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Joined: 04 Jan 2006
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Location: Portland, Oregon

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:43 pm   

[2.20] Display of room title on the prompt line
In the text below the room name appears on the prompt line (bolded below). This seems to only occur when I'm moving rooms rather quickly. I hadn't noticed this happening in any of the previous versions of the program.

7700h, 8107m, 33864e, 31940w exd-s
Foot of hill nearing mountains.
You see exits leading north and south.
7700h, 8107m, 33862e, 31940w exd-s
Mountain foothill.
You see exits leading north, southeast, south, southwest, and up.
7700h, 8107m, 33860e, 31940w exd-Valley nearing mountains.
You see exits leading north, northeast, south, west, and northwest.
7700h, 8107m, 33858e, 31940w exd-s
In the valley.
You see exits leading north and southeast.
7700h, 8107m, 33876e, 31964w exd-s
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:12 pm   
It's not a bug, it's because of the way the text is structured. Prompts don't end in CRLF, so whatever text comes next (be it a command or whatever) is appended to them. Since you already sent your last command before the prompt arrived, the room name gets attached to the end of the line instead. I'm not sure if it's the MUD (I recognise those prompts, I think) or if it's a standard feature, but you're right, normally that doesn't happen. I think that normally the CRLF is only left off at the end of a packet, because your commands won't change the contents of the current packet. Either that's changed or you got unlucky with your packet boundaries (or you recently disabled MCCP or something).

Regardless, this happens on many MUDs all the time, and it's very annoying. It'd be great if CMUD could do something about it. Adding text to the end of a prompt line is possible using #sub or #psub, so it's not like appending would be much harder.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:43 pm   
Actually, if your MUD supports the EOR/GA options for marking the end of the prompt and you turn on the EOR/GA option in the preferences, then CMUD should put the room name on the next line instead of the same line with the prompt.

Of course, that requires your MUD to implement either the EOR (end-of-record) or GA (go-ahead) Telnet options, which is what these options were invented for. But a lot of MUDs barely seem to know about normal Telnet options. In any case, it's something you can ask your MUD about. The technology exists...it's just a matter of getting them to implement it.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:46 pm   
I'm pretty sure that is an IRE mud. I know because I reported the same thing ever since like 2.10 version of CMUD on Achaea. I am sure I could find the thread, but it might take awhile. I doesn't happen on any other Mud I have played. Usually it happened when you sent directions like he was doing there.

Edit: Here is my old thread.


I was frustrated back then...haha

Edit again: I think this is still problems with ATCP. Like in my old thread what you are seeing and what Larkin was seeing in the thread below is the same stuff that I had going on back then.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:22 pm   
ReedN: Can you verify that this is on an IRE MUD and whether you have ATCP and/or MCCP enabled?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:24 am   
I've had this come up since the zMUD days. Seems to happen most when there is a little lag and you are moving quickly. Also used to happen (haven't seen it as much) when someone spoke on one of your channels and you were walking swiftly.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2006
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Location: Portland, Oregon

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:36 am   
It is an IRE Mud, Achaea to be specific.

ATCP emulation: Enabled
MUD Compression (MCCP): Disabled
Use GA/EOR for prompt: Enabled
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:39 am   
I get the same problem with my MUD. It has happened since ZMUD days. It would be really great if CMUD could do something about this....It messes up my #CAP trigs.

{HP:495/495 100%|MP:703/703|Mv:100%|AC:-427|TNL:559,246}s
[+] The Temple Square [+]
[Exits: north east south west up down]
You are standing on the temple square. Huge marble steps lead up to the
temple gate. The entrance to the Clerics Guild is to the west, and the old
Grunting Boar Inn, is to the east. Just south of here you see the market
square, the center of Midgaard.

A small white fountain gushes forth here.

{HP:495/495 100%|MP:703/703|Mv:99%|AC:-427|TNL:559,246}|-|-|-|-|-|-| Standing on the Outside of an Iron Fence |-|-|-|-|-|-|
[Exits: east]
A tall wrought iron fence blocks your way to the west. There is a
gate, however. Standing before the gate is a muscular man, dressed in
colorful garb. By his appearance you gather his dress is some kind of
uniform. By the look on his stoic face, you also guess he is not
going to talk to any passerby.
Resting in the center of the fence's perimeter is a large wooden
structure. It appears to be a Guildhouse. There is a large metal
crest hung above the door with the letters "RPG" written underneath. The
guildhouse appears to be empty at this time, but there are workers fixing
the place up.

(White Aura)A large man stands silently here, guarding the entrance.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2006
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Location: Portland, Oregon

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:01 pm   
From the release log I see a slew of display fixes and so I wasn't sure if they applied to this bug. So if they weren't meant to address this bug then my apologies for the error.

I haven't seen any of the other display bugs, but I still do still see this particular bug in 2.21 - Where items that should be at the start of a new line are displayed after the prompt, messing up triggers that should be firing.
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:01 pm   
You'll need to send or post the results of a #DEBUGFILE command so that I can see the exact text and codes being sent from the MUD. As Fang mentioned in his original post, it's possible that this is caused by what the MUD is sending and not by CMUD. So use

#DEBUGFILE test.raw test.txt

and then do whatever on the MUD to cause the problem to occur, and then send me both files as email attachments. Or you can post the test.txt file here within "code" tags.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2006
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Location: Portland, Oregon

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:18 pm   
From my limited deductive abilities it appears to happen whenever the system is quick enough in responding that it enters a direction command exactly between the room name line and the room exits line. I'll zip them up and send them to support as well.

What I see:

Prelatorian highway through grasslands (road).
You see exits leading east and west.
7700h, 8107m, 33898e, 32400w exd-w
Along the southern Prelatorian highway (road).
You see exits leading east and northwest.
7700h, 8107m, 33896e, 32400w exd-Along the southern Prelatorian highway (road).
You see exits leading north and southeast.
7700h, 8107m, 33894e, 32400w exd-n
Sharp turn in the Prelatorian highway (road).
You see exits leading south and west.
7700h, 8107m, 33892e, 32400w exd-Prelatorian highway on outskirts of southern Ithmia (road).
You see exits leading east and northwest.
7700h, 8107m, 33890e, 32400w exd-


out (    3) 04/01/08 21:58:20:781 : w<CR><LF>
in  (  448) 04/01/08 21:58:21:734 : <ESC>[1;33mAlong the southern Prelatorian highway <ESC>[0;37m(road).<CR><LF>
<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Along the southern Prelatorian highway (road)<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;31mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits e,nw<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;31m east and northwest.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m7700h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 8107m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 33896e,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 32400w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:7700/7700 M:8107/8107 E:33896/33900 W:32400/32400 NL:0/100 <IAC><SE> exd-<IAC><EOR><IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Along the southern Prelatorian highway (road)<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits e,nw<IAC><SE>
out (    4) 04/01/08 21:58:21:750 : nw<CR><LF>
in  (  449) 04/01/08 21:58:22:078 : <ESC>[1;33mAlong the southern Prelatorian highway <ESC>[0;37m(road).<CR><LF>
<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Along the southern Prelatorian highway (road)<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;31mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,se<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;31m north and southeast.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m7700h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 8107m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 33894e,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 32400w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:7700/7700 M:8107/8107 E:33894/33900 W:32400/32400 NL:0/100 <IAC><SE> exd-<IAC><EOR><IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Along the southern Prelatorian highway (road)<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,se<IAC><SE>
out (    3) 04/01/08 21:58:22:156 : n<CR><LF>
in  (  439) 04/01/08 21:58:22:781 : <ESC>[1;33mSharp turn in the Prelatorian highway <ESC>[0;37m(road).<CR><LF>
<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Sharp turn in the Prelatorian highway (road)<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;31mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits s,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;31m south and west.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m7700h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 8107m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 33892e,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 32400w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:7700/7700 M:8107/8107 E:33892/33900 W:32400/32400 NL:0/100 <IAC><SE> exd-<IAC><EOR><IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Sharp turn in the Prelatorian highway (road)<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits s,w<IAC><SE>
out (    3) 04/01/08 21:58:22:812 : w<CR><LF>
in  (  487) 04/01/08 21:58:23:109 : <ESC>[1;33mPrelatorian highway on outskirts of southern Ithmia <ESC>[0;37m(road).<CR><LF>
<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Prelatorian highway on outskirts of southern Ithmia (road)<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;31mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits e,nw<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;31m east and northwest.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m7700h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 8107m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 33890e,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 32400w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:7700/7700 M:8107/8107 E:33890/33900 W:32400/32400 NL:0/100 <IAC><SE> exd-<IAC><EOR><IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Prelatorian highway on outskirts of southern Ithmia (road)<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits e,nw<IAC><SE>
out (    2) 04/01/08 21:59:45:109 : <CR><LF>

(edited by Zugg to remove RAW output)
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:18 pm   
OK, I was able to reproduce the problem. Turns out that when you get ATCP data after a IAC EOR code, the EOR gets messed up in CMUD, preventing a newline from being added when the next data is received.

Btw, posting the "raw" output in the forums is never needed, since the forum strips out various control codes anyway. So I edited your message to remove it.
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