worm's suction misses you. (0) dmg
Your shock === OBLITERATES === a purple tube worm! (88) dmg
Your shock *** DEMOLISHES *** a purple tube worm! (58.5) dmg
Your shock === OBLITERATES === a purple tube worm! (88) dmg
Your shock MASSACRES a purple tube worm! (50.5) dmg
Your shock === OBLITERATES === a purple tube worm! (88) dmg
Your shock MANGLES a purple tube worm! (54.5) dmg
A purple tube worm is in awful condition.
You: 425 damage to A purple tube worm [ 6% left ]
A purple tube worm: 0 damage to you [ 100% left ] |
You don't need a database for what you said you wanted to do here. It's flipping simple and you are making it complicated, not to mention you are changing what you said earlier.
Are you now saying you want to printout all the damages, averages, number of hits, and blah blah after an entire bashing session? That's crazy. What are you trying to do write your own MUD? |