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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
Posts: 277

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:05 pm   

Mapper troubles
Recently, some problems have arisen in Cmud mapper (2.18)

It never used to do this before, but all of a sudden it started.

i haven't changed any settings before or after this problem.

Problem 1)
Speedwalking won't automatically run places.
go sword - will run me to the sword from anywhere in the mud
go back - will stop at the last room before the zone changes
like I said, nothing was changed, it used to work, but suddenly now it doesn't. Rooms aren't flagged DNE or anything like that, I've checked.

Problem 2)
if I doubleclick on a specific room, it'll run me to that room, but then move me 1 room north on the mapper
it only does this in 1 area, and only 1 area
I've deleted that area, and recreated, but it's still doing it?
I don't have room descriptions on, only short descriptions, and there's nothing in the room destription that will trigger anything(I've tried with triggers off, still does it)

Problem 3)
when I type go smurfs, mapper will run there, but if I type a command while it's running, it'll do the command immediately, where before it would do it once it reached it's destination...
This causes me great troubles, because before I would do something of the following

go magic
get all from bag
go shop5
sell all
go magic

i would type those commands really fast, and an alias really wouldn't be efficient, because it's not always the same variables(magic might change, shop always changes, don't necessarily go home after each shop, etc)

now if I type go magic, home in 2 separate commands, it never goes home, because it types home halfway through, and obviously I can't go home from some random room on the mud

Which reminds me of a new problem that also came up

Problem 4)
I have an alias, sellit

alias sellit
get all from box
go shop%-1
sell all
go magic

now, when I type sellit 1, it types the following into cmud

get all from box 1
magic 1
sell all

it only enters the 1 on my first 2 lines, not the last 2.. doesn't make sense
also, it doesn't go shop1(rooms are named shop1 shop2 shop3, etc.) because my house is set to do not enter, so it doesn't leave my house, which won't use go magic...

Any questions, please ask/email/msn me.. I know it's a lengthy post with lots of problems, but they only just started, and I'm confused...

thanks again for all your help guys, i appreciate it!

/edited because I can't count. Graveyard shifts make the brain go mushy.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:51 pm   
1) Someone else has reported some problems with speedwalking across zones. I don't know anything about that problem.

2) Odd. Do you have any room scripts in that area?

3) Earlier public versions did not have threading, while 2.18 does. Perhaps speedwalking is done in a background thread now. That would produce the effect you are seeing, because new commands would run in another thread, simultaneously with the speedwalking thread. If this is the problem, I don't have a solution offhand. The solution might require threading commands, or testing %inwalk to see when the speedwalk is finished.

4) The first thing I notice is that shop%-1 uses implicit concatenation, which should be avoided. Implicit concatenation can lead to unexpected problems. The second thing I notice is that you probably want to use %1 instead of %-1. I don't know any reason why these problems would produce what you are seeing, but try fixing them anyway.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2005
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Location: Austin, TX

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:49 pm   
Rahab wrote:
1) Someone else has reported some problems with speedwalking across zones. I don't know anything about that problem.

That problem has to do with crashes occurring when stepping between zones. The speedwalk itself works ok. So it's (apparently) unrelated.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
Posts: 277

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:52 am   
I just realized something with the mapper problem.

Both times that I try to run out of an area, the exit to the next zone is an out exit.. It's not going out.. soon as I go out, it'll finish the rest once I tell it to
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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:49 am   
I fixed problem #2 that I listed earlier.

I had a room exit south, but used pull lever;enter as the other command when it moved south... It wouldn't move south on the mapper as it did that.
I moved the pull lever into the room script, and left enter in the other command box

I also figured out why i was having problems with my speedwalking. Somehow, the delay after speedwalk was changed back to 5, I had it at 0 before. Now, there's no pause between when I type go xxxxx, and home. it'll do them in that order..

I guess the biggest problem I'm having now, is why won't my mapper run between certain areas, and why does my sellit alias not work properly. Anyone?
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Joined: 21 Sep 2005
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Location: Austin, TX

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:09 pm   
Can you post the actual script for your sellit alias? (XML inside code tags,pls) That way we can see exactly what it's doing.
Come visit Mozart Mud...and tell an imm that Aerith sent you!
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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
Posts: 277

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:53 pm   
<alias name="sellit" autoappend="true" id="245">
<value>get all
go shop%-1
sell all
go magic

go is aliased to #walk
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Joined: 17 Jul 2007
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Location: California

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:15 am   
It is possible that your sellit alias doesn't work properly because you have autoappend="true". Try running it with that feature turned off.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
Posts: 277

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:59 am   
Thank you, that fixed that problem.

So, now the only problem I have remaining is the mapper run problem.

I found a 3rd area where it won't run "out" to switch between zones. However, i realized if I run to the "out" room using the speedwalk, and I go <name> a second time, it'll continue on it's normal path as to where I wanted to go....

Make sense?
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